The DEAL is on

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"Oh fuck." Delirious says
The girl taps the other one who then looks at us shocked as we were.
Delirious and I slowly back up behind boxes.
And stay still hanging out there, awkwardly.
"Uh, hell no." We heard one of the girls yell oddly kind of loud
"AY THIS GUY IS BOTHERING US CUSTOMER SERVICE." We hear another voice but louder
Me and delirious peek to see some employee shushing the girls and grabbing the camera.
I hear delirious gasp and he pulls me back.
"What?" I ask confused.
"Thats luke!!!" He says whispering.
I look at him even more confused and lean again, to see luke.
wait a second.
The girls walk toward the exit being followed by him.
"What does he want from them??" Delirious asks
"Holy shit.. the pictures.." I say.
I speed walk with delirious toward another exit and go along side of a wall to see whats going on outside.
"Give me the pictures! I just wanna see em!" Luke yells
"Hell. NO." One of the girls says
Luke scoffs and reaches for the camera
The other girl kicks his ankle and they both dash to their car.
("G̬̤̯E̬̤̯T̬̤̯ Y̬̤̯O̬̤̯U̬̤̯R̬̤̯ A̬̤̯N̬̤̯K̬̤̯L̬̤̯E̬̤̯S̬̤̯ B̬̤̯R̬̤̯O̬̤̯K̬̤̯E̬̤̯ B̬̤̯O̬̤̯I̬̤̯!!")
Me and delirious dash to ours and follow their car.
"We're gonna look like stalkers!!" Delirious says as i take the same turn at them.
"Nahhh we wooont.." i say
After taking some turns we see them drive up a drive-way with a two-story house in front.
We take a turn and park a block away.
I park and turn off the car.
"You ready??" I say.
"W-what?!" Delirious says worried that we were getting into trouble.
"Lets just go." I say.
I get out of the car, looking down the street at the house.
I swallow, probably knowing whats about to go down.
I walk a bit down the block, i then turn around to see delirious BARELY getting out of the car.
I scoff and wait for him.
I hear some slooow footsteps behind me.
I turn around to see delirious taking really small steps.
"Really?" I say shaking my head while chuckling.
He blushes
I wait for him to catch up to me.
I get behind him and walk really fast to the point that im pushing him.
"I-I reeeallly dont wanna do this..." He says
I chuckle
"Too bad." I say smiling.
We walk the whole block all the way to the house, we wait in the front.. "If we stay here a bit longer I think we're gonna look like stalkers..." Delirious says behind me.
"Dont worry, They were on my property.. We're even." I say.
"Hm.." He hums in realization.
We walk up toward the door.. waiting for ANYTHING to happen.
"knock! What are you waiting for??" Delirious says a little bit farther from me and the door.
"Shut up!" I say.
I turn back to the door, and raise my fist..
The door opens before I can even knock, I look to see the girl that ran away screaming.
Her eyes widen.
"HOLY SHI- i-uh-hm- HouSekeePiNg.. THe OWners aRenT hOme.." she says
"Hmm.. is that why i saw you guys park...??" I say.
A moment of silence strikes.
She tries to shove the door close but i get in the way.
I push it open to see them both in a shock.
Third person POV
They each stare at eachother with the tense in the room of whos gonna make a move..
"U-hm.. we wont hand the pictures.." One of the girls said.
She stood taller than the other one, with the camera and pictures in her hands,
Vanoss glares.
"We want them.. there was no reason for you two to take them!" Vanoss says
"We?" The short girl says
Vanoss looks behind him to see delirious creeping away from the situation.
"DELIRIOUS !!" Vanoss yells
Delirious sighs and turns around in a slouch and walks in the house.
"hello." He waves with laziness.
The two girls turn to eachother and giggle.
The tall one's face lights up in a blink.
She stands up straight and formal and walks toward Vanoss.
"Name's Pablo. but it ISNT my real name. It's something I go by. The other one is Pedro, also a fake name." She says
Vanoss and delirious glance at eachother and back at them.
"Yes we DO have the pictures.—" she waves them in her hand as a taunt, "—But wont give them unless for a DEAL. And i know who you two are so YEAH!" She says
She pushes the boys out while saying, "meet us at the Void Cafe near miami beach, FL around 6:45, Thannnk youuu."
She pushes them out the house and closes, locks, the door.
"What just happened...???" Delirious says
"Dont know.. but that meeting is gonna happen.." Vanoss says
"What?!" Delirious says
Delirious POV
We get home after a long awkward talk in the car.
"I noticed we forgot about going to the store and doing ANY repairs" Vanoss says
I chuckle.
"Its okay, We'll go another time." I say.
Wait oh shit.. i said 'WE' !!
"Yeah that sounds okay." He says cutting me off before I can say anything.
I blush and smile on his decision of spending more time with me.
"But hey, lets rest a bit here and we'll go meet them in a bit." He says
"Alright." I say
I head upstairs into the room.
I take out my phone to see the time.
And no one even has woken up?? Wow.
I open the door to the room and close the door behind me, I go to lay down on the bed, and get some rest from whats been happening.
~ 5:57pm ~
"Hey delirious.." I hear, I blink a bit before opening my eyes
I see Vanoss standing looking out the window and calling my name one more time.
"Del," he says turning toward me
"Oh great, you're awake."
I sit up and rub my eye.
"Cmon, get ready we gotta meet those girls..." He says
"Mkay.." i say, I get up and yawn before stretching. I look to see him head over to the door, he opens it and before closing it says, "Ill wait for you upfront in the car."
"Okay." I say. He closes the door and i hear footsteps going down the stairs.
— Some waiting later. —
(- they are now in the car C: BECAUSE IM TOO LAZ-)
I look out the window noticing the beach is now kind of visible,
"Wait where do they want us to meet them?" I ask looking off to the beach.
"Um, Void Cafe?" Vanoss says
"Sounds.. familiar.." I say.
"Yea.." He says
