waking up

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Vanoss POV
I blink a couple of times before actually realizing i was awake.
I feel something warm covering my chest, heavy.. but somehow light..
I rub my eye and look down to see the top of delirious' head.
I move my legs and realize they were there too.
I slowly move my hands onto his shoulders to get him off.
I slightly push which barely moves him.
I move my head around his to see how he was laying on me.
I should just move him by grabbing his waist.
I slightly slide my hands down to his waist, i grab him and push him to the side of me.
"mmm..." delirous mumbled
Delirious gets back ontop of me.
I blush.
"D-delirious... get up..." i whisper.

No response. I grab him by the waist again to push him off but he was latched on better than before.
erm.. what now..?
I look up at the ceiling wondering what to do with him.
wait.. i can just maybe push off his legs and slide away!
I slide my hand down under the covers and feel a soft feeling meet my hand.
whats this...?
i spread my hand out and realize its kind of wide enough to fill my whole palm.
i look at the ceiling confused on what i could be touching.
i grab the item and feel it was very squishy.
What the hell is this?
i move my left hand near my right and realize it was very wide to the point it reached my left hand.
I grabbed it with both of my hands and start moving it around.
Very squishy.. and kind of stretchy.
I lay there forgetting about getting delirious off of me.
Delirious POV
I wake up but keep my eyes closed to decide if i should get up.
I feel something grabbing and moving my ass.
I blush and feel my face hot.
what the fuck...
I open my eyes to see Vanoss's muscular arm going under the covers.
I blush even more.
I lay there motionless thinking about how i dont wanna be in this body anymore.
Fuck.. fuck... what do i do??!!
I swallow and lay there thinking.
I feel Vanoss spreading my ass and moving it all around.
I have never felt my face so hot.
damnit.. i should've never worn these fucking shorts...

I blush and think about how this is kind of nice.
...i guess i should do something..
I swallow and get up to see Vanoss's face close to mine.
I feel my face really hot.
"..Hi." He says
I stay there looking at him.
He looks at me odd.
"I-... V-Vanoss... y-you're..."
He looks at me , waiting for me to finish my sentence.
I immediately stop myself thinking about how i almost said my thought outloud.
he looks at me realizing what i meant.
He blushes a little bit.
"t-thank you."
"I think you're cute too, del."
I swallow.
i feel my ass moving around.
"t-th-thanks...v-vanoss.." I said stuttering more than ever.
We stay looking at eachother.
I feel my ass moving around.
"A-lso.. um... yo-you're....touching....my ass..." i say.
His eyes widen a bit.
I feel my ass stop moving but its still being grabbed on to.
"Really?" He says
"I gotta say you have a nice feeling ass."
He smirks.
My eyes widen when hearing his compliment.
"and.. very.. very tight shorts." He adds.
I stay silent and feel my face get really hot.
"I-... you can let go of my ass now..." i say.
"Awh.. okay." He says
He lets go of my ass and moves his hands to my waist , he slides me off and i lay next to him.
I feel my face really hot.
"Well, im gonna get up now, maybe get breakfast." He says and i see him get up.
"O-oh, okay.." I say.
"You wanna go too?" He asks turning to grab his phone.
"sure.." i say.
"okay. im gonna shower." He says
"okay." I said
He grabs some of his clothes and heads into the bathroom.
He closes the door.
I look down at the bed and feel my hot red face.
"..Why did today HAVE TO start like this?" I say.

I think you're cute too, del..
I blush and cover my smiling face as i throw myself into my pillow.

