The Realization

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Sophie woke up to a knock at her door. When she yelled "GO AWAY!" The voice said, "Foster, did you just wake up?" It was Keefe. Sophie blushed and said, "No..Go away Keefe." Keefe replied, "I can sense you blushing, can't get enough of the Keefester." "Ugh your so annoying." Sophie said. Sophie got up and started changing. Keefe entered the room and immediately closed the doo when he saw Sophie changing. "You could've told me you were changing.." Keefe blushed. Sophie said, "Whatever." She was brushing her hair and putting her shoes on at the same time. When she went outside to find Keefe still there he said, "So, since we're dating we're probably gonna be number 1 on each other's list, aren't you glad you are dating me instead of Fi-" Sophie pulled him into a kiss to stop him from finishing his name. When she pulled away, they went we're walking downstairs when Grady was eyeing them. "You be careful with her." He said to Keefe. Keefe nodded, "Of course." When they left the house Keefe immediately grabbed Sophie's hand. "You always do that when my parents aren't around." Sophie said staring at their hands. "I'm afraid your dad will beat me again." Sophie laughed. "You really have to not act like Keefe around them."

They arrived to Fitz and Biana's house to find everyone already there with their lists. They sat in a circle and Sophie and Keefe took out their scrolls. Keefe took Sophie's hand and squeezed it, "Whatever we get I'll always love you." He whispered. Sophie blushed, "Me too."

Dear Sophie Foster,
We have your match making scroll, and have made your list. Blah blah blah blah blah...

1. Keefe Sencen
2. Fitztry Vacker
3. Dexter Dizznee
4. Tam Song

Sophie pulled Keefe into a kiss and showed him her scroll. Keefe's face lit up then quickly frowned and showed her his scroll.

1. Biana Vacker
2. Linh Song
3. Marella Redek
12. Sophie Foster

Sophie frowned, then put on a weak smile. "At least I'm in your top 20s." Sophie said, trying to sound hopeful. "I know but I wanted you to be number one." Keefe said falling backwards.
"Me too." Sophie said, falling back with him and burrowing her head on his chest. "Hey Sophie?" Fitz asked. "Hm?" Sophie replied. "You're my number one." Fitz said.

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