Chapter 8

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AN - Before this chapter starts I just want to say I did actually have a huuuuge chapter written out for you because of how lazy I've been with this fanfic but it deleted:( so yeah I've just really quickly typed this piece of crap out because I promised to update. It's really short and terrible and nothing actually happens but hey it's an update plus I have to get on with an assignment now so adios and enjoy:)

Chapter 8

It's now been a good couple of months since Jess rescued me from living on the streets, after her tour finished I moved in with her in London and can I just say her house in perfect. It's 2 weeks before Christmas and tomorrow I'm going on a shopping trip with Holly to get Jess some presents, she's insisted I not get her anything but after everything she's done for me I feel I should spoil her a little bit but the only trouble is she hasn't given me any clue as to what she wants so I'm stuck unless Holly has a few ideas.

I've gotten extremely close with Holly these past few months, I've gotten close with all of Jess's friends and family but because of how much time I spend with Holly while Jess is working I've gotten closer to her than anyone except Jess obviously. I can tell Holly anything and everything just like I can Jess and it feels good to be able to talk to people. I had no-one at home, yeah I had my brother now and again but he was too busy trying to hold us all together and after he died I spent the week in my room too scared to come out, I didn't even eat apart from the few chocolate bars I had stashed in my room from what my brother gave me the day he died to keep me from starving to death as our parents didn't feed us that often but when they did it wasn't that much so my brother would let me have his too to keep my strength up and not have me go anorexic.

*the next morning*

8am and Jess had breakfast all dished out ready for us to tuck in to before we started our busy days. I was getting dropped off at Holly's at 10am while Jess went and did whatever it was she needed to do today. I love hearing about her work but her schedule was that busy these past few weeks I couldn't keep up so I've no idea what she's up to today but I'm sure ill hear all about it tonight when we both get home.

I was in my room and right on cue Jessie knocked to come do my hair like she does every morning. I'm very capable of doing my own hair but Jess insists on her doing it because she apparently loves my hair. She's a very good hair stylist too to be honest I suppose all these years of watching Alisha has gave her a few tips, plus her doing my hair gives us some time to spend together, just recently we haven't really had much time because of how much Jessie has worked but she's only doing as much as possible so she can have the whole of Christmas and new year off which I'm very excited about.

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