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Jodie's P.O.V.

"This is New Earth," Jack explained. He went through what he recalled the Doctor telling him about this trip. "Parker probably knows this whole thing frame by frame," I pointed. "Parker can barely remember the day of the week," Jack argued. "Just be careful not to get caught," Jack added. I can't wait to tell him I told you so later. We made our way out with the cloaking devices on and we entered the hospital. I felt like I was being pulled somewhere and someone called after me from far away. "Jodie," I heard next to my ear and it was Owen. I looked to his outline. "It's this way," I said. "How do you know," Gwen asked. "I don't know, I just know we need to go this way," I stated. I could tell they were hesitant to follow me, but they should know by now that my weird outbursts usually lead us exactly where we need to go. Then again they probably think because Aiden's gone that I won't be having anymore outbursts. I was snapped back from my thoughts as I found an elevator shaft and opened the doors. "Holy shit she's strong," Gwen commented.

I looked below to see the Doctor and Rose leave on another floor and a hoard of humanoid figures were crawling up the wall ladder. "Go!GO! GO GO GO GO," I ordered pushing them back and running frantically. We ran down the stairs and hid. I held my breath as footsteps walked past. I let out a sigh of relief. "What the hell is going on," Gwen asked. "The nurses were subjecting some people to every known illness to find cures. Cassandra and the Doctor managed to release all of them," Jack explained. I heard shouting and Owen grabbed my hand as I stepped out. I looked around the corner as there was a sizzling sound. The humanoids were hugging and turning more human. I walked out and Owen tried to pull me back. "No look," I said. They came out and Jack spoke," Shit they're gone then." He seemed incredibly frustrated and we walked back towards the TARDIS. "Should we go back and look for Bad Wolf clues," Gwen asked. "We might as well wait 'til Parker's up to do that," Jack stated.

I noticed the smell of green apple and crouched down to pick up the grass. I smelled it. Fucking apple grass. How could you be evil when your planet literally has apple grass? It seems like such a nice place. We looked ahead to see Parker and Tom, making their way over. Oh right we're here on a mission. Holy shit i'm so ADHD without Aiden to constantly pull in the reigns. "Parker," Jack asked. "He tried to stall me," she stated pointing to Tom. "How did you know where to come," Owen asked. "I listened to the stories a thousand times. He's dropping the dying Cassandra off to tell her past self she's beautiful then they come back here and make sure the cat nurses get arrested for testing on and torturing living beings," she stated. Aww the part of him with Cassandra is really nice. All I ever heard about her was that she's a cold blooded bitchy trampoline that tried to murder people to get rich. "I told you she'd know," I said smiling over. Jack should never question my judgement anymore. I'm just batting 500. I looked to Jack with a smile and he shook his head a bit.

The TARDIS sounded as it materialized. The Doctor opened the door. He looked confused. "You need to come home," Park said. Rose walked out. "I'm the half human one," he said. "Then where the fuck is the full Timelord one," she asked. "I had a feeling he'd ignore the message," Rose said. "Hey. We've never formally met, but the doctor has basically told me your life story. I'm Parker, you know Jack, that's his team Jodie, Owen, Gwen and Ianto and this is my friend Tom," Parker introduced. I was still adjusting. Jack walked over and hugged her. "It's been a while," he said to her. I couldn't help but be reminded that there was so much to Jack we still didn't know. He used to travel with the doctor. Honestly that hazy bit of information is as far back as we know with him. Sometimes I find myself questioning why he won't tell us about his past. The only way I even knew he had a childhood and wasn't created an adult was because of his brother's ghost.

"Where are you on his timeline," Rose asked pulling me back. On who's timeline? "I've been all over. I even met eleven. He's kinda weird. I know that tenny is post Donna which means if you haven't seen him here which I'm guessing you're planting clues he cloaked himself and found another clue placed by future you. OH! Rose you're brilliant! Ahhh I know how to find him," she said and hugged her. Oh she means the doctor's timeline and somehow Parker was 50 steps ahead the rest of us. "Ianto, Jack go with them and keep on this path forwards. Gwen Jodie and Owen with me. We're going to work backwards you work forwards," she ordered hurriedly and took Tom's hand and rushed out. I thought we were going to go back and look for clues. "She's so much like him," Rose said. Like who? Jack just nodded. Ok I'm just going to assume whenever Rose vaguely mentions a man she means the Doctor and not the Doctor here the other one that's the actual doctor. My head hurts. "Are we actually going through with this," Gwen asked. "It does save the most time," Jack reasoned. We rushed off to catch up with her. We made it back to the TARDIS. "Explain," I said as we ran inside the TARDIS. I really need to just make some sense of what the hell is going on. Owen could tell I was getting overwhelmed and laced his fingers through my own.

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