Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke from possibly the best nights sleep I've ever has. I felt like I was laying in clouds, I was so comfy. Jessie let me stay over in her hotel room on the sofa bed and said we'd discuss everything in the morning due to how late it was last night when we got in.

I got out of bed and found Jessie in the kitchen making breakfast. "Morning, sleep well?" Jess turned and gave me a smile. "Morning, yes I did, thankyou for letting me stay" I gave her a smile back. I took a seat and Jessie handed me a plate stacked with pancakes, I sat there staring at them like it was gold. "erm are you okay liv?" Jessie spoke hesitantly "yes yes i'm fine" I said shaking my head back into reality. Jessie sat opposite me and we each helped ourselves to the toppings for our pancakes.

After we had both finished our breakfast off Jessie sat looking at, she wanted to ask me something I know she did. "you can ask me you know" i said "ask you what?" Jessie sounded quite confused at what I had said "you know... all the questions that are going around in your head, I know you want to ask" I spoke as though it didnt actually bother me but in actual fact I didnt really want to talk about it. I didnt want to relive the moments I had happily left behind but I guessed she wasn't just going to let me leave.

"why don't you live at home with your family?" Jessie asked hesitantly "I ran away a couple of months ago, things started to get out of hand at home and I couldn't handle it any longer so I left and the only think I brought with me was this" I took out the photo of my brother and the concert ticket from last night. "Who's this?" Jessie asked picking up the photo "It's my big brother" at this point I had to push the tears back. One thing I hated was talking about my brother and I knew more questions was to come. "Why don't you have one of your have parents right?" "Yes yes I have parents but their not the best of parents, my brother used to look after me because my parents where useless" It felt nice talking to Jessie she didn't judge me like other people did when they saw me. "so why did you run away? It sounds like you really love your brother and he really loves you, he'll be so worried about you" Jessie's voice was so comforting but this question is the one I really wasn't looking forward to. " he won't" the tears began to make their way down my face "he...he died a week before I left that's why I left" I was now sobbing uncontrollably how Jessie understood what I said is a mystery.

Jessie made her way over to me and pulled me into a hug telling me everything was going to be okay. I felt like it was going to be okay in some way, I didn't really understand it. After a good 5 minute hug I pulled away and started to collect my stuff together. "Hey where are you going, you can't go you've got nowhere to go" jessie spoke and looked very confused "i best go you've got your tour to carry on you're busy" I said "no no I don't have a show tonight so I can do whatever anyways even if I did I certainly wouldn't let you leave to go live back on the streets" "what do you mean?" I asked in confusion "I'm going to help you" Jessie seemed so pleased with herself, like she just found herself a new challenge or something "erm why do you want to help me?" I empathised the word you and me. "I want to help you, I don't know to be honest I just feel like I shouldn't let you leave it's like somewhere inside me knows that this could lead somewhere, i feel like we could be great friends and anyways i like a challenge"

Authors note- I'm so so sorry I haven't posted in days I've been really busy with family and stuff. The chapter would have been longer but I'm too tired to write more and I really wanted to post something tonight so ill make sure tomorrows update is extra long:) enjoy and again I'm so sorry x

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