Traded (Talex)

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"Orlando Pride, the newest team in the NWSL, acquires Ashlyn Harris, Ali Kreiger, and Alex Morgan. Morgan will be leaving the Portland Thorns-" Alex switched off the television with the remote sitting next to a frozen Tobin on the couch in their apartment. 


Tobin cut her off, "When do you leave?" she stated quietly. 

"Tomorrow. I meant-"

"You didn't tell me that you were leaving me." 

Alex moved to sit next to the girl. 

"I mean to Tobs. I didn't know how," Alex said, laying her hand on the midfielder's thigh.

"You didn't know how? All you had to say was, 'Hey Tobs, I'm getting traded to the new team. Sorry.' How could you Alex?" 

"Because of the reaction, you're giving me right now, Tobs. What was I supposed to do? I didn't want to lose my best friend," Alex pleaded with the stoic girl. 

Tobin laughed almost maliciously, "Best friend, huh? I guess I was wrong about us Al. Just best friend?" Tobin said, getting up off the couch and moving towards the door. 

Alex shot up and grabbed the midfielders hand and turned her around. Pushing her against the nearest wall, Alex caressed Tobin's face lovingly and looked at the now crying girl.

"You were never just my best friend. That's not what I meant." With that, Alex leaned in and kissed the girl. 

As soon as the kiss started, Tobin pushed her away. 

"No! You don't just get to kiss me again. Alex, you don't understand. You're moving across the country. You'll have a new team. The only time we'll see each other is when we play each other or when we go to camp. You'll make new friends. You'll probably find someone new. I can't do that Alex. I can't live knowing I can't make you the happiest girl alive. I can't be with you when I'm not there," Tobin said, breaking down into harder flows of tears.

Alex shook her head vigorously, "Don't say that Tobin Heath. We can make this work. We can call every day. And...and we can visit on breaks. And-" 

"Alex, don't. You and I both know that'll never work. I love you, Al. I will always love you. With all my heart. But I can't sit here alone while I think about your new life in Orlando, probably falling in love with someone new. Go Alex. Go to Orlando. Find someone new. Forget me," Tobin said before running out of the apartment. 

Alex slid down the wall and put her head in her hands, sobbing loudly. 

"Oh Tobs. What have I done?" she asked herself as she thought about the love of her life running out of the apartment and out of her life forever. 


Tobin and Alex didn't see each other again before Alex left for Orlando. She left a small amount of money on the table for her last payment of rent and a note for Tobin. 

When Tobin walked into her apartment a day and a half later, she found the note on the table. 


I love you. I will always love you. I wish you realized how much I wanted this to work. When Tom approached me with this opportunity I couldn't just turn it down. Tobs, they're going to pay me triple what I make here. I can't just leave an opportunity like that. 

I tried to get him to offer you a position as well, but we all know you would never leave the Thorns. 

Just know Toby, I will always be cheering you on. In games, in life, and in love. 

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