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Hey you guys i just finished all the seasons of the office lmaoo and honestly it was the best, probably gonna rewatch i mean, its so funny and so many sad parts but its alright :)
So if i um.. you know start updating slow, ill be rewatching sad parts in the corner of the room,
Hope you enjoy!
Um yeah!
Yea this song is part of that.
Nogla POV.
I wake up
Not next to Lui.
This.. is odd.
I do remember drinking some scotch (idk i just thats a drink,??? Like to get drunkk)
Must've gotten fucked badly
I raise my head about to get up till i feel this aching pain in my head
Yeup.... fucked up badly.
I get up fighting the pain and decide to get a shower.
It'll go away.
I walk into the bathroom and get the water ready.
I get in and decide to let my body rest in the water for a little bit.
Then i got out after washing my self. (Every thin ;))
I get out and dry myself and get ready.
I woke kind of mad and confused that Lui probably didnt sleep last night.
I got worried
Whats this feeling..
I get my phone and put it in my back pocket.
I go to the door to see lui there with his fist in the air about to knock.
"Oh wow, that would've been embarrassing, haha." He says chuckling.
I get a little bit of joy that he is okay but im still mad and confused on why he didnt come to bed last night.
"Thought you were in bed..?" I say.
"Oh i didnt sleep here, i slept in marcels and scotts room. Its pretty nice in there, but i missed sleeping here since i have for six days now." He says moving me aside and going on the bed to lay down faceplant.
He spreads his legs and arms like if he is about to do a snow angel.
"Ahhh. Finally im back in my room." He says getting comfortable.
(When i say "ahh" i mean they are sighing of relief or just something good xd)
I cross my arms
In.. marcels room?!
"Wait.. why in marcels room..." i say kind of concerned trying to not seem jealous.
"Just cause." He says
"Plus he is a good and nice and cute guy." He adds
My heart just aches.
"W-what?" I say confused..
"Oh. Sorry i was rambling on.. about..
Marcel~" he says saying 'marcel' in a sexy voice
I blush.
"O-oh.., okay im gonna go to the store..." i say lying.
"Okay." He says going on his phone.
I close the door
And face down the hall.
I clench my fist
Stupid piece of shit.
I storm off.
i havent been writing cause i have been having some fights with my friend that i WOULDNT EVEN EVERRR think of fighting with. So my head hasnt been thinking about this book that much! I promise ill get back on tracks just please you gotta trust me, yes im doing the updates like the last chapters and if i dont write......... hmmm whats a good punishment..
I write a extra not part of story chapter about a ship with smut or something else
i write a (later on) chapter.
Which is a later on chapter. So i wont tell you whats going on but its just a chapter about a part in this book LATER ON
See its liek a future chapter.
So you guys could decide and if you comment first, and i agree
Or you comment a very good suggestion ill do it.
Now this is your pay back
I honestly dont know why
But i feel kind if weird writing smuts 😂
But yeah! Thats my torture
Later on chap
Smutty random ship. Bout to say shit.
Its gon be shit so yeah.
I hear the door close.
I turn from my phone to see if he actually left
I smirk.
Hope that worked.
I go on messages on my phone.
W- wuss up.
M- whats up.
B- heyo
L- Um once i came into the room.
I explained that i slept at basically's room. And he started acting weird.
B- .
M- oooou
W- Oo
L- yeah, he even asked "why his room?" Or something like that.
M- You can already tell that he is Jelly ;)
W - yup. In what tone did he ask in?
L- in like.. a annoyed tone.
I dont know, but he acted annoyed.
B- hmm, then its obvious.
He is jealous.
L- lol.
M- oooou. This is a very good drama show.
L- but you werent even there.
M- bitch, im always there ;)
B- .
W- .
L- .
M- what. Not in that way...
Plus. I dont want to see you in the bathroom. Or In a n y way. >~<
L- lol.
W- lmao.
B- haha.
L- okay. So could one of you come out and see where he went.
M- ....
W- wait what?
B- i thought he went to the bathroom or something.
L- .... well you guys said to text you when he is out of the room. He said he left to the super market.
B- ...
W- did he seem angry or "annoyed."
L- yeah kind of both...
M- oh shiiiit...
L- oh, dont be stupid.. he wouldnt do that.
M- i hear footsteps :3
L- i could go check..
W- well i dont know if thats a good idea..
M- true. But i do wanna know what happens .. ;)
M- then YEs it wouldnt be a good idea.
L- im still gonna go check.
M- YES YES, Lemme know if you see me peeking. :)
L- Smh.
W- Hahah.
L- wait.
M- ?
W- ???
L- why isn't Basically responding?
M- .
W- .
L- .
I look away from my phone and look at the door straight ahead from the bed.
Oh shit.....
Basically POV
Pauseeeewweeeeee ;)
Basically POV
I stay in the closet scared that nogla is gonna bust through the door screaming at me.
What did i get my self into
I hear my phone keep ringing and vibrating.
I open the closet a bit and reach for my phone on the bed.
I grab it but..
"OH SHiT!" I say outloud falling out of the closet on the nightstand
The lamp tumbles over but i grab it.
I stay with my feet in my closet and my body holding on to the nightstand for its dear life.
I stay still and think about how i havent fell yet.
I hear the door open and i see Scotty.
We make eye contact and don't say anything until I see his eyes look at the position I am in.
A big grin goes on his face and he starts to laugh.
A grumpy face goes on mine,
"HAHA IS THAT HOW YOU DO PUSH UPS BAHAHA!" He says starting to die of laughter.
I stay still with a grumpy face on.
I look towards my phone to see if sliding off the nightstand
My eyes widen and I quickly grab it to only fall to the ground.
The laughing stopped and I hear footsteps come near me.
Scotty lifts me up.
"you alright haha, " he says chuckling.
I look at him.
"Yea, thanks." I say getting my balance alright.
"Well what were you doing?" He asks.
"Oh i was uhhh..." i say thinking of something to say..
"Its alright , you dont need to explain." He says patting me.
"Okay." I say relieved he said that
"Well im gonna head downstairs," He says going to the door.
"Oh could you um.." I say
He turns having his hand on the door nob.
"Could you .. see if nogla is around?" I add on.
"Oh yeah sure."  He says
"Ill message you."
He goes out of the room and closes the door right behind him.
I lay on the bed of relief.
"thank the lord..." I say in a low voice to myself.
After me falling asleep i hear a ding
I jump and grab my phone
He aint downstairs.
I grin with relief
And reply
To Scotty-
Oh okay thanks..
I again lay with my eyes closed in relief
Stomping quickly footsteps*
I open one eye to look to the door.
My heartbeat going fast...
I go back to day dreaming
"3 ,"
I hear muffled behind the door
I open one eye and then both to me getting up.
I look at the door where i heard the muffled number '3'
"2. 1."
I hear i look at the door confused
It slams wide open to me seeing wildcat on the left.
Mini in the middle
Lui on the right of the doorway.
I get tackled on MY OWN BED
By mini wildcat and lui
I faceplant into the bed
"Any angry noglas in here?" I hear mini say.
"Naw, just him." Wildcat says
"Okay we could get off him now." Lui says
"It was barely getting comfortable." Mini says sadly
I get up
"WHAT WAS THAT!!??" I yell at them
"Why would you think that!?" I say
"Cause you weren't responding." Wildcat says
I facepalm.
"Okay so you guys could leave now.." I say.
"Did you figure out if nogla is here or not?" Mini asks.
"No he isnt." I say.
"Oh okay." They say getting up.
Mini skips out of the room
Wildcat follows him with his hands in his pockets.
Lui goes but stops at the doorway.
"You sure you still wanna keep this up?" He asks.
"Yeah." I say.
"Okay. Thats your decision." He says
"You're saying it like if its a bad thing haha." I say.
"Well i dont know what could happen! But if you dont respond we will ambush you again." He says chuckling a bit after.
"Okay okay i get it." I say laughing a bit.
He goes out and closes the door.
Vanoss POV
(Thing is i forgot where i left off on about vanoss and delirious.
2mins later.
Im backkk!!! -jazz hands-
Lets get going ;-;
Vanoss POV
I wake up.
Gladly not hugging delirious.
I turn to see the puppy on the ground running and sniffing.
I lift an eyebrow.
I sit up.
I see the clock
My eyes widen
I get up
And go to the bathroom to get ready.
I touch the water to make sure its the right temperature.
And take a quick shower and go grab my outfit.
Delirious POV
I wake up to hear the shower water on.
I sit up.
I yawn and look at the clock
My eyes widen
But i lay down again since vanoss won me to the bathroom
I look at the bathroom door then the ceiling.
I close my eyes.