Terrorizer POV
I open my eyes and feel an immediate painful headache.
aa, fuck..
I blink a couple of times.
I sit up and rub my head.
I look down to see myself naked.
wait .. what.. who did i fuck?
I turn to see Brock.
I blush.
He let me...?
I shake my head a couple of times
Wait.. WHAT?
I sit up and make sure it was him.
I swallow roughly.
"F-fuck.." i whisper
i slowly cover myself, trying not to make any sound.
I look at him.
Sleeping soundly, and completely knocked out.
I feel these feelings hurt my stomach but make me feel happy.
f-fucking butterflies!
I hug myself to get rid of this odd feeling.
I swallow.
I look off to the door, locked.
The ground, with our clothes.
h-how hard did i go on/in him..?
I look around to see our glasses on opposite sides of the bed.
I look at him getting a face of disgust.
I wonder what is he dreaming about..
I lean in to study his beautiful face movements and expressions.
I hear moving.. and i feel something staring at me and getting closer..
cmon... open your eyes already , me!
I make an angry expression to make anyone in the room know im awake.
After a few more expressions i open my eyes.
and i see Brian's face shocked.
S-so.. c-cl-close.
I swallow.
I raise my hand and he immediately leans back and looks down to cover his body even more.
i sit up and immediately feel a pain near my ass.
I slightly yell.
I quickly move my hands to cover my ass and realize im naked.
I blush and feel my face turn really hot.
I quickly move my hand to cover myself but the pain comes back everytime i move.
its like im sore, and my body has had enough of me so its deciding to become its own system.
"F-fuck." I say
I cover myself with hands and my eyes tear up from the pain near my ass.
Brian looks at me.
Blushing a really bright red.
We make eye contact and he looks away.
"h-hey.. um... im really sorry.. uh... about.. you know.. uh... last...night.." brian says.
"w-what do you m-mean.. w-what happened last nigh- night..?" I say nervously.
He turns to look at me.
"Well.. we are both naked.. our clothes are on the floor, the doors locked, we are both on the bed.. your ass... by the looks of it.. hurts..." he stuttered out.
My eyes widen a bit.
My face feels hot.
"W-what do you.. th-think happened...?" Brian says putting his hand behind his neck, embarrassed.
i swallow.
"h-how.. d-did you...." i cut myself off and look away.
I feel one of the tears go down my cheek because of the aching pain.
I feel him scoot over to me.
"D-did i what..? What are you overthinking about...?" he says next to my ear.
I feel his breath down the back of my neck.
i feel shivers.
I turn my face to make eye contact with him.
I swallow.
"D-did yo-you... f-force y-y-yourself.. i-in me..?" I say.
His eyes widened a bit.
"N-no! I-.. y-you would've k-killed me i-if i did!" He says
I swallow.
I move my arm to pull Brian into a kiss.
I close my eyes to take it in.
i let go and see him shocked.
He swallows and blushes abit more.
"Y-you're gonna have to take care of me today.." I whisper.
He smiles.
"With pleasure."
I blush.
"oh, I believe Vanoss has cameras... so... ill ask delirious.. and if he does.. ill try to get Vanoss's phone just to see if its there." Brian says
I smile.
"Okay.." i say.

Scotty POV
I wake up with a headache.
I push myself up and see Marcel asleep.
My eyes widen.
I look down to see us naked and on top of eachother.
"UH." I say kind of loud feeling my face go hot.
I see Marcel blink his eyes opens.
He looks at me and then rubs his eyes before looking again.
His face goes red.
He moves his arms and pushes me off.
he sits up but immediately lays back down.
"F-fuck.." he says
"I really Fucked you that hard huh?" I say kind of randomly
He looks at me with a glare.
"Fuck you." he says
"Nah thats fine. I rather do it to you." I say.
I cover my mouth realizing i was saying my actual thoughts outloud.
He glares a bit more.
He sits up forcefully.
"agh..." he says lightly.
"listen.. i know you might be mad at me. but my advice is that you stay down.." I say.
He sighs
"I wonder WHY, i SHOULD stay down." he says.
I smile a bit.
"What are you smiling about?" He asks
"Just thinking about how you moaned my name alot last night."
His face goes red.
"I-mm..." he had nothing to say to that.
I chuckle.
"im gonna be honest... last night was kind of nice." I say lowly.
i put my hand behind my head and look away from him.
"well... im gonna go shower and get dressed.. maybe grab some breakfast , im kind of hungry." I say as i get up to head to the bathroom.
"..since you caused this pain for me...you're gonna have to... take care of me....." Marcel muttered.
I look at him, kind of surprised.
"O-okay.. but um... im wondering... did you.. did you enjoy last night?.." I say.
I see his face turn red.
He nods, and i feel a wonderful adrenaline type of feeling in my stomach.
"ah- i- well im gonna get ready... ill see you when i get out!.." I say nervously and quickly as i head to the closet to fetch myself some clothes, i then head into the bathroom, quickly.
Why does it feel .. awkward... even when im alone..?

to be continued (:
(credit to @featherdude for reading and dealing with my chapters ))

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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