Show them

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Hey hope you're having a great day.
And just letting you know I actually got really tired last night lmao
That i made a few mistakes on the last chapter "here." So yeah
I went to go fix em and as i did meh rank went down but its alright cause its a good rank :D
Anyways hope you have a good day!
Nogla POV
This is so perfect!
I got pictures for minicat and H20vanoss!
They're gonna be so mad!
I lay on the bed going through my gallery
In my phone
I see the photos of Delirious tryna kiss vanoss
And wildcat.. um doing something with mini xoxo
I start giggling a bit to myself as i made jokes of what i saw.
"Hehe." I giggle.
I hear the door open.
"What are you giggling about? Hmmm?" Lui asks me walking into the room.

I stare at him blankly.
What should i say
What should i say.
"Puncake." I say.
"Puncake?" He repeats .
"P-u-n-c-a-k-e." I say
"Huh.?" He says looking at me confused.
I smirk
"Okay okay, ill tell you the truth of what im giggling bout." I say.
"Ok." He says sitting next to me on the bed.
"Okay.. so this morning." I say
"I saw ... some things going up stairs." I say nervously
"You are giggling because of ghosts?" He says concerned.
"Nono haha." I say laughing.
"Its cause.. i saw ....." i say
"Delirious tryna kiss vanoss while and he was asleep. and wildcat on top of mini while they were on their bed." I add on in a quick voice.( speaking quickly.)
(In a nervous way okayyyy ?)
I smile big.
He looks at me confused.
Then he lifts his head up
"Ahhhh! I get it hahaha." He says starting to laugh
"I got pictures!" I say.
"Really! Lemme see!" He says
"Look!" I say showing the picture of Wildcat.
Then delirious.
I smirk while he smirks too.
"Wow wow, im impressed with how you caught them." He says giggling a bit.
"And plus, that's a very rare moment too, haha," he says winking,
I smile ,
it is a rare moment
I  lean back so then im laying down,
"What should I do with these?" I say.
"Well I don't know, did they both see you taking the pictures?" (by "both" I mean del and wildcat)
"Yeah, haha" I say laughing.
"Well then, They're probably gonna get you to delete those pictures." He says,
Hmmm he is right.
"True.." I say agreeing.
"Welp, .... Oh. And don't use it against them, I mean you could, But you would look like a bitch towards them, hahaha." He says getting up.
"I don't even know what I would do with those pictures.." he says going to the door.
He shrugs.
"Im gonna head out, Probs gonna go to the super market.. Anyways see ya!" He says opening the door and heading out.
He waves and leaves.
I sigh.
"What AM  i gonna do." I say nervously.
Vanoss POV
I wake up.
6:35am, ... , Just right.
I look down to see delirious drooling on me as he is asleep.
"Eww." I say in a low voice.
I push him back a bit.
"Mm.. d-dont show him,.. mmm.. n-n-noglaaa........." He mumbles a bit.
I get confused.
Show what?
What could it be..
i start to get curious.
Should i ask nogla?
I shrug it off.
But it wont go away.
I keep thinking..
Who is him?
Show what?
What is it?
Is it a text?
Is it bad?
Is it good is it....
I feel a shuffle near my head
I look to see the puppy.
Still sleeping peacefully.
I push del a bit back,
"Del.." I whisper.
"Mmm ... what..?" He mumbles moving
towards me.
"What dont you want nogla to show...?" I whisper near his ear.
He turns towards me.
He hugs me and i close my eyes to seem asleep.
I stay still after a while and I open my eyes..
I see his mask near my face.
His grip on the back of my shirt wont loosen.
"A... a ... picture..." he says.
"About?" I whisper.
"Of.... me.." He says.
Like a nude pic?...
I start getting a bit confused of what the picture could be abou-
"And vanoss...." he says after a while of me thinking.
I blush.
Doing something with.. him?
I swallow.
"W-what was going on in the picture.." I whisper nervously.
"I..... was...... ab... about to..... kiss... him...." he says leaning into my neck.
I feel the texture of his mask on my neck.
I shiver nervously.
"K-k-kiss-ing....." i say nervously to myself.
He was about to kiss me...
I blush a deep red.
My eyes start to blink longer.
I was starting to fall asleep.
I close my eyes to see delirious lean into my face but stop.
He turns
His face grow widening eyes.
He starts to swallow a lot..
He turns back to me..
He looks down...
The room gets darker.
I see a shadowy figure.
"If you like him, You should tell him."
"And if you're not afraid of people being gay?"
Being called.

