Kidnapped, Again.

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Ah sorry I didn't post Wednesday I forgot, and I was super lazy. Anways, school starts soon..yay..


After Keefe left, Sophie went inside to an angry Grady.

"What happ-"

"Why were you with him?" Grady cut her off.

"Cause..we're just hanging out, nothing serious." Sophie responded.

"Oh really? Explain this." Grady showed her a photograph of Keefe kissing Sophie's head. (Btw idk if the Lost Cities have cameras)
Sophie hesitated.

" why was his lips on your head?" Grady asked.

"Shoot I didn't tell him we were dating.." Sophie thought.

"Well..I forgot to tell you, but we're dating.." Sophie said.

Grady's face turned red and he started yelling at her.


Sophie was stung by these words, and tears formed in her eyes.

"YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHO TO DATE!" Sophie yelled through tears.

Sophie ran to her room and didn't let Grady finish his sentence.


In the morning Sophie ignored Grady the whole time.

"Sophie we need to talk." Grady said.

Sophie ignored him and walked off.

"You can't ignore me forever you know! I'm your dad!" He shouted.

Sophie stopped in her tracks.

"You're not." Sophie said, "You're my adoptive father." Then she walked off.

The tears came as soon as she left the house. Keefe was waiting in his usual spot when he saw her crying.

"What happened Foster?" Keefe asked.

Sophie looked at him, still crying.

"My-dad.." She choked out.

"What happened with him?" He asked, sympatheticly.

Sophie collapsed into Keefe's arms and cried into his chest. He petted her head while she sobbed into his uniform.

When she was done she told him everything while they walked to school.

"You don't have to date me." Keefe said. "I'll be fine." He gave her a small smile.

Sophie hugged his arm, "But I wanna be with you."

"You sure?"



After Sophie's 4th class she walked to the cafeteria to eat lunch.

She saw Keefe and Fitz arguing. She listened.

"Do you want to make her dad mad? Just let her date me!" Fitz shouted.

"I don't, and she said she wants to be with me." Keefe shouted back.

They kept shouting until they saw Sophie watching them.

Sophie walked off to the cafeteria, footsteps were behind her, she thought they were Keefe or Fitz.

"Look I don't wanna talk with you right now." Sophie said.

The person put a hand on Sophie's mouth.

"Sh." The voice said.

Sophie kicked and punched put the person wouldn't let go. When she looked up to see who it was, there was a black hoodie around their face.

"You can't escape, Sophie." The voice said to her.

"Let me go!" She shouted, but her voice was muffled.

She was being dragged the way she came from, and looked helplessly at Fitz and Keefe which still stared at her. They ran to her, but the person must've been a mesmer cause he made them stop in their tracks.

Sophie kept kicking and trying to get out, but it was no use, she was kidnapped. Again.

AHAHAHAH sorry for the cliffhanger, also I started writing this 9/1/18 but finished 9/2/18 I'm so lazy srsly😂

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