The Break

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Keefe stared at Fitz then looked over at Sophie. She had a disappointed look, while Fitz's expression was hopeful. "So does that mean we can be a thi-" "No." Keefe said, interrupting Fitz. Sophie stared at Keefe. Fitz said, "Sorry Keefe...I forgot." Fitz said apologetic. "It's fine..I just need some fresh air." Keefe said, getting up and walking into the backyard. Sophie ran after him, "Keefe, wait!" When she caught up with him she found Keefe kicking the dirt. She hugged him. Keefe looked down at her, startled that she followed him. She said into his chest, "I love you Keefe, and I always will." Keefe looked at her and Sophie looked at him with sad eyes. Keefe wanted to say the same thing back, but what came out was, "Don't you wanna be with Fitz?" He said shaking her off of him. Sophie said, "No I want you, I don't care if I'm his number one, I wanna be your number one." She tried hugging him again, but Keefe shook her off. "But you're not my number're number twelve.." Keefe said. Jealousy. That was the word that kept going through his mind. Jealousy jealousy. "I.." Sophie started but got cut off by her tears. They were rolling down her face, and Keefe wanted to hug her, say some cheesy pick up line that'll make her laugh, then kiss her. But he didn't do that, instead he said, "Sophie, I love you but it seems like you should be with Fitz." Sophie asked, "Are you..breaking up with me?" Sophie said through tears. "No..we should just take a break." Keefe replied. Sophie ran off, tears streaming down her face. Keefe watched her and his own tears swelled up in his eyes and wondered what to do.

Sophie ran back to the room crying like crazy. Biana was the first to ask, "Sophie, what happened?!" Sophie managed to say through tears, "Keefe he-we're taking a break.." Biana looked at her in shock. Fitz said, "It's all my fault if I hadn't said Sophie was my number one, this wouldn't have happened." "No it isn't your fault, it's no one's fault." Sophie said to Fitz. Soon after they finished their conversation Sophie and Biana went to Sophie's and the were talking and talking about Keefe. After Biana left, there was a knock at her door. It was Keefe. Tears swelled in her eyes, but let him in. Keefe felt like a monster, that he made her cry. Keefe explained why he did it, and asked if he'd still be his girlfriend. Sophie accepted, and Keefe pulled her into a long kiss. And it all felt right. Everything fell into place.m

Sophie's Keefe StrugglesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz