The Fencing Competition

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When they arrived at the host school everyone got off the bus so Han could go park it and crowded at the entrance of the school while Cassian and Luke got their schedules. Down the hall they could see a lunch room where alot of students were gathered. Matt leaned over to Rey, "Are you as scared as I am because I think I just peed myself."

"It's nothing to pee over, we'll be fine, we're novices, we just have to try our bests but someone has to lose and I don't mind if it's me," Rey whispered back.

"You both are going to be fine, if you get tagged 15 in a row at least you competed," Ben leaned over Rey to whisper to both of them.

"Thanks Ben," Rey smiled up at him and he blushed slightly.

"Okay, I know where our home room is, follow me!" Cassian called before turning to lead them down the hall.

Home room was just a class room with regular desks and chairs Rey watched as all the boys set their stuff on a desk and laid on the floor, she set her stuff on a desk and stood over Finn, "What are you doing sleeping beauty?"

"Napping till my level competes, since Felix is the captain he is in Leader, the top level, he hates when we watch him though," Finn explained.

"Leader competes at 10, Superior which is Adrien, Poe, and Ben, competes at 10:30, Intermediate with Luka and Finn 11:15, and Novice is at 12 for Rey and Matt, then awards are announced at 2," Luke read off the sheet, "Any questions?"

"What time is it now?" asked Felix as he sat down on one of the chairs.

"9:30," Jyn answered as she and Leia stood in the door way, "We're going to find a bathroom, Rey do you want to come with us?"

"Sure," Rey stepped over her brother and followed the two women into the hall.

As they wandered passed the cafeteria and continued on deeper into the school Leia turned to Rey, "We wanted to ask you about Cheer and make sure you know everything about hair removal."

"Oh, I don't have hair on my legs and under arms," Rey answered as she held the bathroom door open for Jyn and Leia.

"What do you mean like it never grew?" Jyn questioned.

"In the orphanage the older girls would tease the younger girls about it because you had to be 15 to shave so I stole tweezers from the medical room and pulled out all my leg, under arm hair, and all the hair on my stomach," Rey explained.

"Awww, sweetie," Leia hugged Rey tightly.

"The hair never grew back?" asked Jyn in amazement.

"Nope, I gave the tweezers to other girls and they all did it too," Rey shrugged, "We got caught eventually but by then all the younger girls and some of the older girls had done it, there were too many of us to punish and so much time had passed that they couldn't figure out who started it."

"You were a little rebel," Leia gave a smirk.

"In Cheer we all have code names, can yours be Rebel Scum?" Jyn questioned with a laugh.

"Absolutely, I love it," Rey laughed.

As Felix and Cassian made their way to the gym Snoke came down the hall with long brown hair, "Well if it isn't Sith High, are you ready to compete with my teams Captain Vanessa?"

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