Chapter 3

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I agreed to allow Jessie take me home as she wouldn't allow me to walk in the dark alone. Jessie helped me up and we made our way to her vehicle. When we got there it was a black range rover with blacked out windows. Now I was sure I was about to be kidnapped.

"Er you're not..."

I stopped when the woman put her hood down and took her glasses off. I was shocked I sat there with my mouth wide open staring at her.

"Are you alright"she took me by suprise

"I er yeah but"

"I guess you know who I am then" she laughed

"Yeah I've just watched you perform" I couldn't quite get my words out I was in shock "I know I saw you at the front you looked like you was enjoying yourself" she said laughing again. "I..I was its the first night I've felt like myself in a very long time, thankyou by the way" she seemed happy at what I'd said but couldn't help showing the worried look on her face. "So where we heading?" She changed the subject. Fuck I couldn't lie now she would probably walk me to the door and make sure i was inside safe before leaving. What was I supposed to do?

I looked outside the window "er just drop me off here I can walk the rest" I said confidently trying to prove I'd be alright.

"No honestly it's fine we'll take you to your door, I can't exactly leave a young girl to walk home in the dark especially in this area... I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to you" she said with a smile. I looked at my hands and started to play with them nervously, I glanced up at Jessie and all I could see was worry on her face. I had to tell the truth now

"well...erm...I don't actually have anywhere to go" I said trying to hold back the tears. Jessie moved from her seat and sat closer to me giving me hug. "Straight to the hotel drive" she said. I didn't really know what was about to happen but I'd soon find out. The rest of the drive to the hotel was quiet and Jessie didn't move from her hug.

We made it to the hotel and headed towards the doors but all of a sudden all these flashes of light hit us, Jessie held my hand as tight as she could and we made it through with her guards surrounding us. As soon as we got in her room Jessie couldn't stop apologising for what had happened I assured her it was fine and she didn't need to worry.

Jessie walked off into the kitchen while I made myself comfy on the couch like she told me to "would you like a hot chocolate" Jessie shouted "erm no thankyou" I really wanted the hot chocolate but I didn't want to be a bother. I just wanted to know why she brought me back here but I didn't dare ask. Jessie came back with two hot chocolates and sat next to me "you look like you need it" Jessie broke the silence "whats your name anyway?" she continued speaking while I took a sip of the drink "oh sorry I'm Olivia call me Liv I prefer it"

"Nice to meet you Liv" Jessie shook my hand as she spoke

Authors Note- thanks for reading guys hope you're enjoying it:) any comments are really appreciated good or bad

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