Cheer and Blood Draws

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Leia woke up to her alarm and as she turned it off she noticed her phone light blinking, checking the text from Rey it said, 'I hope this doesn't wake you but I woke up and it started but my stomach is killing me and I already threw up twice, once when I woke up and then again when I tried to take a pain killer I have no idea what is happening, what do I do?' Leia called Rey as she walked into the hall, "Rey sweetie, I got your text where does it hurt?" Ben heard his mom as she walked past his door and got up and followed her down stairs. "Did you have any other pain before you threw up? Or was it just in the lower stomach? It was on both sides right?" Leia had her back to her son and didn't notice him standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Well we can rule out your appendix, and it started before you got off birth control so it has to be a food allergy, unless," Leia let out a sigh, Ben walked closer till he stood on the other side of the island from his mother, "Rey, I'm not accusing you of anything and I'm not going to question you if you say yes but just tell me honesty, are you doing this to yourself?"

The idea of Rey throwing up the food he had made yesterday made Ben sad but the idea of her purposefully throwing it up, whatever the reason, made his chest hurt, by now he was close enough to hear Rey's voice through the phone. It sounded strained and like she was out of breath, "No Leia, I would tell you if, if I was, I promise, I'll tell Dad as soon as he's up and Kanan when he gets here, I just don't want to tell Finn, he would worry and I would feel bad telling Poe and not Finn."

"Do you want to practice by telling Ben? I saw his light was on when I passed his room, when Finn was having issues talking about his anxiety he used to practice with Poe before talking to your father," leave it to his Mom to have known he was standing there the whole time.

"Yeah, that will probably help me tell my brothers," Rey agreed as Leia turned to her son an gestured him towards his room.

Ben turned and quietly ran to his room and sat at his desk and waited for his mom to enter.

Leia walked in and sat on Ben's bed, "Good morning Ben, what are you doing?"

"Certainly not illegally downloading The Last Jedi audio book," Ben responded as if he didn't know Rey was listening through the phone in his mom's hand.

"Well I have Rey on the phone and she needs to tell her dad something and she's nervous, and I asked her if she would tell you as practice so she can talk to her dad," Leia explained.

"Okay," Ben winced at how stupid his responce was as he took the phone, "Hi Rey."

"Hi Ben, first I want to say the dinner you made was amazing but sadly I threw it up."

Ben hunched over in his chair resting his elbows on his knees one hand holding the phone and the other tangled in the hair on the back of his neck, it hadn't occurred to him that he had actually caused her to throw up, "Was it too spicy? I know you don't like spicy food so I left alot of things out."

"No, it was perfect, I just," she answered quickly then trailed off then gave a shakey breath, "Your Mum thinks I'm allergic to something because I've thrown up almost every time I've eaten this week."

He looked over to his Mom, she already asked if Rey was doing this on purpose but it would be out of place if he didn't ask, "Every time you threw up it was because you felt ill and then threw up, you didn't force yourself? Because you're really pretty and you will never have to do that."

"Thanks Ben," Rey laughed and sniffled, "I think I can tell my dad now."

"Great, don't let today be sad, you were strong enough to tell my mom and I and you're stong enough to tell your dad, you get to see Jyn and start cheer too, most of the girls are really nice and Finn said Rose is really excited to meet you and most the other girls are nice," Ben thought for a second, "Except Chloe but if she's mean to you I'll beat up her boyfriend."

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