Lakes and Ink

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A few hours later Ben woke up and carefully slid himself out from underneath Rey and made his way to the kitchen, his phone buzzed in his pocket but he knew it was just his reminder to take his medicine so he dry swallowed two pills before dismissing the alarm and heading upstairs. His bedroom door was closed so he knocked quietly before entering, Luke and Mr. Kenobi had built a wall of pillows to divide his bed, since Padme and Anakin were in Luke's room, which he found funny as he grabbed some clothes for that day and changed in the bathroom.

As he quietly closed his door he noticed his parent's and the office's doors were both cracked open so he slowly pushed open the door to the office. Leia was holding Ahsoka to her shoulder who when she saw Ben she kicked her legs and giggled, "Good morning sweet pea, good morning mom."

"Good morning sweetie," Leia handed Ahsoka to him, "I'm going to make her a bottle, can you bring her downstairs?"

"Sure," Ben cradled Ahsoka as he went down stairs and sat with his back to the front of the couch where Rey had shifted to take up most of the space. He quickly figured out of he streached his legs out in front of him he could rest Ahsoka there and hold her bottle with one hand leaving his other free to be on his phone. The light from his phone woke up Rey who sat up with her legs on either side of him and leaned forward to wrap her arms around his chest and kiss the top of his head, "Have you read the comments on this?"

Rey took his phone, it was the post Leia had put on his Instagram, "'You're a mother you shouldn't be encouraging you to throw her in the lake, that's abuse', 'You're abusive', 'Rey deserves better', and they started a hashtag, free Rey 2018, this is absolutely ridiculous theres like 50 comments."

"You know I wouldn't actually throw you in the lake, I know you can't swim, I swear I wouldn't have done that," he whispered turning to look at her.

"Ben, I absolutely knew that," Rey sat onto the floor next to him, "I'm not sure if these people are joking or serious but either way they can't judge our not even 24 hour relationship by something they had no context in, it's none of their business."

"But what if they're right?" Ben questioned.

"They're not, okay?" Rey sighed, "You've never been violent towards me, you're constantly trying to help me, and you don't like looking as hickeys you give me, what about that is abusive?"

"Nothing," Ben stared at her then looked back at Ahsoka who was getting to the end of her bottle.

Rey watched him burp Ahsoka for a minute before, taking a picture of him then went through his phone and tagged everyone who called him abusive and captioned it, 'Ben Solo wakes up early to make his family breakfast, likes when towels are neatly folded, and takes care of Ahsoka so his grandparents and mom can sleep, he also let's me braid his hair, calls me sweetheart, and googles cheer terms so he can listen to me ramble, obviously he's abusive, hashtag, free Rey 2018' with everyone who commented negatively tagged below and a black heart, she showed it to Ben, "Good?"

"Perfect, just like you," he leaned over and kissed her forehead, "I half expected you to ask if we could reenact the scene where Rey cuts Kylo's face and post that with the hashtag."

"Can we do that on your Instagram?" Rey's eyes lit up.

"Of course sweetheart, pull up the video on my tablet and we'll learn it," Ben laughed as Rey smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2018 ⏰

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