Chapter 26

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NSFW Slightly:

>Lancey Lance<
Hey Keith.
I think I may have left my wallet there.

Oh it's you...
Why do you keep texting my boyfriend?

>Lancey Lance<
Woah, Keith sure is getting busy!
I'm pretty positive his boyfriend kinda raped him.

You have an active imagination.

>Lancey Lance<
What can I say.
My mama warned me about it ;)

Look just stop texting my boyfriend.

>Lancey Lance<
No can do...
He has my wallet.

Oh wait!

No I found it.

Then you can leave.

>Lancey Lance<
No I can't.
I'm already in love.
I'm sure Keith thinks the same.

Sorry to shatter you heart...
But you're just a rebound.
He always comes back to me.
Begging for me to take him.
Moaning out my name.
Oh give me a second.

Oh give me a second

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Lance gritted his teeth. He hated this.

He hated that Keith kept going back to his stupid boyfriend.

The guy who raped him.

He needed to do something.

But if he did, he might risk there friendship.

Frowning he locked his screen.

If Keith wants to be with him, then so be it.

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