Keep it up.

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Should we keep it up....?
Or not...
Vanoss POV
I go out of the room and go to the stairs
I hear some laughing in Mini's room.
I shrug and go down the stairs
I put the puppy down
And head towards the kitchen.
"Oh hey Scotty,"  I say waving towards him eating cereal.
"Hey!" He says waving back.
"Whats up," I say going to the fridge and grabbing a water bottle.
"Oh, dude I found basically doing push-ups." He said
"Cool?" I say opening the water bottle and about to take a drink.
"On the nightstand from the closet." He says winking and putting a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.
I freeze with me having water in my mouth.
I wanted to spit it out. But I didn't.
I swallow and look at him confused
"Are you sure that cereal is not expired??" I say laughing and stopping a bit after.
"No. But I'm not lying." He says
"Are you sure?" I say.
"Yeah check the cams, it probs show there." He says getting up to put his dish in the sink and turning on the water.
"Hmph," I say.
"And he said to check if nogla was down here. But he isn't." He says grabbing the soap to wash his dish.
I realize something.
"Do you know where nogla is?" I ask.
"No." He says.
"Hmph," I say.
"Okay, well I'm gonna go check the cams," I say.
"Okay, cya." He says.
"Cya," I say going upstairs.
I stop in the middle of going up.
"And could you give Lei some dog food please and water, and take her out to pee. Thanks." I say continuing.
"Aight" I hear him say.
I say putting my phone down.
Instead of sitting on the bed I lay back.
I look at the clock.
9:23 am
I sit up worried on where nogla could still be.
I grab my phone and message him.

L- hey.

No response
I turn it off and put it under my pillow.
I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in," I say as my voice comes muffled through since I was face planting the pillow.
The door opens.
"Hey." I hear mini say.
I turn my head to see him there coming in and closing the door behind him.
"Oh hey," I say turning my body to face the ceiling.
"Have you heard from nogla, or like have you even tried to call or message him to see where he is?" He says sitting down next to me.
"Yeah, only messaging him though..." I say,
"I messaged him but he didn't respond."
"Oh, drag." He says
"Where could he be..." I say to myself.
"Well, who isn't he mad at..?"
"Cause maybe he isn't responding cause he is mad at you and basically.." He says
"Vanoss?" I say.
He looks at me with a maybe face.
"Well, go ask him." He says getting up and opening the door.
"Is he even here? Or awake?" I say getting up.
"He is here, and yeah maybe he is awake, just knock on his door." He says.
"Mkay.." I say.
I go out and knock on his door.
I hear a muffled "come in." Behind the door.
I look at mini
And he does a hand signal on 'go in' with a nod.
I shrug and open the door.
Vanoss POV
I see the door open
"Oh hey Lui." I say.
I pause the footage where Scotty told me about basically.
He comes in
"Whats up?" I say.
"Hey,... I need some help." He says.
"Mkay, spill." I say.

"Could you see if nogla will answer you if you call..?" He says scratching the back of his neck.
"Um, okay," I say,
I put the tablet aside me on the bed, and take out my phone out of my pocket.
I go to calls and call Nogla.
After the voicemail, I put the phone down.
"He didn't answer .." I say.
"Oh.," he says disappointedly.
"Well okay, thanks for calling him,..." he says turning to leave.
"No problem," I say.
I turn off my phone. And grab the tablet I put aside.
He opens the door and goes out.
I felt like he gave me a look, and he closed the door.
I shrug and turn on the tablet.
Mini POV
While Lui is in the room with vanoss
I look at my phone.
I go to messages to nogla's contact.
I message 'hey.'
I turn off my phone, until
I jump to nogla messaging me back.
I look at vanoss's door to see if Lui is coming out.
I look at the message.
I get a confused look on.
Why is he acting like nothing is wrong?
I unlock my phone and go to messages again.
N- nogla.
M- Where are you?
N- a bar. I haven't gotten drunk yet.
N- haha.
M- wait, didn't you drive over there?
N- no I took an uber.
M- why are you even drinking today.
N- cause I want to.
M- we're gonna hang out tomorrow when you have a hangover???
N- ...
N- yeah technically.
M- have you gotten Lui's messages?
N- I don't want to hear about him.
N- or from him.
M- why?
N- Just a reason. And I don't wanna remember it, or else I'm gonna get even more hungover.
M- oh.. sorry.
N- it's okay...
N- ima go drink now. Cya.
M- okay... bye...
I turn off my phone.
I hear a door open. I look up to see Lui coming out of Vanoss's room.
"Vanoss said that he didn't answer him," Lui says sitting on the bed.
"O-oh." I say.
An awkward silence filled the room.
"I messaged nogla, and he responded." I say quickly.
"What!?" He says
"We talked while you were in vanoss's room okay!" I say.
"W-what did he say.." he says.
"He is at a bar about to get a hangover.." I say
"And he doesn't want to hear from you," I add
He looks down worried.
"I think you were acting like you actually liked Marcel," I say.
"You think...?" He says worriedly.
"Ye-ah.." I say
"O—okay.." he says
"Yeah.. well I'm gonna go.. cya in a bit to make plans for tomorrow. Vanoss will come call you, and trust me. Its vanoss I would be alert bahaha." I say laughing a bit.
He laughs
"Okay, I'll be alert." He says
"Okay cya." I say leaving the room and going to talk to wildcat about what happened.
—— third POV —— (my pov :))
As some hours motherfucking pass by. Vanoss decided to go slam into everyones rooms to scream about the meeting to make plans that might not even happen (me when summer is near)
After that everyone hyped about plans that might not happen :)))))
It got very late so they all decided to sleep early so then
Everyone went to sleep. Except.........

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