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In one swift movement, Dean let go of me, standing up to push Crowley down.

"What the hell did you do to her?" Dean barked, trying to take a swing at the King of Hell.

Crowley made a clucking sound with his tongue, holding up two fingers and moving them back and forth. Dean's face contorted with pain, his fingers slowly uncurling from his raised fist. He quickly brought the hand down to his chest, holding the place above his heart. He fell over, curling up and gasping for air.

"Stop!" I shouted at Crowley, moving so I was kneeling next to Dean. "Stop it!"

Crowley glared at the Winchester in front of me, squinting his eyes. Dean inhaled sharply, my hands shooting out to grab onto his plaid shirt sleeve. "Crowley stop it!" Dean didn't move, he continued to grasp at his chest. I peeled my eyes away from him, shooting daggers at the demon causing him pain. Crowley's eyes widened and he staggered backward, choking. Dean slowly released his chest, panting for air.

"I st-opped," Crowley choked out. "N-ow it's yo-ur t-u-rn."

I gave him one more hard look before looking back at Dean who was still laying on the ground in front of me, desperately trying to get enough air to satisfy his lungs.

"Are you okay?" I asked as gently as possible, keeping an eye on Crowley in my peripheral vision. Dean gave me a small nod, holding on to one of my arms.

"What the hell just happened?" Sam asked me, clearly alarmed. I looked away from Dean again, sighing.

"Sam, I can expla-"

"You're a demon?"

My eyes widened slightly, unsure as to how he had pieced the pieces together. Ghosts had special abilities too, right? "I- What?"

"Your eyes, they- they changed."

I closed my eyes, my heart sinking. "Yeah," I said, standing up. "I am."

Dean sat up slowly, shaking his head. "How?"

"I was becoming vengeful," I tried to reason as the man I loved stood up, taking a few steps back to distance himself from me. "I had to stop it. Crowley said he could help me, and I- I believed him."

"I could've helped you," Castiel said, his voice a tad bit more gentle than before.

"You didn't answer when I called." I reminded him, not taking my eyes off Dean.

Dean shook his head slowly, his expression a combination of surprise and confusion and hurt. "That's not what I meant."


"I didn't mean how did this happen. I meant, how... how could you do this? To Sam? To me?"

I took a step towards Dean, but he held up his hand to stop me.

"Dean, I-"


I nodded once, feeling defeat spread through out my entire body.

Sam opened his mouth to speak, but Castiel cut him off, stepping toward me until he was only a few feet away. "Let me explain."

"There's nothing to explain, Cas." Dean said, his voice empty.

"You of all people should understand this." Castiel snapped, and Dean closed his mouth. Cas looked back and forth between Dean and Sam, his eyes eventually focusing on Crowley, who was still holding his neck in one hand.

"Take a picture," Crowley said, releasing his neck. "It'll last longer."

Castiel made a noise of disgust. "You knew doing this would hurt her. Would hurt them."

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