Chapter 6

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I began eating my soup not realising it was mushroom until I had swallowed a mouthful and my throat began to close up. I was allergic to mushrooms and I couldn't even speak to tell Jessie. I tried to cough to get her attention and luckily it worked. "LIV" she shouted, I tried signalling to say I was allergic to mushrooms but she didn't understand. What was i supposed to do?

20 minutes later I was sat in a hospital bed. One of the waitresses at the cafe called an ambulance apparently she knew what was happening or something. I opened my eyes and saw Jessie sat next to the bed with her head in her hands. "Jessie" i tried to speak "Liv, you're okay I'm so sorry" "it's fine it's only an allergic reaction" "Liv you could of died" Jessie hugged me "you're not getting rid of me that easy" I joked

I looked over to the TV in the corner of the room to see the music channel was on "turn it up jess hurry" Jessie turned it up and I started wiggling around in my bed and singing to the music. Jessie was laughing historically at me. "I guess you like these aye?" Jessie asked. "Yeah they're my favourite band, got me through the rough times when I was at home" I said still wiggling around in the bed. The doctor came over about an hour later and said I was clear to be discharged.

"So what city we heading to anyway?" I asked as we got back into the car and buckled my belt "we're not we're going back to my house I've cancelled my shows" Jessie said "WHAT?!? why" Jessie loved performing why would she cancel them? "Because you've just had a serious allergic reaction and you need rest Liv" "No no don't cancel your shows your fans have been waiting forever to see you don't cancel because of me and anyways I'm fine now but please make sure there's no mushrooms around" I laughed "Liv you shouldn't be joking about what just happened I was terrified" Jessie looked serious "I'm sorry I was scared too that's why I laughed about it sorry just please put your shows back on" I pleaded with Jessie to put her shows on and apparently I was better at convincing people than I thought "fine I won't cancel but you can't come I'll get Holly to watch you" Jessie obviously didn't want to give in I could tell by her tone of voice.

That night I stayed with Holly who by the way I had never met before, I knew about her because Jessie would speak about her a lot. They were best friends. I was extremely scared of meeting Holly and staying with her but I didn't want Jessie to miss her show. To be honest I didn't know why I was so scared after I'd met her, she was so lovely and I could tell why they were best friends. Me and Holly got on fairly well considering it was our first time meeting, i felt like I'd known her forever. She was amazing. Jessie arrived later that night but time flew by so fast it'd only seemed like 5 minutes ago she left me.

The next morning I woke from what could have been the worst sleep ever, I was tossing and turning all night but I didn't have a clue why. I have nightmares often but I can never remember them when I wake up. 3 hour after I'd woken we were on the road again heading to the next show, these days on the road are so tiring however they've been the most fun I've had in ages. I had always thought car journeys to be the most boring thing ever but I now realise nothing is boring it just depends on the people you're surrounded by.

Authors Note: so so so sorry I haven't posted in forever I've been so busy lately, had a holiday recently and before that I was ill:( this isn't a long chapter because I've just written it and can't go any longer because my vision is starting to blur from not wearing my glasses. Sorry if the allergic reaction thing isn't right but I couldn't be bothered to research it. I PROMISE THIS WILL BE UPDATED AGAIN TOMORROW. Hope you're enjoying the story so far and if you have any suggestions or anything let me know oh and follow me on twitter @jadescriptHB I follow back, enjoy

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