Sequel Trilogy

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Rey, Finn, and Poe actually slept in their own beds that night instead of on the couch so when Rey woke up like she usually did at 4 in the morning she was alone. She had never been an early riser so she figured in a few weeks she would be back to dragging herself out of bed at the last minute. She went down stairs and passed her dad's office where she could see him working on his computer going into the kitchen she made herself a bowl of cereal and him a mug of tea and nudged the door open with her foot, "Good morning Dad, I made you tea."

"Thank you, honey," Kenobi finished up what he was typing as she set down the mug on his desk and curled up in one of his office chairs. Turning his chair around to give his daughter his full attention, "Every year at the beginning of June Han, Luke, Kanan, and I take the boys on a camping trip, would you be okay if I left you with Leia for the week?"

"Spending the week with Leia sounds like alot of fun," Rey smiled before spooning more cereal into her mouth.

"It wouldn't just be with Leia, Ben's grandfather is going to meet us and his grandmother would also stay with Leia, you haven't met Padme so I don't want you to be uncomfortable," Obi spoke carefully.

"Honestly dad, after being in the orphanage with how many room mates I had, I hardly think anyone can make me uncomfortable," Rey shrugged.

"Okay, if you're sure, just keep this between us and Leia, everyone else doesn't know," Rey nodded in understanding.

Poe had just rolled out of bed when Finn and Rey walked into his room and called in unison, "Good morning sunshine!"

"You guys have a plan for today don't you?" Poe sighed as he walked into his bathroom to hide his smile, sometimes they really were his younger siblings.

"It's going to be Rey's first time in a grocery store!" Finn exclaimed as he sat on his older brothers messy bed.

"Can I borrow one of your shirts?" asked Rey opening Poe's closet.

"It has to be this one," Poe walked to his closet and pulled out a black shirt with the red, Star Wars The Last Jedi logo, "Because we're going to watch the Force Awakens and The Last Jedi with the Solo's today."

"Ben has a matching one and Poe and I have The Force Awakens," Finn explained as he pulled Poe's covers over him self. Rey went to change her shirt in her room then slid into Poe's bed as well.

Poe walked out of his bathroom some time later dressed and hair done, saw his siblings in his bed and sighed, "Did you guys let the horses out already?"

"Yep," Rey didn't look up from her phone where she and Finn were taking a selfie for her snapchat.

"Alright," Poe sighed crawling in with them.

An hour later Mr. Kenobi found his kids in the oldest bed napping, "Who wants to go get food?"

"I do!" Finn was the first to sit up and the other three followed. After lunch at a sandwich shop they went to the grocery store. They followed their Dad around as he crossed different produce off their list then into the aisles, "Rey, this is where the fun begins."

"Our mission is to dance to the music they play over the speakers but we can't let any other people see us," Poe whispered.

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