I'll Always Love You (Harry)

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Tobin's POV

"HARRRRRRRRRRY!" Allie screamed as I made my way through the Portland airport to pick her up. 

I laughed at my best friend and jumped in her arms, her catching me with ease. 

"It's been too long, Als. How have you been?" I said smiling as she put me down.

"Good now that I'm here. I'll tell ya, Seattle is nice and all, but it's always raining. Do you know what I hate Harry? R-"

"Rain. Yes, so I've been told. That's why you should transfer back to the Thorns. Problem solved?" I said hopefully, wanting to have her back here with me. 

She sighed, "You know I can't do that Tobs. My contract doesn't end for another year, and Mark doesn't want me here anymore."

"That's not-"

"It's the truth babe. You know it is. Why do you think I left in the first place?"

I mumbled 'I don't know' under my breath and continued to lead Allie to my car, which was parked outside the airport. 

"He's not my biggest fan Tobs. I can't come back here."

"But I miss you being here Harry. First Alex, then you. I have no one left." 

"I know. I miss you too," she said as we got into the car and I started to drive to my apartment. 


Allie's POV

God, I have to tell her. Why the fuck haven't I told her yet. It's not like I meant to break her heart.

"Harry, I have to tell you something," I said nervously. 

"What's up Als? You know you can tell me anything," she said with a small smile and grabbed my hand across the table. God, why was she so perfect. She's going to be crushed.

I took a big gulp of my water and looked into the honey brown eyes that I knew were in love with me.

"I'm getting married." I saw her freeze, the hand in my hand going limp. 

"What?" she whispered, her heart, breaking into a million pieces. 

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you earlier that I was dating Bati. And now I'm being the worst person ever and telling you I'm marrying him. I'm so sorry Tobs. I didn't-"

"Didn't mean to lead me on for years and then come out and tell me your getting married. To a man? What is it, Allie? Are you not gay? You're not gay even though you prove on so many occasions to be attracted to me?" Tobin huffed as she got up out of her chair and started pacing. My eyes began to water.

"It's not that Tobin. I didn't want to hurt you. I knew you liked me and I couldn't bring myself to break your heart. Harry, I love you with all my heart. I just... I just don't love you the way you love me. I'm a flirtatious person Tobs. I didn't mean to lead you on," I said breaking down into tears. 

Tobin stopped her pacing and looked me in the eyes. She sat back down and brought her hand up to wipe the tears from my eyes. 

"I'll always love you Als. You can't stop that. I'll always have feelings for you somewhere, but I know you love Bati. I'll be at your wedding. I'll be there when you have fights with him. I'll even be there when you have little Bati babies. I just want you to be happy, Harry. With whoever that has to be. Even if it's not me," Tobin said, ending her speech and caressing my cheek before leaning over and giving me a soft kiss on the cheek. 


"No, don't say anything. I think I need some time Als. Go back to Seattle. Be with him. I'll be at your wedding. I'll see you then," Tobin said before walking out of the room and to her bedroom. I heard soft cries coming from the room, but I knew I couldn't do anything to stop them.


5 months later and still Allie's POV

I sent Tobin the wedding invitation. She didn't respond back so I have no idea if she's coming. She said she would, but I don't know, something could have changed in five months. 

I looked at myself in the mirror. There wasn't any argument that I looked fine as hell. This dress was perfect, and I couldn't ask for a more perfect man to call my husband in a few minutes. 

I heard a soft knock at the door.

"Als, it's time," Alex said as she came into the room. She looked stunning as well, wearing a navy blue dress and white heels, with her hair pinned up. 

I nodded and moved to walk out of the room with Alex. Waiting down the hallway was my dad. 

"Hi dad," I said with a small smile. He looked at me, and I swear he almost started crying there. 

"Babygirl, you look magnificent," he said kissing my head. 

"Thanks, Papa."

Opening the door, Alex made her way down the aisle to stop at the altar and stand to the side. The music started, and I saw everyone stand up to look back at me. I walked down the aisle with my dad towards Bati, who looked handsome as ever in his tux.

My dad handed me off to Bati's waiting arms. Turning to look once more at the crowd to find my parents, I saw the face of the women I broke the heart of five months ago.

Tobin sat in the second row, right behind my parents. She looked...happy. She had a smile on her face as she watched me. She met my eyes and nodded slightly towards me. I smiled back before looking to her left as she turned her head in the same direction. 

Tobin leaned into Christen Press's arm and whispered something into her ear. Christen smiled and kissed Tobin's cheek. 

I smiled slightly, knowing my best friend was going to be okay. Meeting her eyes once more, I mouthed the words, "I'll always love you too," before turning back to my future husband. 

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