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I was sitting with Sam and Dean, quietly drinking my coffee. They were eating breakfast, the only sounds heard were their utensils against their plates.

"Did something happen while we were out yesterday?" Dean asked me suddenly.

I perked up slighty, shaking my head. "No," I lied.

"Are you sure?"

"What would have happened?" I tried to sound innocent, believable.

"I don't know," Dean said, looking at Sam for help.

"We found a salt container misplaced." Sam said, taking another bite of his omelete. "Did you move it?"

"Why would I try to use something that hurts me?"

Sam raised his eyebrows, looking at Dean.

Dean sighed. "I just want to make sure you're okay."

I gave him a fake smile. "Me? I'm great."

Dean gave me a look that told me he didn't believe me, but he didn't push it. "Okay, good." he said finally.

"Did you guys finish your case?"

Sam shook his head. "No, but I think we've figured it out."

"We should be done after today," Dean said, looking at me. "And then if you want, we'll stop hunting again."

I shrugged. "That's not my decision to make."

"We'll take a break," Sam said, speaking to Dean. "We can always change our mind."

Dean nodded, standing from the table and taking his plate to the sink. "We should get going."

They prepared themselves, and I watched them, not visible to them, as they got ready, laughing at each other and playfully pushing each other around. Something had changed in them both, they suddenly seemed so... happy. As I watched them pack a bag to kill whatever they were hunting, I made my decision about Crowley's offer.

I couldn't take it. I couldn't do that to Sam or Dean.

Sam picked up the bag they had been filling, walking towards the door with it. Dean followed, stopping when Sam opened the door.

"I forgot my cell phone," Dean said. "I'll meet you in the car."

Sam nodded, leaving the bunker.

Dean closed the door, coming back near the study.

"It's in your pocket," I said, appearing in front of him. "What are you up to?"

He smirked at me, and instead of answering, he grabbed my waist, bringing me closer to him before connecting his lips to mine. He pushed me back until I hit one of the tables in the study, picking me up so I was sitting on it. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my hands finding their way to the nape of his neck. Before we could go any further, I pulled away, placing my hand on his chest and gently pushing him away from me. "Sam's waiting for you."

He smiled, leaning his forehead against mine. "Don't ever leave." he said to me.

I smiled back, nodding before giving him a quick peck on his lips. "I promise I won't. I'll do everything I can to stay here," Crowley's words ran through my mind, 'You have a week, maybe two... With the power you have, you will be kill crazy.' I closed my eyes, adding, "And good." in a whisper.

"I'm sorry for what I said." Dean said, shaking his head. "I know you won't go rogue. You'll be the first ghost not to go kill crazy."

I smiled a small smile at the irony of the situatuon, nodding. "Go, Sam's waiting for you."

Dean nodding, kissing me again before pulling away. "We'll finish later." he winked before turning and leaving the bunker.

I groaned, laying back on the table I was still on. After half an hour of that, I got up, going back down to the supply room.

"Crowley?" I called, wanting to tell him I'd made my desicion. When he didn't answer, I began to grow impatient. "Crowley!" I barked.

"What is it darling?" he said from behind me. I turned around, refraining from rolling my eyes. "Have you made your desicion?"

I didn't answer, just clenching my jaw because of the demon in front of me.

He smirked, beginning to circle around me. "I realize I didn't make everything clear the last time we spoke. Demons and ghosts are obviously very different, and if you take the deal, you'll have all the characteristics of a ghost, aside from the fact that you won't want to kill everyone."

I scoffed. "You're forgetting something," I said, turing to face him.

"And what's that?"

"Sulfur," I spat. "Demons leave behind sulfer."

Crowley pursed his lips, looking at the ground. "I can always take that bit away," he said, looking back up at me. "I'm using a lot of black magic here."

"And what about my body? I've been dead for almost two months." I was beginning to find more and more flaws with Crowley's plan.

"Everything will be taken care of," he promised. "Like I said, a lot of black magic is being used here. But you're worth it don't you think?"

I rolled my eyes. "What about sleeping and eating? I can do that as a ghost."

"You could do it as a demon, too," he cocked his head. "You're just looking for reasons to say no, aren't you, doll?"

I ignored his pet name for me. "I don't want to hurt Dean and Sam."

Crowley shook his head. "You won't be, darling, if anything, this will protect them from these violent outburts you know are quickly approaching."

"I don't know that, you're just telling me that." I snapped.

Crowley clucked his tongue, walking to stand in front of me. "No, no," he said. "You can feel it, I know you can." he took a step back, opening his arms as if he were showing me something incredible behind him. "Desicion time, sweetheart."

"You said a week!"

"I changed my mind. You might want to give me an answer before I change it again and take back the offer."

I looked around the room, as if the answer were hidden somewhere in it.

"Tic toc, darling." Crowley mocked me.

I glared at him before sighing. "Okay."

"Okay what?"

"Okay. I accept. We have a deal."



hi guys i'm back c:

who missed me? -que cricket noise-

ok ya i'm pretty sure we all saw this coming but idk maybe you had a little hope

then again, if you watch supernatural, you probably have none so idk.


speaking of them, i'm writing (another) 5sos fanfiction, Limits. you should read it, i'm pretty proud of how it's coming along (:


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