Connor x Baby!Reader

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Okay okay I know I said I'd try to stop doing Connor one shots but this was such a great fricking idea..

(Takes after deviants are free kinda?)

Prompt: Connor goes to investigate a homocide, while searching for clues he hears a small cry... he walked and found a small baby, her name was Y/n L/n...

Connor p.o.v

I was in the car with Hank, talking about what could possibly have happened...or well.. I tried talking about it.. his response was rather...vulgar..

We arri ed at the crime scene, veing immediately bombarded with questions by the news casts.

"What do you think happened" a news reporter asked Hank

"I don't know... we just arrived." He said obviously annoyed.

We walked inside the house to see two humans stabbed and their faces mutilated beyond recognition.

"Oh jesus!" Hank yelled while looking away.

"Alright your thing I guess..." as he made the "shoo" gesture with his hand. I went up to the corpses and analyzed the blood, hearing a small groan behind me.  After I finished analyzing the blood I reported back to Hank.

"It seems that the people killed are M/n L/n a doctor known for helping poor. And F/n L/n a musician... as far as my data goes they sh-" I was interrupted by a cry, more specifically a small infants cry... I looked at the other officers and started running towards the roof.

As soon as I entered the roof I saw a damaged android holding a baby and a gun. He shot near me as a warning not to come closer. (The android looks like Simon....just saying :3)

"Step back!" It yelled. I looked at the stress level, it was at 80%... if it would reach 100% it would most likely jump...taking the child with it...

"You need to calm down... I'm not going to hurt you... or the child... why did you kill them?" I asked...

"The father....he....he was on drugs... he was taken over by anger....I didn't want to kill him... but after what he did to M/n...I ... couldn't let him hurt Y/n... please....I don't want to die.....I was just trying to keep them safe..." he said, thirium flowing down his injured arm.

"You're not going to die. We can do this peacefully....just put the gun down..." I said in my calming voice.

"...okay....okay..." he starts putting the gun down and I start walking towards him... taking the infant and handing it to Hank who was waiting in cover. I took the androids arms and put handcuffs on him a started walking towards the car. As I put the android in the car, Hank walks up to me and hands me the crying baby, muttering something about them not shutting up. I slowly look at them... y/n.. it suits them well... I walked to the car and entered, the car starting to drive to The Department.

Time skip

We arrived at the station and as we were trying to interrogate the android, he suddenly pulled his head up.

"Where's y/n?" He asked his stress levels high.

"They are fine.." I answered and tried questioning answers... I got an idea. I walked away and got y/n I slowly walked back and entered the room, once the android heard y/n gurgle in happiness his head shot up.

"Y/n...oh sweet y/n you're okay..." he said as he looked happy, his stress levels dropping immensely as I handed him the baby.

I started questioning him again. This time receiving answers.

"Alright... that's all I needed to know..." I said as I stood up and lead the android to a station where they helped fixing androids.

"You go there and get fixed, until then I can take care of y/n..." I said staring at the baby..

"..of course... I trust you with her... she really seems to like you.."

Time skip

I was feeding the baby at Hanks apartment. When suddenly she started making noise.

"" she started and I felt how my metallic heart jumped.

"Are you trying to say Connor? Say Connor.. come on..." I started baby talking... I looked up and saw hank awkwardly looking at me with a (wtf face) weird expression...

"..." we were both in awkward silence

"Concon!" Y/n yelled startling me.

"Haaank hankhankhankhankhankhankhankhankhankhank!!!! She said Concon!!! Awww isn't that adorable!" I started fangirling.

"Oh yeah? Y/n say... Haaank" he said while y/n stared at him.

"Ha....ha...haaan...Hanky" she yelled and I saw how it affected Hank. He stold there in silence before starting to laugh. I laughed with him seeing y/n kust ramble on about "Concon" and "Hanky".

Time skip

The android (sent by that was with y/n had come and saw how happy y/n was with me and said that as long as he could visit her we could have her.. I immediately agreed.

I'm tucking y/n in right now when suddenly

"Daddy?" She asked.

"Yeah...I'm your dad....I'm your dad..." I said softly as she started falling asleep.

The end

Awww this was so awesome writing thank you so much for the idea: veromiku17

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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