Chapter 18

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*(Y/N)'s POV*
"(Y/N) we got the bean", I hear my family say as I get loaded with hugs and kisses. Charming gives Regina the magic bean. Regina then throws the bean to the ground and a blue and purple portal appears from the ground. Granny, Ruby, Charming, Snow, Charming, Regina, Robin and lastly Gold and Belle hop through the portal.
*Time Skip to Storybrooke*
I see Snow andCharming run up to Emma for a loving family embrace, then I see Henry standing awkwardly next to Emma. Odd I though but I sped walk to Henry, when I felt someone holding me back from hugging my boyfriend. I turn around and see Emma. "Emma what's wrong?", I ask concerned. "It's Henry", Emma says sadly. "What's wrong with Henry?", I practically shout. "He doesn't remember you, (Y/N)," Emma says. "What do you mean?", I say almost in tears. Before Emma continues the Blue Fairy says, " Henry doesn't remember you because when you to kissed. It was so powerful because you both have the heart of the truest believer and it just so happens when an interaction like this happens, one person looses there memory and that person is Henry. But don't worry it just happens once because you two now are close to one another." "Will he remember eventually?",(Y/N) asks as a tear rolls down her cheek. "True loves kiss is the most powerful magic of all,so it should work", Blue replied. "Okay", (Y/N) says barely a whisper.
*Henry's POV*
I'm standing near the bell tower seeing the towns people coming out of the portal and a couple goes and hugs my mom. I just stand there then I see someone I recognize but I can't place my finger on where or who the person is. Then she comes up to me and my mom stops her half way. "Who is that Mom?", I ask after her conversation with the girl. "Oh someone from school, Henry",my mom Emma replies.

*(Y/N)'s POV *
I went to bed that night, crying myself to sleep knowing my boyfriend, Henry, doesn't remember me.
* The Next Day*

The next day I went to Granny's to meet Grace to plan how to get Henry's memories back. "So (Y/N), I was thinking we should call it Operation Make Henry Remember", says Grace. I said it was an okay operation name. Then Henry walked in and sat right next to me. "Hi I'm Henry, you sit next to me in class right", he says. I try to hold back my tears and responded with a yes and I told him my name.

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