Toby (Preath)

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"TOOOOOOBBBINNN!" Alex screamed at me from the living room. My living room to be exact. Alex was here for the day because Servando had to go to work and couldn't take care of her.

"What do you want now?" I groaned out, walking into the living room.

"Wow. Is that how you talk to you very ill best friend?"

"Yes. Now, what do you want?"

"Can you get me a glass of water?" Alex asked with a smirk.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You called me in for a glass of water?"

"Language my dear sweet Toby," Alex said pushing my buttons.

"Nope. No water for you. By now. I have a date to get ready for." I said walking out of the room with Alex groaning behind me.


"OW OW. Toby, you look hot! The things I would do if Christen didn't have you whipped." Alex said, looking me over, biting her lip and fanning herself. I looked down. I was wearing simple jeans and a t-shirt with a snapback and Nike shoes. It was nothing special since I was taking Christen bowling and didn't need to be dressed up.

"First of all, don't call me Toby. Second of all, ew. And third of all, shouldn't Serv be here by now? I want my peace and quiet back. Why are you still in my apartment, not that I don't love you?" I said to the sick girl on my couch.

"Serv is picking me up in like an hour. Don't worry, you'll get the house to yourself so you and Christen can have sexy times."

"My god why do I put up with you," I said shaking my head before grabbing my keys and wallet and making my way out the door.

"You love me, Heath!" She yelled after me before turning back to the soccer game she was watching.


Arriving at Allie's place, where Christen was getting ready for the date, I got off my motorcycle and knocked on the door. Allie opened it and gave me a once over and a whistle.

"Wow, Toby looking all hot for your lady friend. Christen better be ready." Allie said smirking.

"Why is everyone calling me that?! My god let me in Harry." I said, pushing past Allie. She laughed and closed the door.

"Gimme a second, just finishing my makeup," Christen yelled from down the hallway.

"You don't need makeup baby, you look beautiful always," I said.

"Charming will get you everywhere Ms. Heath," Christen said as she emerged from Allie's bathroom, looking stunning as always. The girl could wear a trash bag and would still look gorgeous. She was wearing jeans and a red, flowy top and white vans and looked absolutely breathtaking.

"Ready Toby?" She said, taking my hand. I nodded smiling at my gorgeous girlfriend.

"Why does she get to call you that and not me Harry?" Allie exclaimed.

"Because she, is the beautiful, talented and intelligent women I plan to marry someday, Harry. Toby is only reserved for her." I said, walking out the door. Huffing, Allie walked to the door and stood in the frame.

"Have her back by 1 am Heath," Allie said in her manliest voice possible. Christen giggled, making me smile to myself.

"I don't think I can do that, Ms. Long. I have plans for us tonight. Ones that don't involve you or anyone else except our bed and us and maybe the shower. Ooh or maybe the kitchen table. Actually no, I think the dining room table would be ideal." Christen slapped my arm but laughed along anyways.

"TMI HARRY! I didn't need to hear that! And remind me never to eat at your apartment again." She screamed before going back inside.

"You really are something else, Tobin Heath."

"It's Toby to you, Ms. Press. Remember that." I said before driving off to the bowling alley with the most beautiful girl wrapped around me.

A little Preath fluff and comedy for you. Send me requests. Comment what you think and vote!

-warwithlove ;)

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