Monopoly Deal (Talex)

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Alex had always been a competitive person, and I wish I knew that before agreeing to be her go-to competitor. Don't get me wrong, I'm competitive as well, I just know when to stop and take my losses. She doesn't have that gift. 

We were sitting on the bus one day for a long drive from Washington DC to Maine, because for some reason, Jill decided to have a camp in Bangor, Maine of all places. I was quietly reading my book when I feel Alex lean across her seat to investigate further what I was doing, placing her chin on my shoulder in the process. 

"Tobs, Harry Potter is so boring. C'mon, let's play monopoly deal. I'll go easy on you," she said in a sickly sweet voice. 

"First off, Harry Potter is not boring, it is life. Second, I'm busy." Turning back to my book, I tried to ignore Alex's cries of frustration and continue to read why Hermione was so pissed at Ron for the 100th time. 

"Tobin, if you don't play monopoly deal with her I'm literally gonna throw you both out of the bus," Lauren said angrily from behind them, tired of hearing Alex's cries of frustration. 

Alex moved to place her hand on my thigh and started rubbing slowly, making my body tense, feeling a familiar heat moving its way down my body. 

She placed her head right in front of my book, blocking my view from Harry Potter and said, "Please, Toby?"

Huffing, I said, "Fine. One game. If I win, you stop annoying me." 

"And if I win, we play another round." 


Alex won. She always won. I should have known that she would win. I smiled as she balled her fist and said,

"Yes! Ha. I knew I would beat you, Toby. Another game." 

"A deal's a deal right?"

We played for another hour before I saw Alex get drowsy. She yawned, trying to cover it up with her hand, before moving back to place another card down on the table. Seeing this was my chance to escape, even if I was having a fun time with Alex, I started picking up the cards. 

"Toby! What are you doing?" 

"You're tired and we have practice tomorrow and we're getting to the hotel late tonight. We don't want you to have to tell Jill you are too tired to practice because of Monopoly deal. C'mon, let's take a nap and then we can continue." Closing the makeshift table and putting the armrest between us down, I settled down into a comfortable position with my eyes closed. 

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I felt the armrest being lifted and a soft head being placed on my shoulder. 


"Yeah?" I said looking down at those beautiful blue eyes I was falling in love with.

"Thank you for playing with me. Serv never would."

"I'll always be there to play with you baby horse. Don't worry about that." As I was just about to fall asleep, I felt a pair of soft lips graze my cheek and a soft whisper that followed,

"Always and forever. I love you, Toby," she said before resting her head on my shoulder again and placing her hand in mine, squeezing softly. 

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-warwithlove :)

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