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*****Odin's POV*****

I pace back and forth in front of the delivery room door, waiting for news on Frigga and our first born child. The door bursts open and reveals the doctor in charge. "My King. Your first born daughter. Her heart is far too weak for her to make it past the first year of life," The woman explains. I rush to my vault and spot the box containing the items that a few members of the royal guard were sent to find. I lift the box carefully and carry it quickly back to the doctor.

I step into the delivery room to see Frigga holding a our daughter while her midwife holds a different child. "Come and meet your firstborn," Frigga says lightly, patting the spot beside her. I sit beside her and take the small baby into my arms. "Odin. Meet your firstborn daughter, Kára," She states as the midwife gives her the second baby, "And your second born, Hela." I keep my focus on Kára as she opens her eyes and looks straight at me, her dark blue eyes that have a green and orange around her pupils showing that the Infinity Stones I gave to the head doctor are working in the way I planned. I look over at Hela to see her sleeping peacefully in Frigga's arms.

***10 years later***

I walk into the palace after visiting Vanaheim to see Kára, carrying a book from the library, teleporting around the room as she's chased by Hela. I lift Hela into my arms as she runs past me. Hela screams out and tries to get to Kára by thrashing and kicking. "Stop this behavior at once Hela!" I order, sending her a look. She instantly stops but glares at Kára. "She took one of the magic books from the library though!" Hela huffs. "Because I asked her to bring it to me, Hela," I state. Kára teleports over to us and hands the book to me. Hela to snarl loudly and tackle her older sister as I place her on her feet. "Hela! What have we told you about hurting your big sister?!" Frigga scolds, lifting our dark haired daughter away from Kára. I lift Kára up and she hugs me happily. "I'll be taking Kára for her private lesson. Hela behave for your lesson with your mother," I state.

I kneel with Kára in the stable, after one of the twins' handmaidens that take care of the pair has helped her into her new armor. A large white Pegasus is lead out, her foal trotting after the mother quickly. "Kára. This is what your task will be when you're older. I'm placing you in charge of the Valkyries when you're of age. You will lead them to defend Asgard, our family and our people," I explain as the pure black Pegasus foal is guided over to us. "Do you really believe I can do that? Because I don't think I could ever," Kára mumbles, cuddling into my side. "Of course I believe in you. All the courage and belief you'll ever need in yourself is right in here," I state, pointing to the area in her chest where her heart is before kissing her forehead lightly.

***15 years later***

Beating wings sound throughout the kingdom as Hela, Frigga and I walk out into the entrance courtyard of the palace to see the Valkyries starting to landing their Pegasus after their daily training. A gorgeous black Pegasus, known as Neonora, lands in front of the large group of pure white Pegasi, to allow Kára off her back. Hela storms away angrily, her executioner outfit dragging behind her as she goes.

***3 weeks later***

Kára returns injured from the Valkyries battle to lock Hela away in Hel, supporting herself against Neonora. Frigga runs forward and helps to support Kára. "It's done. She's not getting out anytime soon. We lost all the Valkyries in the process though. I wouldn't have made it without Neonora," Kára explains.

As the night falls, I cast a spell on the kingdom to lock away all memories of Hela, knowing that it is best to remove her from people's thoughts after what she caused for the 9 realms.

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