Pregnant (Preath)

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Tobin's POV

"Tobin if your ass isn't in this room in 5 seconds I swear to God I will kill you!" I heard my wife of 3 years yell through the house. 

I jumped up from my spot on the floor with our dog Gary and ran upstairs to Christen.

Barging into the room breathless, I looked over my wife to make she sure wasn't injured.

"What's wrong, baby? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" I said scrambling over to the bed to place a hand on her stomach and a kiss on her head.

I didn't notice the angry expression on her face until after I moved back.

"What's wrong? Are you kidding me? I'm tired, my feet hurt, I'm holding a watermelon in my uterus, I feel like my vagina is going to rip and my wife is downstairs playing with the dog instead of cuddling me. I'm fucking amazing!" She said as her hair flowed widely.

My eyes widened as I saw tears start to pool in her eyes. Leaping forward, I began placing kisses across her face. My hands naturally found themselves resting on top of her large, 9-month baby bump.

"Oh, baby. I'm so sorry. Gary just looked so lonely, and I thought you were reading. I'm so so so sorry. I love you and our little one so much," I said each word about a kiss. She huffed and crossed her arms, trying to show she was annoyed even though I could see the little smile on her face. 

I jumped up onto the bed and pulled her into my embrace, wrapping my arms around her. She leaned into my chest as I ran my hands along the baby bump.

"I really am sorry, baby," I said quietly.

"I know. Just hold me," She said as she wrapped her arms around mine on her stomach.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. I lightly placed kisses along the back of her neck and mindlessly rubbed her stomach.

"How did I get so lucky?"

"Hmm, what do you mean?" she asked sleepily.

"I mean, how did I get so lucky that I'm in bed with the sexiest woman on the planet who's holding what will be the most beautiful little girl or boy in the world?" 

She chuckled and leaned further into me.

"I'm not sexy. Look at me. I look like a whale." 

I looked down at her as she started playing with my fingers.

"Hey. Look at me," I requested. She looked up at me with her gorgeous green eyes.

"You are the sexiest woman ever. You could be 100 pounds heavier, and you would still be sexy. You're the most gorgeous woman I know. Inside and out. I couldn't imagine and sexier woman or a more beautiful soul. Never forget that, baby. If our kid looks anything like you, then we're going to have a problem. You're perfect."

She blushed and hid her face in my arms. I felt the tears start to fall and I knew not to mention it because she had been crying a lot with her hormone spikes. 

"Thank you, Toby. That means the world to me. I love you."

"Just telling you the trust, darling."

We settled into more silence, the only noise coming from the soft footsteps of Gary coming into our room and laying down. 

After a good half hour, I thought Christen had fallen asleep when I hear a soft gasp escape her.

"What's wrong, baby?" I ask.

"Toby, get the car started. This baby is coming."

And with that, I'm carrying Christen out the door and driving to the hospital, excited for what is about to happen.


My hand is dying right now. Christen is gripping it so tight I'm pretty sure I have a broken hand. 

"AHHHHHHHH!" "PUSH CHRISTEN!" Christen and our doctor scream simultaneously.

"Come on, baby. You're doing amazing. One more push. You got this."

"YOU DID THIS TO ME, TOBIN HEATH. I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" she screamed as she pushed. 

"I know, baby. You can kill me once you push. Breathe. and PUSH!"

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" she scramed and pushed.

"Good, Christen. Almost there. One more," the doctor said. 

"Come on, Chris."

Christen pushed once more and screamed loud enough that I'm sure people in Alaska heard her. 

"Good. Almost there-" the doctor was cut off with a small cry. 

"It's a girl!" he said and handed the baby over to a nurse. I looked over at the crying child, and for the first time in my life, I felt complete. 

"She's beautiful," I whispered. I turned to my wife.

"You did it, beautiful. We have a beautiful girl."

She looked at me tiredly and nodded before leaning forward and clutching her stomach. 

"What? What's wrong? Doc-" I started but saw that he was already ready. He was sitting in the same place he was a minute ago delivering our daughter. 

"Alright, Christen. Ready for the second one?"



"So you're telling me that you had no idea there was going to be two?" Allie asked as we huddled around Christen and our two kids. One boy, one girl.

"None. Doc said that we told him we didn't want to know anything unless it was life-threatening. Apparently, this did not qualify as life-threatening."

"I mean, it wasn't really," Allie said.

"Yes, it was. I almost had a heart attack when I found out it was two."

"Whatever, Harry. Both your kids and wife are healthy. That's all that matters. What are their names?" she asked as she gazed at my kids lovingly. 

I moved to sit next to my wife on the bed. She was holding our son while I cradled our little girl in my arms. I kissed Christen on the head, then my little boy and then my daughter before looking up.

"Luca Alexander Press-Heath and Lydia Grace Press-Heath," I said as I looked down at them lovingly. 

My life was complete now. I had a beautiful wife. Two beautiful children and even a beautiful dog. I had everything. 

"Luca Alexander and Lydia Grace. I love it. I better be the godmother," Allie said as she reached to take Lydia from my arms. I gave her over to my best friend before wrapping my arm around my wife. 

"They have 21 amazing godmothers and aunts. They're not going to be lonely ever," Chris said as she gazed at Luca. 

As if on call, multiple people started to flow into our room. My parents, Christen's parents, and our teammates made their way to each kid and us. 

I looked around at the people in the room that I knew I loved and would always be there for me, and the one thing that was going through my head was that I had a perfect life.

"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" I heard my wife ask.

"Nothing, baby. Just how glad I am that we decided to have a baby. Or two."

"Me too. But being pregnant sucks. If we ever have another, you're doing it."

I laughed and pulled Christen closer and kissed the top of her head.

"Wouldn't have it any other way, baby."


Just a little Preath fluff. Requests are open. PM me.


-warwithlove :)

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