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Sup yall. Ill be doing a quiz soon :) for you :)
About this book
Watch some respectable bois do it ;)
heeeeee i can
——//— restarted——//—
Vanoss POV
"Could you go grab the corgi?" I ask.
"Uhh.. where is it?" Delirious asks.
"It should be in Wildcat's room." I say.
"Ahh okay, ill go check.." he says getting up.
"Mkay." I say
As i see him go up (i get some booty sight yoo-) i get out my phone and check my messages.
nothing yet..
I shrug and go to the living room and turn on the tv.
I go to Netflix.
Hmmm.. what to watch..
I check out AMERICAN VANDEL to see if its a good show.
I hear some running / tumble down the stairs
I look across to find delirious with the corgi tryna get out of his arms
"i uh.." he says before it bounced off his chest
And runs towards the husky.
I look at delirious with a frightened face on.
"Hahahaha" i laugh
"I swear that dog is gonna attack someone from a car window." He says scared
I chuckle

"Well thanks for bringing it down, Now the husky has someone to play with." I say.
"Mhm." He says
I see delirious turn around and go to the fridge.
I put on American Vandel ep 1.
"Hey who drank my yogurt.." i hear del say.
I freeze.
(It was supposed to be a g:)
i stare at the tv like i heard nothing.
"Vanoss..." i hear
Nope nope
"Vanoss." I heard him say with more tone in his voice
I turn my heard with a nervous smile on.
"Yeeaaa?" I say
He walks over to me
"Did you drink it?" He says
I swallow.
"Did... you?"
(You know i was thinking of like delirious crouching to get to his level, and then like when del asks again ill make vanoss kiss him and dash to their room. Hahahahahahahaahhahhahahah no.)
"Noo.. why would i?" I say.
He looks at me suspicious
"Hmm..." he hums.
i AM NOT taking the blame.
"Ill get you another one." I said
"mkay, thanks." He says
He goes back to the fridge and looks for something else.
Eh, ill tell them later.

Scotty(407) POV
I wake up and its 2:16pm
"Holy fuck." I say.
I feel something move beside me.
"Basically~" i say.
He moves his head.
"I think you're awake~" i say.
He moves even more.
"Stamp..." he murmured.
I poked basically
"Mmm!" He hummed angrily
And grabbed my arm.
I stay still to not make it noticeable that his grip hurts.
I inhale
He turns ,letting go of my arm, I bring in my own hand and hug it exhaling.
kind of loudly.
"mmm.." he mumbles
I was kind if curious but i let it slide , and decided to let him sleep.
I get up and go to the bathroom, i walk to the other side of the bed and peek a look to see if basically was awake.
I look and see him sleeping like an angel.
A beautiful angel..~
I stop turning the doorknob of the bathroom and look at him.
Ex- why did i think that..
I walk in the bathroom and look in the mirror.
"I dont think he is cute..." i say to myself in a low voice..
I look into my eyes in the mirror.
"I dont..."
i do??
I shake my head
"No.. no.. no!" I say kind of loud...
"Am.. i gay.. no of course not!.."
Am i..?
I sigh as a lot of thoughts go through my head
Vanoss POV
(Hour later.)
I finished 3 and a 1/2 ep of American Vandel.
Such a good show ;)
I take out my phone hearing a *ding.

Your Venture is here \|/ - Silliet.

I look at the location and its actually outside.
I look outside
"Woooow.." i say to myself.
I shrug right after and walk back away from the window to the couch
I go on my phone and go to the group chat


Hey bitches, get up and ready.
Lets go for some exploring.
Wink wink.
I smirk and decide to put another ep. of American Vandel.
Lets get this show, on the road.
—- cutting tooo the roooad.—-
"Alright then, where are we gonna go?" I say driving and look out infront of the drive way.
"Hmm.. what about miami beach." Brian says looking at his phone, Probably pictures of miami beach with beautiful girls on it COUGH COUGH
*im actually sick :(*
"Okay, i guess its miami beach. Haha." I say.
Everyone cheers
-1hour and ahalf laater-
"Alllrrright" i say.
"AlLriGht" wildcat says.
"We're here ya bitches. MOVE MOVE MOVE!" (Idk something what wildcat would say??)
I laugh taking out the key of the car out.
I open the door and i feel a fresh breeze.
I close the door and see the others out.
I see Terrorizer spread his arms out.
"Ohhhh yes!" He yells
"Jesus keep it down." I hear wildcat say
I laugh.
I look off to where the breeze was coming from to see the waves, the clear water turning than into blue.
I smile knowing today is gonna be a good day.
Wildcat POV
I laugh as I noticed Terrorizer give me a stare for saying that.
"Alright then, we're here where should we start?" Vanoss says closing his door
I look across to see the entrance to the hotel.
"Are we staying there?" I ask pointing to the hotel.
"I mean. We got our bathing suits than our clothes. We could stay." Vanoss says.
I look around to see everyone smiling at vanoss.
He notices everyone's reaction.
"Fine." He says
Everyone cheers while he chuckles.
I was in school and my teacher for 1st period and 5th.
English and poem writing/creative writing.
She was talking and i was doodling at the time.
She talked about POints Of ViEws!
And especially about third!
There are third pov where its a narrator talking about whats going on in the story
It is a third pov on one character out of all of them. And the narrator only knows thAT specIfiC characters thoughts.
and guess what!
Thats what im doing!
ANd i got this happy face in class and she looked at me and she was like
"Alright see /name ;)\ knows what im talkin bout."
And i saw everyone turn towards me and i started laughing.
Embarrassment is so fu-
We walk to the hotel with our bags that barely had anything.. but were kind of heavy.
We walked in and we waited while vanoss was getting our room.
"Wooow. Look, there is the hard part and the low part." Terrorizer says.
The crew, except for vanoss, looks at him. Some even smirking at him.
"Oh. No..  not like tha-"
Everyone started laughing before he could even finish.
Wildcat turns around noticing that vanoss is walking back but looking a bit back at the woman waving while smiling.
Vanoss waves and looks towards Wildcat and the rest.
"Hey what took so long?" Wildcat asks.
"Oh.. she wanted an autograph. Haha." Vanoss says chuckling.
"Oh. Wow. Congrats to you. The first to be noticed hahah." Wildcat says patting Vanoss's back.
"Dont worry you guys will be noticed too." Vanoss says with a sheepish laugh.
"Okay. What floor we on?" Mini says while walking with the crew to the elevator.
"Oh i got rooms for all of us." Vanoss says.
" like a suite?" Mini asks pressing the elevator button.
"Yea, Like a suite." vanoss said
"Ohhh thats cool!" Mini says getting in the elevator first.
They all get in the elevator standing and waiting
Delirious getting a little trippy even.
Vanoss puts a suite card in the elevator's card scaner.
"Suite a b c d."
Vanoss puts the card in the slot and it scans it and gives it back.

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