The Crush

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Keefe stayed the night at Sophie's. They were talking and laughing till 2am. Sophie finally fell asleep on Keefe's chest, and Keefe later fell asleep as well. Edaline and Grady opened the door and Grady started walking to them but Edaline said, "Grady leave them be, look who cute they are!" Grady said, "Fine." And they both left the room.

Keefe woke up first and slowly got out of bed, not to wake up Sophie. He got a message on his Imparter from Fitz.

Fitz: We need to talk, NOW.
Keefe: What happened?
Fitz: Call me.

Keefe called Fitz, and he immediately answered. "Sophie had a crush on me before you 2 started dating." "Yeah no dur." Keefe said, laughing. "I'm an Empath, I can read her emotions, at first I was jealous Wonderboy, but then after she said yes to me I was okay." Keefe said. "Huh, how long has she liked me?" Fitz asked. "When you guys met till when me and her started dating." Keefe answered. "Oh okay, well I have to get ready for school, see you there." Fitz hung up.

Keefe woke up Sophie. "Go away.." She said slapping him softly. "Foster, it's me." Keefe said. "Oh Keefe!" Sophie exclaimed sitting up with a huge smile on her face. He felt relieved to see her reaction to see him. He did a quick peck on the cheek and told her to get dressed, they had school. Keefe went to his house to put his uniform on. He came back to see Sophie waiting for him. They walker to school, hand-in -hand.

They arrived at school to find Biana stomping toward Keefe, and looked at their hands intertwined. "Oh you guys are good now?" She asked. "Never better." Sophie answered looking up at Keefe. She hated how tall he was, she can never kiss him properly without her going on her toes. Keefe on the other hand, enjoyed this difference in height. They went inside, everyone looking at Sophie and Keefe. Some were saying "Aw." While others were saying "Keefe be mine!" Keefe pushed them off. "Keefe  be mine!" Sophie said, trying to mimick the girls. "Gladly." Keefe said, kissing her forehead. Sophie blushed, and then she let go of his hand and went to her next class. Keefe followed, since he was famous for skipping. "Keefe you should really go to class." Sophie said to him. "Nah hanging with you is more fun." Keefe replied. Sophie looked at him with that go-to-class-now-or-no-kisses-for-the-rest-of-the-day look. "Fine." Keefe said, walking towards his class.

After class Keefe searched for Sophie threw the crowd of the other students. He found her talking with Biana and Linh. Keefe stood next to Sophie, "Hey" he said to her, searching for her hand. Linh did that I'm-throwing-up face, while Biana said, "You two are insperable." Keefe shrugged, while Sophie said, "He's always following me, he's like that next door neighbor stalker." Sophie said looking up at Keefe with a smile. Keefe look confused, then realized it was a joke and smiled back.

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