Chapter 14

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(Y/F/F)-your favorite fairytale

The next day (Y/N) shows up at school and Henry's already in his seat. Mrs Blanchard starts teaching the class about snowbells and how the have a "magical meaning". Then the bell rings symbolizing it was time to go home. Hey (Y/N) I hear and turn around to see who it was calling my name. I see Henry catching up to me to tell me something. "Hey Henry" I say once he caught up to me. "(Y/N) I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the library, to look more into my book?",Henry ask between panting breaths. "Sure Henry", (Y/N) replies. So (Y/N) and Henry head to the library.
*Time Skip to the Library*
So Henry and I find a seat and start looking into his book. Henry turns the page of his book to (Y/F/F). "So these people live in this town because of the curse and they remember who they are because of your mom, but how are they going to go back to the Enchanted Forest?", I ask Henry. "I'm not sure (Y/N), but the savior will find a way", Henry says. "Okay", I respond. "(Y/N), I'm going to head home", Henry says. So (Y/N) and Henry part ways and head home for dinner. I arrive home for dinner and talk to my parents about the cool things Henry's been telling me . Then I make my way to bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.
*The Next Day*
The next day I wake up and make my way down stairs. "(Y/N), dear apparently the mayor thought it would be nice to give you guys a day off of school", my mom says. "Cool", I say. (Y/N)'s phone rang and (Y/N) picked it up and was told by Grace to meet her at the forest and to wear something nice but casual.
*Henry's POV*
I wake up to hear my phone go off it's from Emma, my mom. "Kid, you have the day off of school because Regina. Meet me at the forest, wear something nice but casual." Her text read so I got changed and went to the woods.
*(Y/N)'s POV*
When I arrived at the forest I saw Henry and beautiful scenery set up. Henry and I went to sit on the blanket somebody set up for a picnic. "Henry, did you do this?", I asked. Henry shook his head and said "No". He continued to say "who wants us here together, no offense?" "None taken", (Y/N) said. "(Y/N), I think I know",Henry said. "Who?", you asked. "My Mom, Emma", Henry replied. "And I bet, Grace helped with your mom's plan", you said. "Why did Grace help my mom?", Henry questioned. "Because I told Grace I like your, (Y/N) said shyly. "You like me", Henry questioned, "Yeah", (Y/N) said picking at her nails. "That's good because I like you to (Y/N)",Henry said with a small smile. "Really", (Y/N) said as Henry nodded his head. You and Henry way to one another and shared a hug filled with happiness. As you and Henry embrace and Henry said "(Y/N) would you like to be my girlfriend?" "Yes!" You said as your foreheads touched. "Henry, I forgot to tell you, my mom got her memories back", you said. "How?" Henry questioned. "When she kissed me goodnight, a gust of wind blew and she started to talk about Grace, sorry I forgot to tell you at school,"(Y/N) said. "It's okay and that's great", Henry said with a smile.

Little did you and Henry know Emma and Grace were at Granny's making a toast on their successful plan, on getting the two of you together.

Before you knew it there was a small gap between you and Henry was closed with both your and Henry's lips connecting. Then...

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