"Look there it is." He points getting into a parking space. Off in the distance a Cafe, kind of as big as the house.
We get out of the car to see the girls in the distance, waving their arms in the air.
"Welp here we go." Vanoss says taking a sigh before we walk off to go meet up with them.
Third person POV
Vanoss and delirious walk up to the two girls smiling with joy that they got them to agree in this.
"Do you know this place, Evan?" Pablo says looking back at the Cafe.
EVAN raises his eye brows realizing she knows his name.
"No." He says calmly.
Delirious glances at Evan to see if he's weirded out.
They walk into the Cafe, The smell of quesadillas and fries fill the room.
They each look around to see a waiter talking to a table then turning toward the entrance.
He pauses staring at Evan.
He walks over and looks at Evan and Delirious
"Oh my god!" He says
Evan and delirious glance at eachother confused..
"AY FRIENDS!!!" He says
Evan's eyes kind of widen noticing..
"Droid..? Arlan?" Evan says
Delirious notices it too.
"Oh shit!" Delirious says
Evan and Droid give eachother a handshake smiling that they're seeing eachother again.
"Its so great to see you two!" Droid says
"Yeah you too man." Evan says
"You guys wanna eat in the VIP lounge?" He says
Delirious and Evan glance at eachother.
"YESH!" Pedro screams
"A-.. Are they wit you?" Droid asks
Evan sighs, "yup!" He says
"Alright.. Follow me!" Droid says
They walk through some of the tables on this red carpet, they then go upstairs.
"And now yall can pick a table, Ill send a Waiter up here. Be right back'!" Droid says going back down.
Pablo and Pedro quickly dash to a table that was big, and smirked as they saw Evan and Delirious staring at them.
Evan sighs and he goes to them along with delirious, they sit with them and look at them smiling. "So—"
"YOU REUNITED WITH DROOOID!!" Pedro screams putting her arms in the air.
Evan facepalms himself realizing mostly everyone could've heard that...
Pablo sits there with a blank face, probably cause her ears were just not gonna work anymore!
"SO.. the deal." Pablo then says smirking like if she has something under her sleeve.
Evan leans in his chair, "I can offer 20k," He says, delirious turns toward Vanoss SHOCKED of what he is giving IN.
"Mm... nah, " She says, pedro turns to Pablo SHOCKED of what she turned DOWN.
Evan raises an eyebrow and looks at Pablo, her smile.. telling something that no one will understand.
"T-then?" Evan says sitting up.
"Well, Ima make this easy for you, how 'bout—"
"Hello! Welcome to the Void Cafe! May I
take your drinks?" A waiter comes over and asks.
"Um.. sure, ill have a .. coke." Evan says
"Sprite." Delirious says
"Fanta." Pablo says
"HORCHATA" Pedro says
"O-kay! Ill be right back with your drinks, please take the time to order some food," The waiter says
"Okay thank you," Evan says,
The waiter nods and then walks off.
"You need to keep yo voice dowwn." Pablo says after checking if the waiter is gone.
"Sorry," pedro says and smiles, Evan and delirious glance at eachother,
"Okay... so.. continue about the deal." Evan says crossing his arms
Pablo sits up and ALSO crosses her arms and says, "Nah, not so fast! Lets get some food." She says
Evan looks at her with an annoyed expression, and sighs.
"But we gonna head to our own booth to confuse the waiter! Cyas." Pedro says shoving pablo out of their booth.
Evan and Delirious see them go to another booth across from them.
"Hmph." Delirious hums.
Evan looks over at him to see him with a suspicious expression.
"What?" Evan says
"You cant just give 20k like that!!"
"Well.. their girls! What else would they want!?" Evan says back.
"THEY—" delirious points at pablo and pedro who are ordering.. "—ARE GIRLS WHO LIKE SEEING US TOGETHER."
Evan blushes and feels his face getting hot.
"They wouldnt just WANT MONEY they probably want another picture of us, AND PROBABLY IN A WORSE SITUATION-"
"Okay! Okay! I wont give in anymore money..." Evan says blushing with a red face.
The waiter comes over and orders their food.
Evan sets his plate across the table hinting that he was done.
"You alright?" Vanoss asks delirious.
"Yea, just full.." delirious says
Evan hears some footsteps and looks to see Pablo and pedro back.
"Good evening. ANYWHOS lets get back into the game." Pablo says dusting her self off.
"Heres one thing. This deal will be quick. But only if you do it.." she says
Evan swallows
"I will." Evan says
"Hm.. excuse me?" Pedro says
They all turn toward her.
Vanoss looks at her confused
Delirious turns red and looks the other way rubbing the back of his neck.
"J-Jonathan ?...." Evan stutters
Pedro then gasps and covers her mouth.
Evan turns toward delirious and his eyes widen, he turns the other way thinking about what just happened.
"PEDRO! YOU HEADASS!" Pablo says giving her neck.
"Aaaaaaaaa" she shrieks in small amounts, Everything becomes awkward, From Evan figuring out Delirious's name.
Pablo swallows staring at Vanoss looking the other way around the room from his "bestfriend" sitting right next to him.
And Delirious doing the same..
"Ahem...." pablo say trying to bring the mood up.
No one says anything.
She slams the table
Everyone turns toward her.
She gets ups and go to the side of the table, she takes out 50 bucks and sets them there.
"Heres the deal. We all go on a shopping spree. AFTER i get to go in your miami home.. AND YES meeting everyone." Pablo says
Evan crosses his arms.
"Agree?" Pablo says
".. Fine." Evan says annoyed.
"Jon- Del- JONATHAN do you agree?" Pablo says
"mm.. yea.." Jonathan mumbles
"Great!" Pablo says with a smile and happy tone.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow.. 5:00pm. Can I get your number Evan?"
Evan takes his phone out and goes to contacts , he then shows Pablo his number listed on his phone.
"Thhhankk youuuu!" Pablo says typing it down.
"Alright, See yall tomorrow."
She walks to the other table and place the money on the table and she heads down along with pedro.

