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Parker's P.O.V.

I was dragged out by Tom and Jen to a local diner and sat in the leather booths. "Have you made any contact to the outside world," Jen asked. "I hardly do as it is," I stated, "Now I'm just avoiding phone calls from my family because I really don't want to talk about it."

I looked over to Tom as he sat down

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I looked over to Tom as he sat down. "Hey sorry I had to watch my nephew," he apologized taking the open spot next to me. "You look horrible," Tommy commented. I laughed and shot a quick glare. "I wonder why," I replied sarcastically. "You're going to have to answer the calls eventually," he said. "Or I can die instead," I suggested with fake enthusiasm. "Absolutely not," Jen objected. I groaned dropping my head down on the table. "Heyy don't hurt yourself," Tom objected. I lifted my head, "I've fought in literal wars. I've been shot by bullets, lasers, chemicals and things I can't even describe. I've lost my whole left foot. Twice! I've cracked my skull open more times than I can count. I think I can handle banging my head on a table." "How are you alive," Tommy asked. "Nanogenes. Futuristic tech," I said with a shrug and mumbled, "Being half alien helps."

My phone went off and I groaned burying my head in my arms. Tommy took the phone. "It's Jodie," he read. "Let it ring," I replied. "Hey Jodie this Park's friend Tom. What's up," he answered. "Why do you not listen," I asked. "Because we care about you," Jen answered. "She's not answering her phone because she's trying to avoid speaking to friends and family about the thing she fought with the Doctor about," Tom stated, "Yes she did share that she's not supposed to share, but she's mad at the doctor and the only other person she has immediately to discuss these issues with are Jen and I so the wipe isn't happening," Tommy said. I rested the side of my head on my arms looking up at Tommy. "Your presence is requested in Cardiff," he said looking down at me. "At least let me eat my lunch," I complained. "Hey babe I gotta jet to write an article. Tommy keep an eye on her," Jen said. We nodded waving to her and she left.

"How do you plan on getting there," Tommy asked me after the call ended. "I have a teleporter. I can bring you with me," I offered. He raised an eyebrow to ask if I actually mean that. I nodded. "Wait how does it teleport do we like get ripped apart and stitched back together," he asked. "Ew. No, primitive. Those never end well. It folds the two locations together and we get pulled across the bridge and into the new space," I explained. "Oh," he said and then looked confused still. I smiled a bit and the food came. He ordered his food and we asked for it to go. We payed and walked to my car. I pulled it to my regular parking spot and popped the trunk.

I grabbed the food and walked around. Tommy followed. I opened the bottom and pulled out the wrist teleporter from Jack and my sonic. I placed my sonic in the food bag and tied it off. "What are you," Tommy started and trailed off. I punched in the coordinates for the outside of the Cardiff posted Torchwood. I grabbed Tommy's hand and pressed the button. We teleported and Tommy stabilized himself. "The first one is always the roughest," I explained taking off the wristlet. He looked a bit pale, but mostly okay. "I threw up my first time," I shared. "Come on," I said guiding him to the elevator. It started to take us down and he looked around in awe. The pterodactyl flew over head and he ducked down. I started to open the bag of food. "Parker, who's that," Gwen asked. "This is Tommy," I said walked over to a chair opening up my box of food. I handed him his. "Hi," he said. "That's Gwen," I introduced.

"Park a word," Jack said. "Can I bring my food," I asked. He just gave a more stern look. I closed the box. "You sit. Gwen don't let him get his memory wiped I will hold you accountable," I warned. She nodded and I walked over to Jack following him to the conference room. The door shut behind us. "What did I say about outsiders," Jack asked. "I'm not a kid Jack," I countered, "Tom can handle his own. I did the background check he's clean. Got his degree in the army," I stated. "Does he know you know," Jack asked. "Of course not I've known him for like 3 days. He is helping me through loosing Matt though," I explained. "I'm sorry about your cousin," he said. I nodded. "I killed the silence that did it," I explained. Jack nodded. "He's a good kid. He can be trusted," I said. "I'm holding you to that," Jack replied. I nodded and He hugged me. "What happened between you and Doc," he asked. "Still too raw," I replied. He nodded.

I walked back out and Tommy handed me my food. "Thanks," I said still collecting myself. "You okay," he asked. I nodded. Jodie walked out from the gym area. "You're here sooner than I thought you'd be," she said surprised, "Is that?" I nodded. "Hi, I'm Jodie," Jodie said. "Tom," Tommy stated. Ianto walked in and jumped. "Hey Ianto," I said waving. "Parker," he said simply. Owen walked in. "This is Tommy," I said. Tom waved. "Owen and Ianto and that's Jack in the back," I pointed out. "So I was summoned? What's up," I asked eating my fries. "I'm going to change and meet you guys in the briefing room," Jodie said. We followed the group in and I sat at the table. "You get more contacts," Tom asked quietly. I nodded.

"Are those chicken tenders," he asked trying not to laugh. "Don't judge they're great," I defended. "You're a child," he teased. "Says the one who still collects action figures," I teased. "Touché," he replied. I smiled back and looked up as Jodie walked in. "Oh you didn't have to wait on me," Jodie said. "We're a team," Jack said. "Also we needed to finish our food," I said covering my still full mouth. Jodie sat next to me and waved at both of us. I waved back. I finished up my food and closed the container. "So what's the sitch," I asked. Jack pulled up a hologram. Tom looked confused and I pointed, "That's Rose." "She was the first one to look in the heart of the TARDIS. This message popped up yesterday," Ianto explained.

"If you can hear me it means our universes have started to overlap. Doctor please. You can't travel in the time vortex until this message is no longer able to loop. If you need to travel use a teleporter or else you may get stuck here. As much as I'd love to see you this isn't your universe," Rose said. "We can't reach him," Jack said. I tilted my head giving Jack a look to say he better not be thinking what I think he's thinking. "I know you're not good terms, but Park you're the only one who can get to him," Jack reasoned. "Why not ask Rose for help," I genuinely offered. "It's a one way signal. We tried so we wouldn't have to pull you into this," Jodie chimed in. I sighed out. "How much time do we have," I asked. "A little less than 24 hours our time but relative to their universes that's 2 weeks to search for him once we've crossed over," Owen explained. "You found a way in without the TARDIS," I asked. "No, but the Doctor did. We have the TARDIS," Ianto explained. "It was a rough landing," Jack said. "Oh the poor thing. You flew her," I asked.

"Will you help us," Jack asked. "Of course, but I'm going to punch him again the next time I see him," I commented, "Also in our time that's just enough before we have to go back to work." "He's not going with you," Jack countered. "You keep saying I need to be less reckless. He keeps me in check," I countered. "Absolutely not," Jack protested. "1- I'll keep him safe. 2- No Tom, no me," I pressed. Jack sighed out in defeat. "Fine then we go too and you stay in constant communication," Jack countered. "You stay in the TARDIS. Groups set people off they'll shoot us from a mile away," I reasoned. "That's fair," Jodie cut in before Jack could protest. "Will the space ship make me sicker than the wristlet," Tommy asked. "No it keeps you in a field of artificial gravity and atmospheres that keep you not sick. Unless you get motion sick because it's more like bumpy car ride meets plane turbulence at times," I explained. "That's fine," Tommy replied.

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