Chapter 34

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Lance drummed his fingers against the counter. He used his other hand to rest his head on. Lotor should be here any hour.

As if on que the door opened.

"Keith! Where the fuck are you!?"

Ah, what a nice way to start things off. Lance stood up and walked into the front room where Lotor stood fuming.

"Who are you!?"

Lotor was pretty handsome for being an asshole. Pale skin, platinum hair, and as tall as Lance was.

"Awe~ You dont know? Its me Lancey Lance from the bar trip!"

Lance plastered a fake smile on his lips.

He heard footsteps approach behind him. Glancing back, he noticed the nervous male.

"Keith! Why is here! Are you cheating on me?"

"N-no actually-" Lotor stepped forward but Lance gave him a sharp venomous glare.

"He isn't yours to fuck with! So butt Out!"

Lotor hissed.

"Actually, Keith is My friend. And you are the fucker who raped him so yeah it is my business."

Lotor frowned.

"Rape him? Please he was begging for it."

Lance wasn't pleased with his response. Grabbing Lotor by the throat he slammed him into the wall.

"Listen here little shit. I dont know who you think you are but Keith isn't a piece of property you can claim and fuck when ever you want. He is as human as the both of us. If you ever touch a hair on him again, I will slit your throat."

Keith widened his eyes at how aggressive Lance has gotten.

No one has been that protective over him.

Lotor smirked.

"Little old you are going to protect him. Cute. But he is a whore. He'll come back, he always does." Lance let go as Lotor ajusted his clothes before leaving.

"I should have shoved him down the stairs."

Lance grumbles.

A pair of arms gently wrapped around him from behind.

"Thank you Lance."

Lance smiled softly.

"Anything for you."

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