Chapter 7

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Someone was tapping me on my shoulders and I could feel their breathe on my face. "Liv c'mon we're here" Holly spoke trying to wake me. "Okay I'm awake lets go" I shot up at the words that we where here I was so excited to see what happens backstage at concerts and to hear Jessie sing again. "Where's Jessie?" I asked confused as she was glued to my side like she has been since I had my allergic reaction. "She had to go pee, she'll kill me for waking you" Holly laughed "she won't be long" she continued "okay let's go inside its freezing out here, Jessie's in here"

Me and Holly had made out way inside and she was right Jessie did kill her for waking me up. Luckily I hadn't had one of my nightmares while I was sleeping so Jessie was non the wiser to them which meant she didn't have to worry and try cancel her shows again. This place was huge, I couldn't believe it. "Hey can I go explore?" I asked "of course you can just don't get into any trouble and shout if you need anything okay?" Jessie said "okay" I gave Jessie a smile which was returned and ran off to explore.

"BOO" "AH SHIT WHAT THE..." Jessie stopped speaking when she realised it was me. "You scared the life out of me Liv" Jessie spoke catching her breath "sorry" I couldn't stop laughing however Jessie didn't find it so funny she gave me an evil look as if to say 'ill get you back for that' which I admit did scare me a little. "This place is amazing Jessie" "I know it's one of my favourite places to perform it looks amazing when it's full and all the lights are on, you'll love tonight" "I'm sure I will, thankyou so much for everything you have done for me" my eyes started to water "don't start crying on me now Liv, there's no need to thank me, I'm glad I found you sleeping outside the arena that night, I've had so much fun these past few days and I should be the one thanking you so thankyou Liv" she gave me one of her biggest smiles and pulled me into a hug "right now c'mon lets stop crying I want to pictures" Jessie ordered "no Jessie please I don't like photos been taken of me" I pleaded but I knew I'd never win and I'd have to smile for the camera. Me and Jessie took a few photos and headed back down to the stage to take a few more. Jessie was always taking photos wherever she was.

Me and Jessie had both made it backstage and my eyes locked on a guitar, I couldn't move I fell in love with it. Jessie stopped rambling about whatever it was she was talking about when she noticed I wasn't walking with her, she looked at me and followed where my eyes where locked and then walked back to me. "Instead of standing there froze looking at a guitar looking like a crazy person why don't you go over to it" Jessie spoke "are...are you sure...I mean no I can't" I hadn't seen a guitar like this in so long never mind play. I loved playing it was the only thing I was good at, my brother taught me how to play and after a week or two I was better than him. "Of course you can, move your legs one by one and you'll be there" Jessie laughed, it was like she was trying to teach me how to walk, she was doing some sort of actions which did not look like walking in any way but I loved how she'd encourage me. I began walking and Jessie got all excited at my movement, this woman was crazy I swear. I made it to the guitar and picked it up, it was so beautiful.

"HEY what are you doing with one of my guitars" the manly voice got more clear as he moved closer to me and Jessie. I jumped out my skin and quickly put the guitar down as carefully as possible "oh erm sorry Jessie said it'd okay" I spoke up quietly with my head down "I was just kidding with you of course it's okay, as long as don't break it of course these guitars are my babies anyway I'm Lewie and I'm guessing you're Liv right? It's nice to finally meet you I've heard a lot" he put his hand out for me to shake which I did hesitantly. "It's nice to meet you but I haven't heard anything about you" I sounded quite confused as I spoke and that isn't what I was going for, Lewie gave Jessie an evil glare and said "Jessica how dare you not tell this young lady about your extremely talented guitarist" Jessie just laughed and replied "well I'm ever so sorry" Jessie and Lewie continued to childishly argue for atleast 20 minutes. I liked Lewie he was nice, all of Jessie's friends are actually. I was so excited for tonight I know I've already seen Jessie live but tonight I was going to be backstage instead of surrounded by all her crazy fans and that was exciting

Authors Note: sorry I haven't posted in a while i dont have an excuse other than ive been extremely lazy and sorry nothing has really happened in this chapter but I promise it'll get more exciting I just need to figure out what's happening and when. It's like half 1 in the morning and I'm too tired to continue writing so sorry if its only a short chapter. Enjoy guys and please comment if you have any ideas on what could happen next. Next chapter should be up soon

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