Evan sits awkwardly, Quietly, and nervously
Delirious POV
W-what should i do.. i- um...
I feel something tap my shoulder. I turn to see Evan.
"Lets head out." He says , i swallow and nod.
We get out of the booth and go down the stairs
We see droid there smiling Guests going in and out.
"Thank you come again!" He says
He turns toward us and smiles
"Friends! Thanks so much for coming to my cafe. You made my day the best!" He says happily
"Y-yeah! No problem man." Evan says
He nudges me with his elbow hinting for me to say something.
"Uh- The food was really nice!" I say
"Oh my! Thank you!" He says
Evan and him talk for awhile, I look at Evan.. feeling worried about the 'awkward' car ride that was about to happen.
"Alright man' goodbye! Ill text you!!" He says as evan walks closer toward the exit, I wave as i walk out and look to see it being late.
"Damn.. we were in there for an hour.." Evan says
"Yeah." I say
We head over to the car, and head on home.
We take a few turns and get to a stop light.
Evan sighs,
"Cant believe this is how i figured out your name, hah" he chuckles, I blush and have a sheepish laugh.
"A deal over pictures.." he says.
He presses the pedal making the car go when the red light
"Stupid pictures haha," I say chuckling. Oh
"Mm.. no.. just pictures." He says.
I blush noticing what he meant by that.. I take a glance at him.. smiling.
We get home and go inside to see the living room TV on and Terrorizer in the kitchen.
"Well well, look whos back!" He says
"Hi brian." Evan says walking toward the island.
I close the door and lock it.
"So what did you two go do?" Terrorizer says
"Um.. some errands.. then we went to go hang out with some friends.." i say.

"Hmm. Alright. Mostly everyone was looking for you guys, since we wanted to go for some drinks." Terrorizer says
"Oh shit, we'll go out tomorrow." Evan says heading for the stairs
"Oh alright!" Terrorizer says
I go to sit on the couch.
"Im gonna head to bed.." Terrorizer adds
"Yeah me too," evan says letting Terrorizer go up first.
"You gonna head up del?" Evan asks
"No.. not right now.. im gonna watch some tv for a bit." I say
"Alright." I hear his voice fade as he heads upstairs.
I watch some bit of the Simpsons and decide to finally head upstairs.
I open the door slowly to see Evan asleep. Shirtless.
I blush feeling my face red. I go to the restroom and change into some pjs.
I come back and head toward my side of the bed. I get under the blanket and stare at evan for a little bit, I study his face..
I finally sigh and turn around, i take off my mask and place it on the nightstand beside the bed.
I lay my head down on the pillow and turn off the lamp.
I look out the window to see some moonlight and waves.
"Goodnight jonathan." I hear Evan say behind me.
I blush and feel some nerves go up my spine.
"G-goodnight evan." I say
I look at the moon before closing my eyes to rest..

Just pictures..


Love coryxkenshin ❤️
Thank you guys for waiting! Im finna head on over to the next chapter to get it prepared for yall.
Next chapter is called
🇵 🇦 🇷 🇹 🇾
Hope you guys enjoyed!
—- WHOPPIN 2834 —-

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