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Chapter Five: Kicked Out

Y/n cried, on the verge of slapping the young woman back. She raised her hand as Seon Mi flinched, "Y/n!" Jungkook's angry voice was heard all over the room. His palm met her cheeks.

Jungkook slapped her. Seon Mi smirked in happiness as she watched Jungkook's angry figure. She was happy to see the two fighting like how she liked it. After all, her plan was to ruin their relationship.

Y/n slowly turned to Jungkook, shocked and hurt for defending Seon Mi and not her, his wife. Tears filled her eyes again as Jungkook yelled at her, "Did you just try hurting Seon Mi behind my back? What did she do to you for you to hurt her huh? I asked you to cook food and not to hurt people. You're so useless. YOU'RE A USELESS WITCH WHO CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE AND STAY AWAY FROM US!" He slapped her again.

Y/n couldn't believe her husband. He was kicking her out of their home. In fact, her home. The home was bought under her name but she still couldn't believe that he was kicking her out.


"I said leave you witch." Jungkook pushed Y/n off of him and walked up to their shared room. Y/n clung on Jungkook's arms, no matter how many times he pushes her away. He walked up to their closet and aggressively take out her clothes and belongings. He walks around throwing her things on the ground as Y/n begs for forgiveness and to let her stay.

Seon Mi watched with amusement and giggles whenever Jungkook does something to hurt Y/n, "Yes baby, hurt her~ she deserves it."

"No Jungkook...Please... I love you.." Y/n plead but he didn't listen. He acted as if she wasn't there and wrecked her belongings. He ripped her clothes in front of her. Seon Mi smirked and laughed as if it was the funniest thing she had ever seen.

Tears were falling down her face. As Jungkook messes the whole place, Seon Mi walked up to Y/n and slapped her behind Jungkook's back, "If you listened long ago, this wouldn't have happened. If you stayed away from him, this wouldn't have happened. You're so stubborn and i hate that. He hates that." Seon Mi slapped Y/n every sentence she spoke.

Soon, Jungkook comes back with Y/n's belongings and threw it outside. When he came back in, Seon Mi was on the floor crying as well, concerning Jungkook. "WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME YOU WITCH?"

"Baby, s-she slapped me when you w-went outside. She said I-i caused this to h-happen..." Seon Mi cried. When in reality, she wanted to cause more problem to separate the couple. It was obvious that she was acting but since Jungkook was too blind to notice, he dragged Y/n out of the house and threw her remaining stuff out.



Y/n opened her mouth and was about to say something but she met the door shutting close to her face. Tears fell once more. She stayed in that position for God knows how long.

Feeling tired and lost, Y/n took out her broken phone and called her best friend, Sim Yoora.

"Y-yoora..." Y/n stuttered, making the other end worried. "Yes..? Are you ok?" Whenever Y/n calls, she is usually enthusiastic and never in pain. She was a happy girl but unfortunately not this time, "C-can you pick me up at Jungkook's house? I'll tell you what happened when you arrive..."

"O-oh ok.." Yoora mumbled before hunging up and rushed out of her house, worried for her best friend's safety.

My Husband - 𝘑𝘦𝘰𝘯 𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬✔️Where stories live. Discover now