Chapter 46

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>Lancey Lance<



What now?

>Lancey Lance<

My family is wanting to come visiiiit! And I kinda haven't told them anything


You're on your own babe

>Lancey Lance<

Keith don't do this to me!

Message Read

>Lancey Lance<

Don't leave me on read!

Babe please :(


I'll figure it out myself


Lance slammed his phone down and slammed his head against the library desk. Hunk gave a worried glance before returning his small talk with Shay.

"I'm doomed."


Raising his head his heart dropped and his eyes widened.


"Hey Lance... I uh been meaning to talk to you."

Lance quickly shot Hunk a pleading look hoping for him to stop her. "Kate Lance and us are really busy I'm sure-"

"Please! Let's just... Talk."

Lance sighed in defeat leaving his phone and following Kate outside.
"Okay Kate... What do you want?" Lance asked as he shoved his hands in his jacket pockets. Kate smiled gently as she leaned in a bit closer. "You're dating that boy from the bar aren't you?"

"What is it to you?"

Lance asked, some sass coming out of his tone.

"Oh nothing. I just wanted to make sure you are okay..." She trailed off tucking back her blonde hair. Her deep blue eyes staring up at Lance's. 


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