Chapter 38

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Let's hit the bar tonight! My treat!

Are you okay Pidge?
Why are you in such a festive mood?

I failed my exam.
My teacher claims that my thesis wasn't strong enough to support my argument...
The problem is Keith....



How does that happen?

Who knows Keith!
Are you coming or not?

Heading downstairs now.

Music blast in Keith's ear as he sip of the savoring alcoholic drink. Pidge took back to back shots, her body bouncing with energy.

"Where's Shiro?"

She asked turning towards the male. Shrugging Keith eyes gazed upon the crowd.

"Hey Kitten, you look pretty fine tonight~"

Keith breath hitched as he grabbed the male by the collar of the neck about to defend himself when he realized.

"You're not Lotor."

Eyebrow raised he curiously looked at the awkward male.

"No James. The names James."

Keith inspected his face and sighed in defeat.

Letting him go he returned to his drink, finishing off the little that was left.

James scoffed and rolled his eyes, leaning up against the bar.

"I'll have a shot of crown."

Matt nods making the drink carefully inspecting the two.

"So what's your name~" He purrs resting his head on the palm of his hand. His head tilted slightly. "Keith..." Keith replies taking another shot of his drink.

"Pidge!!!!" A girl cried over the music.

"Oh! That must be Romelle! I'll be back Keith." She slurred skipping off. James leaned in closer. "Girlfriend?"
He questioned eyebrow raised. "Gay." Keith replied monotoned. James smirked.

"Makes that two of us~"

Keith laughed and rolled his eyes. His phone buzzed catching his attention. Glancing down he read the incoming text.


Don't you dare!

Keith if you go home with a guy you aren't allowed to drink here ever again!

Rolling his eyes he locked his screen and turned to face James again.

"James is it?"


Keith felt laughter bubble up in himself as James and him continued to flirt back at each other. Both far intoxicated to care. Well up until a familiar face popped in front of him. His lips sealed shut as his face paled.

"What do we got here. Is the kitten in heat again. God what a whore." James eyes glared up at him.

"Who the fuck are you?"

Lotor laughed as he pulled back his long lushish locks.

"I'm his boyfriend."

James raised a brow and turned towards Keith.

"Come on Kitten don't you think it's time to come home."

Keith swallowed hard slowly shaking his head.

James frowned.

Lotor gripped his wrist. "Jesus.... I miss this smell." Lotor whispers quietly in his ear. Keith shivered pleading for James to do something.


"Let go..." Keith squeaked trying to shake out of his grip. James noticed tapping Lotor's shoulder. "What the fuck-"


Bloody nose.

Lotor held his nose tightly and glared at James. "You little shit!" Coming in for a punch, the two fought. Keith did the only logical response to his drunken brain. He ran.

Leaving the bar, he ran as fast as he could before something stopped him shaking him into the ground. "Owwww...." Gazing up he noticed the soft blue eyes gazing at him with shock.


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