New Kid (Tobin/Reader)

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"The fuck? No, go away," I groned as my mother pulled my covers off my bed. I shielded my eyes from the light coming through the open windows and rolled over. 

"What have I told you about your language Y/N? Get up; you're going to school," she said as she dropped my comforter on the floor and walked out quickly.

I groaned and rolled out of bed and onto the floor, on top of my comforter. 

"Get off the floor and get dressed! We have to leave in a half hour!" my annoying mother yelled from downstairs.

"Yes, my wonderful birth giver. What would I do without you?"

"Shut up and get your sarcastic ass downstairs." I laughed and pushed myself off the floor.

I walked into the bathroom and did my business before taking a look in the mirror. 

"Fuck my hair," I muttered, staring annoyed at the birds' nest that was my brown hair. I grabbed my brush before attempting to untangle. Eventually giving up, I threw it in a messy bun before walking over to my closet. 

'No. No. Hell no. Why do I even own this? Fuck no. Ohh yes.' I thought as I threw clothing behind me.

I finally decided on a pair of blue jeans and a Green Bay Packers t-shirt. Walking back into the bathroom, I put a little mascara and concealer on to hide the atrocity that was the dark circles under my eyes before grabbing my vans and walking downstairs with my bag.

"Hello, my beautiful mother," I said walking over and kissing her on the cheek. I turned to my little brother, "Loser," I said with a glare. 



I chuckled and walked over to him and smacked him on the back of the head. 

"Love you loser. Bye momma. Tell Pops I'll be back after soccer tonight."

"Bye, sweetie. You'll be fine finding your way around? And can you pick up bread on the way home tonight?"

"Yeah. I've been to plenty of new schools before. And sure," I said as I grabbed my keys and wallet before making my way to school.


Tobin's POV

"So Tobs, did you fuck that smokin' cheerleader that was all over you last night?" Kelley asked crudely.

"Maybe. And don't talk about her like that Kels. She's not a piece of meat," I said as we made our way to our lockers.

"Oooh, is someone catching feelings?"

"No. Alex and I both agreed that we're just friends. With some benefits," I smirked, remembering how the brunette moaned loud enough to wake my neighbors last night. 

"God, why the fuck do all the hot girls go to you? Especially Morgan. She's-"

"I wouldn't finish that sentence, Kels. Besides, Alex is back on the market. Last night was the last time."

Kelley's mouth dropped open. 

"Why? Have you seen her?"

"I've seen a lot of her, Kels. But we just want to be friends. Besides, I heard from Ash that there's a new girl coming today." 

"Yeah, I think you're right." 

I followed Kelley's gaze, which was trained on the front doors of the school. 

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