Boy's Night Plus Rey

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Friday after practice the fencing team was having a sleepover at the Solo's. They all didn't want Hux to find out so they didn't mention it at practice and they all left practice like they had the rest of the week and planned to meet at the Solo's residence later. Luke and Kanan sat in the kitchen while the kids gathered in the living room to watch the original Star Wars trilogy because they all wanted to see Rey's reaction to it them having all seen it before. As they waited for the rest of the team to arrive, Ben, Rey, Finn and Poe sat on the floor in a circle, Rey was listing everything she knew about Star wars, "The movies are in a weird order and there's alot of tv shows, there was a movie awhile ago and everyone died, and there's light up swords."

"You don't know anything about the heritage of the characters, right?" Ben questioned.

"No, why?" asked Rey.

"You'll see," Ben shared a smirk with Poe and Finn as the doorbell rang which he got up to answer.

"Rey, put his sweatshirt on," Finn pointed to Ben's sweatshirt that he had left on the couch.

"Why?" Rey whispered back.

"Just to mess with him, and leave yours on the couch," Poe answered as Rey took off the sweatshirt she had been wearing which was actually one her brothers share and now they all share, a dark grey sweatshirt with an SH in green on the front with a white and silver snake wrapped around the letters on the front, Ben's was the same but black.

Matt walked into the room and sat in Ben's empty space, "Is that Ben's sweatshirt?"

"We're messing with him," Rey explained with a hushed tone, "Matt, put on the one on the couch and leave yours and Poe and Finn switch just to throw him off more."

Rey was wearing a large black sweatshirt, Matt was wearing a medium dark gray, Poe was wearing a medium white, Finn was wearing a medium light gray, and a small white sweatshirt was sitting on the couch. When Ben came back into the room with Adrian and Felix he noticed them all and sighed, "Why are you like this?"

"I was cold, is this not okay?" Rey questioned with innocent eyes staring up at him making him blush as the doorbell rang again.

"It's fine," Ben strangled out before leaving the room. As soon as he was gone Adrien and Felix joined them on the floor and they all laughed. Ben walked back into the room with Luka, "Okay, the original trilogy is 6 hours and 17 minutes so it's almost 4 if we start the first movie now we should be done with episode 5 by around 8:30 when my dad will be home with dinner then we'll have 30 minutes to eat then we can finish the last movie and play mine craft till midnight when we have to go to bed for the competition tomorrow, any questions?"

"Did you google the runtimes this morning or did you just know off the top of your head?" Felix questioned.

Ben sat back from where he was putting the movie into the x-box under the tv and looked at him, "Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to."

"Nerd!" Luke yelled from the kitchen as Ben scooted back to sit beside Rey.

"Why don't you come over here and show us how you can say every single line word for word?" Ben questioned challengingly.

"Because I don't want to distract Rey from this important experience of the American culture," Luke answered making Ben roll his eyes as the opening theme started.

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