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Dean stared at the spot where I had been seated for a whole two seconds, his expression not changing, but the emotion behind it changing constantly.

After what felt like an eternity, his gaze snapped up to his brother, who was holding the shotgun filled with rock-salt shells, aimed at the spot I had sat just moments before. Sam's expression was a combination of wonder, shock, surprise, and fright- every expression clear, not one dominant. When Dean looked at Sam, only one emotion was visible on Dean's face- Dean was pissed.

"Sam!" Dean barked. "What the hell was that?"

"I-I don't know," Sam stuttered. "I just- was- was that-"

"Marilyn? Yes! And you blasted her!"

Sam dropped the gun and backed away from it, as if that would reverse what he had done. Dean rolled his eyes and took a menacing step towards Sam.  "Sam-"

It took a lot of energy, but I made myself visible and stepped in front of Sam, making a barrier between the brothers.

"It's okay, Dean," I said calmly. "I'm still here."

Dean dropped his weapon and rushed over to me, as if he was worried I would disappear again. With the familiar feeling of his arms around me, I felt myself gaining strength, and soon wasn't struggling to keep myself visible.

"Marilyn," he whispered, burying his face in my hair. He kissed the top of my head, making me smile. I pulled away and turned to look at Sam, who was standing behind me, awestruck.

"How?" he breathed.

"Long story," I said, wrapping my arms around my tall best friend. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around me, and leaned down so his chin was resting on top of my head.

The sweet moment didn't last for long, though, because, as if on que,  Sam pulled me away from him and Dean spun me around to face him, the shotgun held so it was right in front of me.

"Are you real?" Dean asked me, a hint on uncertainty in his voice.

I rolled my eyes. "I mean, I'm a ghost. So as real as those get."

"But you're really a ghost?" Sam asked, and I felt his gun poking my back.

"Yes," I said slowly, holding up my arms in a surrendering motion. "I'm just a ghost.."

"Not a demon?"

I made a noise of disgust. "Not a demon."

Dean looked behind me, at Sam, and nodded. Without pulling the gun away, he said, "We'll need some proof."


"Come with us," Dean pulled his gun away, but Sam didn't. He kept the gun lightly pressed to my lower back, and led me into the kitchen. I thought it was funny how they thought a gun could keep a ghost scared and controlled, but figured it wasn't the best time to mention it.

Dean poured me a glass of holy water and slid it across the table to me. "Drink up."

I downed the glass, slamming the cup on the table before sitting down, and propping my feet up. "Can I get another one, sweetheart?" I asked as innocently as possible, smirking.

Dean smirked back at me. "Maybe later, we aren't done."

I shrugged. "Bring it on."


After just about every test I could think of, with the exeption of ones to see if someone's a ghost, Dean leaned back in the chair across from me. Sam was sitting on the table, next to my seat, looking down at me in amazement.

"Okay," Dean said, smirking. "Two more."

"Hit me."

Sam stood up and left the room, coming back with a container of salt and an iron rod. "Ready?"

I nodded, rolling my eyes at how cautious Sam seemed.

Sam put a short line of salt on the floor in front of him and looked up at me expectantly."Cross it."

I nodded, approaching the line. I was surprised to find I was physically incapable of crossing it. After a few attempts, I stepped back. "I can't."

"Good." Sam smiled. "Just one more. It might hurt."

I sighed. "Okay, go."

Sam raised the iron rod dramatically, swinging it down so it went through my body in a diagnal motion.

Right away, I felt a burning pain ripple through my entire body. It was a red hot burning sensation that began where the iron had touched, but slowly spread through out the rest of my body. Without my consent, my mouth opened, and a loud, blood curdling scream escaped my lips. I felt myself begin to disappear, and allowed myself to vanish completely.

I took my time to recover, appearing thirty seconds later behind Dean.

"Sam!" I shouted. "What the hell was that for?"

His eyes widened. He looked at Dean. "Well, she's a ghost."

"I said that, didn't I?" I asked, my voice still loud.

"I'm sorry Marilyn, but I did say it could hurt."

Dean turned around to look at me, wrapping his arms around me. "We did tell you we had to test-"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. You had to test your freakin' girlfriend to make sure I'm a ghost. Well, now you know, so make sure you never bring iron around me again, understand?" I glared at them both.

"Marilyn, I didn't mean-"

"Yeah, I got it."

I left them both standing next to the table, confused expressions taking over their faces. I made myself invisible, deciding to leave before I said something I didn't mean. I knew they had to test me, and I knew I over reacted, but I couldn't help it- it seemed like I had no control over my anger. I decided I needed to cool off before I could speak to either of them- for their sake and mine.




ok anyway


i was on a cruise so i was relaxing and only wrote one chapter i'm sorry.

i'll update againt tonight, so ya know, there's that.

i'm so excited for this story, i have it all planned out and you guys will probably hate me (-;

any ideas as to what will happen? if you have any, i'd love to hear them!


if you were looking forward to Opposites Attract (which i doubt anyone was ok but) i won't be updating nor writing that until 1:57 is finished. but keep it saved in your libraries bc i will write it, i promise! this a/n was so long i'm sorry ily byeeeeeeeeee

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