'Gay' ?"

Wildcat POV
I wake up from falling asleep.
I remember a flash.
And nogla...
"Ughhh..." I sigh.
"What's wrong...?" Mini says getting up.
"Oh.. didnt see you awake." I say nervously.
"Mmm its okay.." he says
"What are we gonna do about... you know..." i say.
"I-I dont know." He says.
"Should I talk to vanoss about it..?" I suggest.
"Well.. if you want too." He says
He gets up and goes to pet the corgi on the floor, (likes to sleep on the ground..)
"Haha.. that's cute.." I say.
"Well im gonna go shower, take care of him." He says getting up from squatting.
"Mkay, " I say.
The puppy goes to lay down on its back,
I smile.
I go out of the room..
Did that really happen?
I was surprisingly shocked at how nogla got a picture of the guys, doing stuff...
I walk near Wildcat's room.
I knock
"come in." I hear someone say, though it sounds muffled behind the door.
I open it.
"Hey," Wildcat says as he waves
"Hey man, Could I talk to you for a moment?" I say closing the door behind me.
"So listen, Nogla told me what he did."
I say
Wildcat looks at me kind of shocked and embarrassed.
"I mean.. It's not bad, haha." I say
He blushes
" Well... I don't know.. The crew will have to judge that." He says scratching the back of his neck.
"Well, I'm 1%... Nogla is 1%. You still need 8%, And that's it!" I say trying to be supportive.
"mm... True I guess, " He says shrugging.
I smile.
"Okay well anyway, Let's actually talk about the topic." I say.
"Mmkay." He says sitting up.
I sit next to him on the bed.
"Alright," i say.
We talk for a little bit, About the incident..., and we want to do something about it, but we cant decide on anything.
"Oh, Did you know he apparently caught delirious tryna kiss vanoss while vanoss was asleep." I say
"Really?!" He says shocked.
He chuckles a bit.
"Dude, Vanoss has cameras, Delirious is in big trouble!!" He says
"Shit."  I say
"We gotta go delete the footage.." He says worried.
I look down.
This is bad...
Reall... bad...
Wildcat POV
"Oh, what about mini. He is bery close with vanoss, i could ask him if he could delete the footage," I suggest
"Oh okay," Lui says
I get up and go to the bathroom door and knock,
"Yea?" I hear behind the door.
"Hey mini, Lui and I need some help, And it includes vanoss and delirious." I say.
The door opens and i see mini with a worried face on what may be happening.
I ask him if he could go in and delete the footage
He nods slowly.
"What? Whats wrong?" I say.
"Nope.. nothing." He says still nodding.
Mini POV
I have done this a million times,
But here...
Here we go again.
"Here we go again."
Omg omg omg so so so sorry!
I got lazy
i needed to check sir-prise, surprise..part2
A lot of fucking times,
I had to make references from other chapters
I had to re-read my book for THE 9th FUCKING TIMEEE UGHH
what you do for a terrible book that you call terrific.
well anyways,
Hope you guys enjoyed THIS chapter along with the others,
And again, making part 2
Lesss goo
making the part 2 AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE.
And again. I have to re-read this chapter..
Ill count how many times i checked other chapters
And ill say which chapter I checked.
Here we go again- mini.
OK OK bye enjoy!
Me amigo went to méxico
And yeah
I will try my best to make 10 chapters just for her to read when she gets back 😤😤😤😤
Thats my goal
Here.. we go..

Luvs you -churro
Disc: DeN0ticed_Duk#9613
Roblox: N0ticed_St0rm
Buh bye you might see me a lot on roblox,
And yes i am 12 ,,,,,,
Creating a book bout smut.

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