Fake Tattoos

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Parker's P.O.V.

I pulled on the fake tattoos made to look and feel like a real tattoo that can only be taken off in this closet. I applied some eyeliner and changed into black jeans with a chain on the belt loops. I then pulled on a grey tank top under the jean vest, and pulled my hair back. I laced up some black Timberlands and walked out. Tom just pulled on a black hoodie and rolled up the sleeves to show the same realistic fake tats. "Looking good Litchfield," I complimented. "You took this to a whole new level," he said. "I don't fuck around," I replied. I made my way out and headed inside after pulling some cash from this universe's print. I gave some to Tom and we split off. I made my way to the bar and he headed to the bathroom to check for clues. "Hey pretty thing. What can I do you for," the tender asked. "Tequila, but I was wondering if you've seen like, a tall lanky mother fucker. Like six feet tall brown hair trench coat. Looks like he could be a fed," I asked. "Yeah like a week, week and a half ago. Left with a broad who used to work here part tine. Her name was like a flower or something," the bar tender said filling a glass. "Rose," I asked. "Yeah," he answered. "Yeah that's it," he said. "Thanks," I replied and he nodded walking down. I looked up making eye contact with Tommy.

 I looked up making eye contact with Tommy

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I payed the bill and walked outside with to meet him

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I payed the bill and walked outside with to meet him. "Can I just say you'd make the coolest biker chick," he started quietly. "I mean it would help if I could actually hold hard liquor. What'd you find," I replied. "You said to look out for like Rose Tyler or Bad wolf. I found Bad Wolf with long and lat coordinates below it," he shared, "How bout you?" "Confirmed sighting and he left with Rose," I explained. We started back towards the TARDIS and Tommy pulled me back. We were behind a ledge and kept his arms wrapped around my waist to keep my from moving. I pulled on the cloaking bracelet and slid one onto his wrist turning them on before something approached.

We held our breath and I watched as a man with a gun walked over looking around. "You sure she asked about Rose," the man asked. "Yeah. I didn't know there was a bounty out for them or I wouldn't have told her anything about them," the bar tender said. They walked off and I brought him to the TARDIS locking the door behind us. I turned off the cloaking devices and Jack looked concerned. "We need to hurry up. There's a bounty on them," I explained. "What'd you find," Jodie asked. "He found coordinates and I got a confirmed sighting from the bar tender because he sticks out like a sore thumb," I replied. I gave Tommy pen and paper, "Can you write down the coordinates? I'll be right back." He nodded and I walked to the closet changing back.

I walked back out and looked over the coordinates. "They're time coordinates too," I pointed out absent mindedly. "The TARDIS has been here before in our universe so this will be a bit bumpy. I'm basically going to have to manually over ride her course to stay within the frequency of this universe," I explained. "What does that mean," Tommy asked. "It means hold on," I said and plugged in the coordinates. I looked back to see them all hold on. I pulled the lever and started to run around as best I could. I had to grab on as she jolted and change her back into the right course. She tried to shake me off the panel. I slammed my foot on the button. "We need to go to the other one," I yelled at her. She sassed me back. "No you don't know the way! You're locking in on the wrong frequency," I snapped at her. I switched her back over. "Oi! Unlike the doctor you don't know better," I corrected.

"Who are you yelling at," Ianto asked. "The TARDIS," I said as if it were obvious. She started to groan in protest. "Shut! It! Just trust me and let me steer," I protested. "I didn't think she was serious when she said she spoke to the space ship," Tommy stated. "They bicker a lot," Jack stated. "Yeah because she can't just curse me out like she does with the Doctor, because I know what she's saying," I said raising my voice over her loud attempts to mock me. We finally landed but it was rougher than I thought and I lost my grip. I slammed back head first. I woke up and looked around the medbay. "Bitch," I mumbled. "Hey, are you okay," I heard Tommy ask. I looked over to see him sitting in a chair concerned. I nodded answering, "She does that a lot." "Jack used a weird light capsule thing," he added. "Nanogenes. They were actually a terrifying first find. The only reason younger him and his first companion Rose didn't die was because older him and myself ended up there by mistake and were trapped there," I explained. "Jack and them are out on this and said to keep you here, so I'm obligated to ask you to tell me the full story to stall you from inevitably going out to look for them," he said. I chuckled and sat on the edge so I was facing him. "Alright but once this story is over we go out looking for them if they're not back yet," I replied. "That's fair," he replied. 

"So it was England, in the 1940s. A town had just been bombed. We were looking for a distress signal in Scotland, but the TARDIS landed in the familiar coordinates instead. The doctor remembered what happened in the town and said not to let anyone touch you. The nanogenes had revived a little dying kid with a gas mask on, but it revived him as he was because they had newly been introduced to humans and weren't yet programmed to heal them. The kid was basically a zombie walking around asking 'Mummy? Are you my mummy?' It was horrifying. One of the kids almost got the younger doctor before it found the parent of the kid to correct its programming so I grabbed the kid. My memory blacked out. It was just cold and sad. Once the parent DNA over ridded the kids the nanogenes transferred by touch all corrected their mistakes and everyone was restored to their original state," I explained. "What if the nanogenes didn't correct themselves," Tommy asked. "I would have been stuck with a gas mask on my face and been a zombie, but we were from the future so we knew how much time and for certain that the nanogenes corrected themselves," I explained, "Now we need to go looking for the others."

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