The Clash

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So we are kind of continuing the same day. Since they.. fell back aslee- okay lets just go
Delirious POV
I wake up in a bed that had the blankets all the way on the ground.
"Oof..." i say sitting up and noticing the blanket.
I get out of bed and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
I wipe my face on a towel after and head to the drawer.
I grab a clean pair of pants and a tshirt and put it on.
I look in the mirror and realize
Oh shit my mask
I get out of the bathroom to grab my mask.
I look on the ground to find it there covered a bit by the blanket.
I sigh and grab it.
I put it on and go to get my phone
I turn it open to see a message from Vanoss
I blush remembering what he said.
I tapped on it and unlock it, i saw the message.
I looked at it with an annoyed expression and turned it off and put it in my pocket.
I open the door and decide to head downstairs.
I look down the rail as i go down the steps, one after the other, I look to see vanoss smiling on his phone.
I stare at his smile, wondering.. what-
I fall quickly foward and manage to actually  go down the steps running\tripping
I go and pass the last one, not stopping my speed, i spread my arms forward to stop me from hitting the door.
I heard another slam across the room and loud footsteps coming toward me.
"Delirious?!" I hear
I blink twice and open my eyes to see Vanoss standing in front of me
I feel a tug on my shirt and i get pulled up
I grab on Vanoss' arm and start to grip with pressure.
"S-stop!!! Stop im afraid of heights!" I say wiggling my legs back and forth for him to put me down.
"Oh! You're alive!.." he says and places me in front of him.
I stand and catch my balance.
He looks at me worried
" w-what?" I say.
He sighs
"I think.. i broke my phone..." he says
I look to see his phone on the ground across the room all the way to the corner of the room.
I walk to it near the kitchen trashcan.
"Damn.. it made a dent on the can." I say crouching.
I hover over the phone thinking about if i should pick it up.
"Do i get it?" I ask.
"Uh, i dont know, im kind of afraid if it didnt crack or not."
I sigh nervously
My (We're baaack!) POV
I turn the steering wheel as Me and pedro are trying to find the legendary house.
I speed up as i see the yellow light about to turn red.
I pass it and look at pedro, with the backpack shoved right in front of her.
"I wonder why i cant even put it in the backseat." She says
"Cause we'll forget it." I say taking a turn.
"How we'll forget a ba-"
I brake really hard and she hits the dashboard
"AG!" She yells.
"AHa we're here." I say.
I point to the big house that looked like it was glowing cause of the sunset behind it, "Holy shit!" We both say.
I drive slowly up the driveway looking at the "legendary" house and how big it is.
"Okay lets goooo." I say parking near somewhere close to where they wont see us.
I get out of the car and i see pedro struggle, I snicker as i see her finally get out.
We both go to the windows blcoked by some bushes ;I move the bushes and look from a little view.
I see Vanoss hovering over delirious while looking at his phone.
"Ooo, you think vanoss is spying?"
Pedro says
"No i doubt it." I say.
We both watch as they both talk,
"What do you think they are saying..?" Pedro says
I shrug.
We both jump and stay alarmed, and as they move, we duck.
We see delirious get the phone, upside down, and get up.
He turns around and faces his body toward Vanoss.
Delirious hands him the phone,
Vanoss gets it out of his hands and turns it around.
They both cheer and then quiet down.
"Where the others?" Pedro asks
"Asleep?" I say.
"Its 12:30" she says
I look at her blankly.
"Asleep." I repeat and turn towards the window.
She laughs
Delirious POV
Vanoss sighs of relief
"Oh good, i thought it would of cracked, haha" He says
I smile.
"Lets see if it still works.." i say grabbing it out his hands.
"Wait what if i-"
I tap the screen and we wait for a response.
The screen cracks
My eyes widen
I stand there, frozen, knowing he saw that..
I turn my head to see him looking at the phone with a dissatisfaction expression.
I swallow.
"U-uh!.." i stutter.
"Im so so so sorry!!" I say
He stares at the phone, silent.
I get really sad about messing up his phone.
"I-its okay..." he says
He has a sheepish laugh and ruffles his hair with his hand
"I-i owe you..." i say
"Nono! Its okay." He says
He grabs the phone and places it in his pocket.
"I can buy a new phone, or just repair it." He says
He smiles oddly and walks over to the front door.
"You're-..-ups-upset arent you..." I say trying to keep a strong firm voice...
He stops and turns around noticing my voice probably braking down.
He comes to me and grabs my shoulder.
I look down so he doesnt know im tearing up right then and there.
"No! No!.." he says
He turns my body toward me and raises my chin.
"Its really really okay.. You dont owe me or anything!" He says
I sigh.
He leans in and i feel his warm breath on my neck..
"You dont owe me anything.."
I feel his finger lift my mask a bit, he leans in and lifts his mask a bit off.. his lips then come in contact with mine.
I close my eyes enjoying the moment.
"Omg omg! LOOOK" i hear pedro say as she tugs on my sleeve.
"AGH AGH WHAT!?" I say
I turn toward the window to see Vanoss have delirious oddly close to him
Vanoss staring down at him and speaking.
He leans in closely and kisses him with both their masks off a bit.
my eyes widen along with Pedro's.
I take 3 clicks of them kissing deeply.
I freeze my position of me taking a picture of them with a large camera
I slowly turn toward pedro screaming placing her hands on what it seemed to be somewhere around her nose and mouth.
She quickly gets up and runs out of the bushes.
I turn toward the window to see Vanoss and Delirious look at me with a large camera while crouching and taking pictures
I smile and turn my head a bit as a 'friendly' smile
I take a small picture and run
Vanoss POV

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