I take off my mask.

I open my eyes and touch my face.

I smile finally taking off my mask
I turn to face the pillow
I feel the pillow with my face.
I dig my face into the pillow
Mostly to the point it looks like i faceplanted
I hear the door open
A huge shiver goes through all my body.
I stay still where i am..
Vanoss POV
I get out of the shower and change i open the door and see delirious with his face into the pillow.
I blush seeing his mask next to mine.
I go and grab the puppy.
I grab his mask with my other hand and put it on the side of the pillow
I pat his back
And i smile and go to take the puppy out to pee.
I open the door and go out.
I turn to see him move his head a bit.
I smile warmly and close the door .
Delirious POV
I hear some footsteps then stop.
Then i hear them start again. And someone grab something.
Then set it beside me.
I feel vanoss pat my back.
It sends a shiver down my spine.
Then i hear him leave..
And close the door
I lift my head to see my mask next to me instead on his pillow
I blush.
I get up and grab my mask and go into the bathroom
I lock it and set the mask on the sink
I look myself in the mirror and smile.
Now it's different
Hello you guys hope you enjoyed!
Yeah yeah ik
Its just i have been doing some stuff instead of writing .
Which i should've done
But yeah! I hope you guys wnjpyed reading!
And i was gonna put a um jerk off scene again with delirious and vanoss.
This time it being vanoss ;)
But i decided that ill save that for maybe the next chap..
If i could fit it in.
Thats what he said
But if i could ill make sure to maie it extra extra juicy.
Ill try ;-;
But yeah! Hope you are having a nice day and yeha yeah
!!💥💥WHOPPIN 2274💥💥!!
We did it
Well okay
Buh byeeeeeeee
Cya in the next chap

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