The Figure

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I should really make a schedule for this book, I'll post on Wednesdays. Uh yeaa, how was your week? I'm not very good at conversations as you can see.

Who else is excited for Flashback!! Eek can't waitt!


When the mysterious green gas disappeared, everyone was called into the auditorium for an assembly.

"So, who did this incident, again?" Master Leto asked the students.

Master Leto looked at Keefe then Sophie who were sitting next to each other.

"Sophie Foster and Keefe Sencen please come up to the stage." He said.

They both walked up and stood there.

"There are our 2 suspects." Master Leto said to the students. "We will vote on who you think did it."

A teacher that Sophie didn't recognize started passing around little pieces of paper and pencils.

"You either write 'Sophie F.' or 'Keefe S.' on your card then Lady Cadence will come collect them." He said.

When the students were finished, Lady Cadence came around, and brung the papers to Master Leto.

He counted the votes, and mostly everyone said Keefe did it.

"I'm sorry Keefe, but according to the votes they said you did it, so you'll have to get your 93rd detention." Master Leto said to Keefe.

"Oh bummer." Keefe said.

Sophie was excused to go sit back down, but watched her boyfriend still standing on the stage.


After the assembly everyone was able to go home, since there was still some gas and the smell lurking around the school.

Sophie went to her locker and licked the padlock to open it.

She grabbed her books and closed her locker.

She waited outside the school for her friends, since she would usually light leap home with them.

Fitz was the one that appeared first, it was a little awkward every since they kissed, but they started some normal conversation.

"What was your padlock taste today?" Fitz asked.

"It tasted a bit of cranberry." Sophie replied.

"Oh, mine tasted like vanilla." Fitz said.

"Oh cool, I like vanilla a lot better than cranberry." Sophie said.

Then a pair of arms came up from behind her and pulled her into an embrace. This action, did scare Sophie, as she jumped a bit.

"Sorry Foster, didn't mean to scare you." Keefe said.

"It's fine." Sophie said trying to get out of his hug.

He finally let go after lots of begging and persuading.

Biana and Linh showed up a little later, Tam close behind.

Tam and Biana were complete opposites, but had a thing for each other, but they aren't dating yet, sadly. They consider themselves 'friends with benefits'. Sophie and Linh always tease Biana about her little crush.

After a while of waiting, Dex finally showed.

"Hey Deck." Fitz said, he knows that annoys him, but he says it anyway.

Dex glared at him and said, "Hey Wonderboy."

A couple feet behind Dex was an elf with a cloak, Sophie saw a glimpse of his face, which looked much of Keefe's, but he was next to her.

"Keefe?" Sophie asked.

"Yea Foster?" Keefe replied.

"Who's that cloaked figure over there?" She pointed.

"What figure?" He asked, looking confused.

The figure looked at Sophie and gave her an evil smile.


Hehehe, anyway when do you go back to school, or when did you go back to school? I go September 6th, and it's currently August 15th, and I have to get a shot to go to 7th grade..haha. Oops I revealed to much about myself, KRYSTAL OUT!

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