Chapter 5

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It had been about half an hour since I had to have that extremely unwanted conversation with Jessie. She had suggested we take the day to go shopping because she noticed the clothes I was wearing still had the security tags on which meant I also had to tell her about the stealing and to be honest I was expecting her to throw me out there and then from the look on her face when I told her.

Jessie returned from getting ready to go out. She wore a simple pair of jeans with a hoodie and a pair of sunglasses to disguise herself. I couldn't believe I was about to go shopping with Jessie J. I didn't think of her as Jessie J though, she felt like more of a friend. Jessie grabbed her bag and shouted "you coming or what" I hurried towards her and we left the hotel. Luckily there was no paparazzi outside like there was last night so it was pretty easy to get out.

"So what clothes do you like to wear" Jessie asked breaking the silence as we walked "well it depends what mood I'm in in a morning" I laughed "sometimes I like to dress quite girly but other days its all a about skinny jeans, hoodies and converse. It's been a while since I've actually looked like a girl with me living on the streets" I laughed again "well that's going to change" Jessie gave me a smile. I didn't know what she meant but I went along with it anyways and have her a smile back

3 hours later and we had finished shopping, Jessie had bought me that much she had to call her driver to pick us up. "I don't mean to sound ungrateful but why have you bought me all this stuff? It's not like I can keep all of it" I said as we fastened our seat belts in the car. "You're going to be staying with me for a while" she smiled "what?" I asked shocked I heard exactly what she said but Jessie repeated herself and gave out a small laugh "I called my manager and she said it was fine for you to come along for the rest of the tour and then you can come live with me" I couldn't believe what I was hearing "you're a really sweet girl and I don't want you living on the streets" I guess I couldn't argue it's not like I enjoyed living on the streets.

We arrived back to the hotel and had to go round the back due to the heaps of people outside the front. Jessie emptied the bags of clothes she had bought me and threw me an outfit to get changed into. I went into the bedroom to get changed but instead of getting changed I sat on the bed staring at the photo of my brother, suddenly there was a knock on the door and I heard Jessie's voice "can I come in?" "Yeah go ahead" i quickly wiped the unknown tears from my face and put the photo back in my pocket hoping Jessie wouldn't notice. "Liv what's the matter you look like you've been crying" Jessie walked towards me and sat besides me on the bed "oh I'm fine I was just having a moment" I tried to shrug it off. "You can talk to me you know" "I know i know, I was just thinking about my brother, I miss him and being at your concert made me realise how much I actually do miss him. He was supposed to be with me at the concert, he's the one that begged me for weeks to let him get tickets for us both" Jessie moved closer towards me and wiped away the tears that had returned. "It's going to be okay Liv and I'm sure your brother was there in spirit. He will always be with you in here" Jessie pointed towards my heart and she was right, I could always feel my brothers presence. We sat for a little longer not making a sound.

An hour later and I was finally changed and ready to leave. Jessie had curled all my hair for me and made me look like a girl for once. I don't know why she did it seen as though we'd be stuck in car for the rest of the day travelling to the next city for the concert tomorrow night but I'm glad she did. Jessie called her driver and we collected our bags and left. I went with one of Jessie's security out the back door while Jessie went out the front with the other one of her security to meet with the fans waiting for her which I found really sweet of her. She always thought about her fans and was really kind.

We was about an hour into the journey and Jessie was scrolling through her phone and then took a photo of herself to post online. "Come on get in" Jessie said signalling me to lean in for the photo "no no I don't like my photo being taken" "come on just one pleeeeeaaaaase" Jessie pleaded with me "fine just one" I laughed. Jessie took the photo and I looked horrendous I tried pleading with her to delete it but she went ahead and posted it on whatever she was on anyways. "We need to get you a phone" Jessie said without taking her eyes off her phone " we don't, I can't let you do that you've done enough already" I said "I know but it's only a phone c'mon let me get you one every teenager needs a mobile it's the law" Jessie laughed "no I don't need one I'm not letting you either" I have her a evil glare "well tough because I'm going to get you one anyways, I'm Jessie J you know, I can do what I want" Jessie stuck her tongue out at me and I folded me arms and turned away pretending to go off in a strop.

"Are you hungry? We're going to stop in the next city and go for some food because I'm starving"

"Yeah okay I could do with some food only something small though" I didn't want Jessie to go over the top on me, I felt a little spoilt after everything she had already bought me today. 20 minutes later and we were sat in a small restaurant about to order. Jessie ordered pretty much everything on the menu, how could she eat so much and still be so skinny? I decided just to order some chicken soup as it was my favourite.

When our order arrived Jessie noticed mine wasn't chicken soup and got up to go complain "Jessie just leave its fine I don't want to be a bother ill eat this it looks just as nice anyways" I said before she walked off. Jessie sat back down and asked me if I was sure which I was however I didn't know the horror that was about to happen.

Authors note- as promised another update, I'm sorry it's not an extra one like I said I would do but my cousin has come over to stay and she needs entertaining which has left me no time to continue writing this chapter so I'm very sorry however I hope you enjoy and ill update as soon as possible, comments and votes are very appreciated:) thanks for reading x

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