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Chapter Nine: I Found U and U Found Me

Y/n arrived in a speed of light. Luckily, during her drive to the airport, no cops were around to give her a speeding ticket even though she obviously went over the speed limit.

Y/n parked and quickly run inside the airport looking for him. God...please...I'm begging... The announcements were no use, the staffs were just as useless as it. She looked around for him everywhere but still, there was no sign for him. There were no announcements for flights to America as well.

It hasn't even been 10 minutes and homegirl was loosing (J)hope. She was that desperate to find him. Soon, she broke down into tears, regretting her decisions for leaving him suffering just like that. She thought she had lost him forever. She felt like a bad wife. What a dumbass.

But then, a hand tapped her shoulder. Y/n smiled with hope and turned around, "Jungkook- Oh." Her smile faded when she was greeted with a security guard, "Miss, get out of the damn way. Why on earth are you sitting in the middle of the airport bawling your eyes out? There's seats for your ass to cry on. So please go there and not here. You're being a nuisance to passengers arriving and departing. Please go before me and my crew do it for you. Thank you." Y/n looked around in embarrassment, realizing what she had done. With no hesitation, she stood up and quickly find a spot for her to sat on.

"What was that..." She mumbled but then she realized why she was here in the first place and there we go, she's back to bawling her eyes out, mumbling his name like a psychopath. Once again, someone tapped her shoulder. With the little hope she had, she turned around but to her dismay, it was an old lady looking at her with a concerned face, "Dear, are you alright? You've been chanting weird names like a psycho... Do you need to go to a hospital? You look like a mess and it's scaring everyone here..."

"I'm fine don't worry, I'm just waiting for someone."

"Ya sure don't look like you're waiting for someone with that look..." The lady mumbled before leaving the girl alone. And once again, she was back to crying like a weirdo.

After what seemed like years, another hand tapped her shoulder. She felt tired with people tapping her shoulder and making nonsense comments about her, "What is it this time? I don't have time for your nonsense so please, leave me alone..."

"Are you sure you want me to leave you alone after seeing you like this in the airport?"

That voice sounded so familiar to her ears, she turned around to see the man she was looking for, fortunately, "Jungkook... JUNGKOOK!" She yelled in happiness and hugged him right like there's no tomorrow. She cried on his shoulder as he hugged her back, smiling.

"I can't believe you would actually follow me Y/n..."

"Why wouldn't I?!" They giggled at her comment. But then, Jungkook became serious, "Y/n, I know I wasn't the best for the past years or so and i'm so sorry for everything, the way i treated you and for being a jerk. I'm sorry for not appreciating everything you've done for me and I'm sorry for-" Y/n cut him off by pecking his lips, "Shhh.. i've already forgive you... Jungkook... I love y-you..always.."

"I love you too...and I'm sorry.." He pulled her closer and kissed her passionately. They both stopped, interrupted by the sounds of people clapping. They turned around, only to see Yoora, Taehyung, Haru and Jungkook's other friends clapping at them. The pair looked away in embarrassment. "Finally, the two dumbasses are back together." Taehyung sarcastically yelled as they all laughed in return.

Well... I guess this is a good start for a new journey, well, not for me but for them apparently.

My Husband - 𝘑𝘦𝘰𝘯 𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬✔️Where stories live. Discover now