Traded Pt. 2 (Talex/Preath)

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Tobin's POV

"Toby, come back here!" she yelled through the hallway of my apartment. 

I laughed as I ran through the opened door of my bedroom, ushered Freddie, my dog, in and closed it quietly. 

"Shhh buddy, don't let Chriszilla hear us," I stared at my small golden retriever. 

"Tobin, I can hear you. Open the door, you dork."

I laughed and slowly opened the door with a guilty smile. I smiled at the brunette and blushed slightly at the look she was giving me.

"Do you want to tell me why our kitchen looks like a hurricane went through it and Freddie's food is all over the couch?" Christen said with her hands on her hips and a small smile on her face. 

I chuckled nervously and put my hand on the back of my neck. It had always been a habit of mine to rub my neck when I get nervous.

"Well you see, babe, Freddie and I were baking some cupcakes for the gala tonight, but Freddie knocked over the flour as I measured it. Then he rolled around in it and ran around the house. The food in the living room, on the other hand, I can't explain that." 

"If it was all Freddie'a fault, why are you the one covered in flour and not him?" she said with a smirk. 

My eyes widened, and I looked down at my clothes. I turned to my dog.

"I thought we agreed you would take the blame? Why, Freddie? Why?" I said to my dog dramatically, as he shrugged as well as a dog could, and went to lay on the bed. 

I turned back to Christen and saw her pointed look and smile. She started laughing and grabbed my hand. 

"C'mon, dork. Let's get you cleaned up," she said as we walked into the bathroom. 

She pulled off my shirt and placed it in the hamper in the corner. 

My eyes widened when she started moving towards my pants. I put my hands on top of hers before she could get the button undone and looked at her with hooded eyes. 

"Chris, the only way I'm getting clean is if you join me. Otherwise, this flour stays on me."

She chuckled and smirked at her. Stepping back, she pulled her hair from the hair tie on and let it fall down her back. Moving her hands down, she put them on the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, leaving her only in a black lace bra. 

My jaw slackened as I looked at Christen. 

She stripped the rest of her clothing and stepped into the shower and under the warm water, leaving me half undressed and already horny. 


"Not yet, I'm not. That's your job first," I said as I quickly stripped the rest of my clothes before joining my the gorgeous brunette.

"Baby, why do we have to go to this thing?" I asked Christen as I watched her get dressed. She was putting on her makeup with only her underwear on, and I already wanted to get her undressed again. 

"Because my job requires it and we promised Allie. And stop staring at me. I thought we already fulfilled those needs earlier. Like three times." 

I got up and walked over to her. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pulled her back to my clothed front. 

I was wearing jeans and a button up. We both decided not to wear really fancy clothing and show up semi-casual just because we didn't feel like it. And because Mark wouldn't say anything about it because I knew he would do the same. 

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