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Parker's P.O.V.

I surfaced and tried to grab my glasses but they were completely clear sides and all. "I'd glare at you but I'm not sure which blob you are Cole," I stated. I heard someone jump in and was handed my glasses. I pulled them on and looked to see Tommy. His shorts were swim trunks all along. "Why thank you," I said. He can not be a real person. Sweet, funny, cute and toned. How? "You might want to rethink the whole completely clear glasses thing," he joked. "I'm usually wearing contacts in water," I explained. He raised an eyebrow. "I used my last pair at the Yankee game and forgot to buy new ones," I defended laughing. "I'm going to hang up my top and shorts to dry and come back in. I did wear a bathing suit," I stated. He laughed nodding. I walked to the side and hopped up. I pulled off the damp top and hung it on one of the chairs and threw my pants up next to them. I walked back over and jumped in holding my glasses. I shook off some of the water and smiled over to Tom. "Hey I just found a water bug," I said cupping my hands. He walked over confused and I collapsed my hands spraying water up in his face. He looked at me with shock and I started to swim away but he quickly grabbed me. "Put me down," I said laughing. He threw me up and I grabbed my glasses before resurfacing and splashing water at him. I froze and heard a scream from inside. I rushed over to the side and jumped out throwing my hair up. "Parker," Tommy called after me. "Something's wrong," I said. I grabbed my hoodie throwing it on and made my way up to Jen's guest room. Jen was in the doorway shell shocked. I pulled her back and froze seeing Matt. I started to compartmentalize and saw a note.

You can't kill us all.

I started to pull Jen out. "Tommy you need to shut the party down get everyone out," I said before he reached the room. "Why what happened," he asked and looked to the shaking Jen. "Just get everyone out I need to make a few calls," I said trying to ignore the sick feeling in my gut. "Park what happened," he asked. "Matt's dead," Jen spit out. He just looked to me and I nodded. "I'm going to get Jen set and call the police and his family," I said. Tommy looked at me worried. "Just get everyone out," I snapped.

I took deep breaths and wrapped Jen's shoulders with a couch blanket as I called the police. I entered autopilot as I rattled off the details. I looked to see missed calls from Jodie and Jack. I leaned forwards on the couch holding my head in my hands. Fuck. I was so sure I had gotten them all. I walked to the kitchen to grab water for Jen and heard a creak. I grabbed a chef's knife and turned seeing the silence aim it's finger at her. The electricity started to short circuit and I threw the knife lodging it into its head. Jen screamed freaking out and it thudded to the ground. I pulled the dead silence out and hid it in her basement writing on my arm to clean up it's blood up stairs. I walked back up and wiped up it's blood throwing the paper towel in the trash. Tommy came back inside and Jen was still freaking out. I pulled my sleeve down. "The hell happened," he asked. "I don't know," I replied. I was still trying to keep it together. I felt hot. My stomach kept flipping. I slid down against the side of her counter and clenched my jaw trying to keep it together. I started to stand back up and made it to the couch before my ears started to sound fuzzy. Everything was muffled or muted. I looked up to Tommy who was saying something I couldn't process. "I-I need to get some air," I said and walked outside. I leaned against a chair and tried to process everything. Fuck. FUCK! I played back my voice mails. "Park there's one remaining silence. It's headed for New York. Call me back," Jodie said. "Park please look out there's one last silence headed towards your location," Jack's said. It was one there was fucking ONE!? "Fuck," mumbled. I buried my head in my hands as the tears started to roll down my face.

My hands trembled like crazy as I tried to wipe the tears away when the door opened. Tommy just pulled me close wrapping his arms around me. "I'm sorry," I started apologizing and he cut me off, "It's ok." I had started to calm down and the police arrived. Tom spoke with them and I shared what I could with out breaking down again. I had already left a message for his mom and was tasked with bringing Jen to my apartment. I walked to my car and drove the three of us back. Tom said something about staying with us to make sure we were alright. I pulled into a parking space and my sonic started to go off. It was the warning that something was coming. I watched as the TARDIS materialized. "What the fuck," Tommy asked. I was too drained to pretend. I started to realize something and got out of the car. I walked over to it and the Doctor opened the door. "Please tell me you're not here for what I think you're here for. Please tell me you didn't know about what I think you knew about and didn't warn me an hour late," I asked starting to raise my voice. "What's wrong," he asked concerned. "Are you here about the last member of the silence," I asked trying to hold myself together. "I tried to stop it on Thekka," he started. "Oh you son of a bitch," I snapped, "I can't fucking believe you! Is that why you didn't bring me along last night? So you could try to reason with it or trap it?" He didn't answer.

I scoffed in disbelief and tears came to my eyes. "Oh you asshole," I said quietly. "Language," he said. I punched him in the jaw. "Go fuck yourself! God damn it. You couldn't even fly the god damn time machine to the time and location it landed," I demanded, "It killed Matt before I could get it!" His face dropped. "I'm so sorry," he apologized. "Sorry? Sorry doesn't unmurder my cousin," I snapped. "I left as soon as it did," he defended. "Then how did it get here an HOUR befo-," I cut myself off, "No. You didn't you're not that careless. Please tell me it didn't take one of your unlocked teleports." He had tears come to his own eyes. He took a step closer about to defend himself and I held my hand up. "OH my GOD," I snapped and looked up to stop the tears from falling out, "You need to get away from me. Right now. You need to go." "Parker, I didn't," he started and I cut him of, "Go! Do what you do best and run away," I said managing to keep my voice flat. He reluctantly walked back inside the TARDIS and it took off. Tom and Jen looked confused and scared to move from the car. "How did it," Jen asked. "It's a space ship. Disguised as a 60s police telephone box. A man with a british accent who's actually a one thousand year old alien of a species nearly identical to humans except for having two hearts uses it to fly around space and time and fuck up my life apparently," I said and pulled out my keys before walking to my apartment building.

I walked in and sat on the couch. Tommy locked the door behind him. Jen sat to my left and Tom sat to my right. I pulled out the sonic and threw it. It didn't even break. They both jumped and looked at me startled. "Sonic screwdriver does anything and everything except it doesn't work on wood," I said numbly. "So you do lead a secret double life," Tom asked. "Yep," I replied. "Is you're name really Parker Elizabeth Atkins," he asked. "Yeah," I said. "And you're human right," he asked. "Mostly," I answered. "What do you mean mostly," Jen demanded. "I'm part timelord only have one heart. I did a thing I wasn't supposed to do and now I can move things with my mind and talk to the alien's spaceship," I said. "Did you ever become a pirate princess," Tom asked. "You told him about that," Jen asked. "Yes. And technically I did. We went back in time to 1406 Spain. I was disguised as a spanish princess to find an alien hidden among their parliament. We got it and the day we went to leave the Doctor, my alien friend, went missing. I happened to get kidnapped by the same pirate crew. Threw a mutiny and captained the ship back so we could get back to our ship," I explained. "I read that in your book," Jen said. "It's basically an autobiography titled as science fiction," I explained, "I also totally understand if the both of you want to forget all about this and never talk to me again. I can do a quick memory wipe and you can live on like none of this happened." "And leave you to deal with this on you're own," Tommy asked. "Babe we're in this together," Jen added. I nodded. "I'm going to order chinese food and grab my blanket to burrito myself in sadness as part of a coping mechanism," I said. "She starts to deconstruct herself psychologically when she's sad to disassociate," Jen stated.

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