Chapter 9

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*jessies pov*

It's Christmas Eve and me and liv are slouched on the couch watching elf, it's her favourite Christmas movie or something she literally had a freak out when she saw it was on. I love nights like this, spending time with liv like a proper mother would with her daughter. I don't know how liv feels about me like that but I hope she sees me as a mother figure as well as a friend. These past months with her have being amazing, she's brought so much love and laughter into my life and I couldn't thank her enough for that.

These past couple of weeks I've been telling liv I've had to work and that shed have to spend the days with Holly but I've actually been out shopping for her and sorting something very special. Tomorrow is going to be such a special day at least I hope it is. One of her presents I've bought her is a guitar, I remembered that day where she was mesmerised by Lewie's guitar on tour and her telling me how much she loved guitars so that day when I was shopping and saw it in the shop window it was my turn to be mesmerised it was perfect and I was sure she would love it.

"Liv, you should go to bed you're tired, plus you're getting heavy laid on me" I laughed

"hey don't be so mean its not my fault I'm so boney anyways I'm not tired I was just resting my eyes"

"Yeah yeah whatever you say bones. If you fall asleep down here you're staying down here"

"Jess you always carry me upstairs no matter what, I'm like a baby or something"

"oh shut up and go back to resting your eyes, I preferred it when you was quiet"

"Liar" liv looked up and pulled her tongue up at me. It went quiet for a while until I looked down at liv and noticed the hesitant look on her face, she wanted to ask me something. I lifted her up and faced her towards me. "Hey you know you can talk to me right?"

"I know Jess but honestly I'm fine" she gave me a not so convincing smile and went to lay back down "liv sit up, look at me I'm serious, you've got that look on your face now spill" I hated her keeping things from me but I also hated pushing her into telling me but this time something was up and I wasn't going to let her insist she's fine when she wants. "Jess seriously I'm fine, I'm going to bed so ill see you in the morning" liv got up and walked up to her room. Well done Jessica you've really gone and ruined it now.


I was lying in bed staring at my ceiling wall listening to the clock tick, there was no way I was getting any sleep tonight I was way too excited for tomorrow and seeing Liv's face at all her gifts but I was pissed at myself for pushing her too much last night. I was too wrapped up in my own thoughts I nearly missed the knocking at my door "come in Liv" Liv slowly walked in not too sure what is say "come on come lay down" I patted the space in the bed next to me. "Couldn't sleep either?" I asked "No I er kept thinking about earlier...I'm sorry I shouldn't have walked off when you was trying to help" the tears strolled down Liv's face I felt so sorry for her everything that's happened to her in her life and she can still be this kind and caring. Liv is definetly growing up to become one very special lady and i couldnt be happier to be apart of that. I pulled her close to me and assured her that everything was okay "c'mon don't cry you'll get me started" the tears was already on there way but hey there was no harm in telling them to go away. 

I woke up that next morning to Liv clinging on to me for dear life, as much as i didnt want to wake her i needed to pee and there was no way id of being able to move from her grip. I got back from the bathroom to see Liv had gone back over and fell to sleep so i decided to leave her to it and make a start on breakfast. As i walked down the stairs i began to realise what day it was. "LIV LIV LIV COME ON WAKE UP ITS CHRISTMAS FOR GODS SAKE WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING YOU CRAZY CHILD". I think i startled her a little, just as i had made it to the bedroom she shot up of bed. "are you serious?i was sleeping" she replied in a sleepy voice and a not so good look on her face. "COME ON DOWN STAIRS NOW" "okay okay just let me get your bag of presents" "presents? plural? you didnt have to buy me anything you know" "Jess just shut up and ill be down in a minute". She always was the bossy one around here which was weird. 

Liv came down the stairs struggling, it wasnt just a bag it was 3 but those huge christmas ones you get from the shops, i couldnt believe she had bought me all of this. "do you need some help?" I laughed at her attempt to carry them down while trying to keep her balance. "yes please theres still another one upstairs hold on". ANOTHER ONE? another fucking bag? where did this child get her money?. "right okay im here lets start" liv said as she walked into the living area. I like the big child i am sat on the floor like an excited 6 year old, by the looks of it i was more excited than Liv she just looked around the room in awe, i obviously went over board and spoiled her rotten.

Liv began with her presents first because apparently the youngest gets to go first according to Liv. After every single presents she opened her smile grew bigger and bigger after she thanked me and gave me a hug. Her next present was her guitar. I purposely wrapped it 5 times just to annoy her a little and from the look on her face i was succesful in my plan. "Jess was there any need for all this wrapping paper on one present" "stop complaining and open it will you, i need to know what you think" she finally got past the 5th layer and found what it was, she just looked at it I couldnt even work out her expression id never seen this before not on her, she looked different. "Jess..." "you dont like it do you? oh my god im sorry ill take it back ill get you something else im sorry i thought youd like i just saw it in the window one day and it reminded me of that day with Lewie's guitar and you telling me how much you missed it im sorry" i probably rambled on a little bit but i just couldnt believe how wrong id got this. She hated it. "no Jess wait I dont hate it okay? i was just surprised. I love it honestly" Liv got up and gave me the biggest tightest hug ever. I was so relieved. 

A/N: i broke my ipod on tuesday and thats what i usually write this on so ive been writing bits now and again when im free at college so sorry its now a long chapter again but i said id update every thursday from now and i didnt want to let anyone down. i tried uploading this earlier when i was at college but it wouldnt:( enjoy and any comments would be much appreciated:) 

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