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Jodie's P.O.V.

I started to get ready for the trip and Parker just hung out as the rest of us packed. "You know the TARDIS has infinite rooms with an endless amount of supplies," Parker called out. "Yeah but the rooms are all locked," Ianto pointed out. Parker held up a sonic. I dropped my bag and grabbed my phone and wallet. The others joined suit. "Let's go," Parker said. Tommy looked confused, "How are we all going to fit?" Parker looked excited and motioned for him to go in first. He looked at us confused and we just let him figure it out for himself. He walked in and said, "Why is it so much bigger inside?" "That never gets old," Parker said. I felt Owen wrap an arm around me once we got inside. We held on and Parker took the controls. It was a relatively smooth ride. "I'm tracing the doctor's signal. It's going to give us the first place he landed in the over lapping universe. The dialect will automatically come out of your mouth so just speak as normal and we'll blend in," Parker said to Tom. She turned to us adding. "This is one we have to do just the two of us." I nodded and she added, "We do need to change though." She grabbed his hand and brought him towards the closet. "How long did you say they've known each other," Gwen asked me once they were gone. "Three days," I answered. "They act like they've known each other a whole lifetime," Ianto remarked. "A lot happened in those two days," I explained.

They both walked out and Jack asked, "How are you really doing? I know it must be a lot to lose Aiden." "I've been better, but I've also been worse. It's kind of like a constant hangover," I explained. I hated sitting around unable to do anything. "Hey I'm going to go explore the TARDIS a bit," I declared. Owen was asleep on the bench so I decided not to disturb him. I walked into the halls and examined the different shaped and colored doors. I kept seeing an imprinted memory of Parker running around in wonder when she was a bit younger. I stopped seeing an imprinted memory of Aiden in my body. The door started to slam I stopped it, but I hadn't grabbed it. My face was startled I was unable to stop it from fully closing. Was that me? I kept walking and decided to test out if it really was me. I found the closet from muscle memory. I focused on the hats and tried to imagine the top hat lifting. I was frustrated when nothing happened and suddenly it flew. I jumped startled as shit. Huh. Maybe emotions affect it.

I walked out and made my way to the gym. I haven't been training in combat recently. I somehow programmed a training sequence. Realistic humans came towards me. I started to fight them off and jumped around the opponents to keep them from all landing punches on and over powering me. I had finally finished and walked out catching my breath. I threw my top on over my sports bra and made my way back to the group. "Where did you run off to," Ianto asked. "Gym," I said simply. The door opened and we all looked over a bit startled as they took off their cloaking devices and quickly closed and locked the doo behind them. "We need to hurry up. There's a bounty on them," Parker explained. "What'd you find," I asked. "He found coordinates and I got a confirmed sighting from the bar tender because he sticks out like a sore thumb," she replied. She gave Tom pen and paper, "Can you write down the coordinates? I'll be right back." He nodded and she walked to the closet.

I looked to Owen who was helping Tom with the coordinates. Jack seemed worried and Gwen was talking to Ianto. I walked over to Jack. "That's the worried face," I said. "Something is off about this," he said. I raised an eyebrow. "It seems too coincidental that all these things are happening at once," Jack explained. "You think something else is going on," I asked. "I think it's a possibility," he countered. Parker came back. "They're time coordinates too," she pointed out. "The TARDIS has been here before in our universe so this will be a bit bumpy. I'm basically going to have to manually over ride her course to stay within the frequency of this universe," she explained and I walked to the bar taking Owen and gripped on. "What does that mean," Tom asked. "It means hold on," Parker said and plugged in the coordinates.Everyone griped on as she pulled the lever and started to run around frantically. I grabbed Owen as his grip faltered with one of the jolts. I looked up to see Parker slam her foot on a panel. "We need to go to the other one," she yelled into the air. We all exchanged a questioning look. "No you don't know the way! You're locking in on the wrong frequency," she snapped. What the fuck? "Oi! Unlike the doctor you don't know better," she argued.

"Who are you yelling at," Ianto finally asked. "The TARDIS," Parker said as if it were obvious. She's yelling at the space ship. A groan like sound erupted from the machine. "Shut! It! Just trust me and let me steer," she protested in response. "I didn't think she was serious when she said she spoke to the space ship," Tom stated. "They bicker a lot," Jack stated. Oh okay. So this is just normal then. What the fuck is my life? "Yeah because she can't just curse me out like she does with the Doctor, because I know what she's saying," Parker said raising her voice. We finally landed but it was rough and Parker lost her grip as she slammed back head first. "Holy shit," I exclaimed. Tom, Jack and I rushed over. She was out. "She without a doubt has a concussion," I stated. "To the medbay," Jack ordered. Tom picked her up and we  made our way. I took her sonic and opened the door. Tom placed her in a cot and Jack pulled out a thing of nanogenes. "Please try to stall her for as long as possible," he pleaded with Tom. Thomas nodded and we walked back to the group. "Now what," Gwen asked. "We can retrace the doctor's steps and see if we can find him or where he's headed next," I proposed. They all nodded.

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