4« a formal greeting

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{a/n} hey readers! hope you're enjoying the book so far! i just wanted to let you know that I decided Oscar really fit Jimin's character traits, (sweet, possessive, clingy,) so I'm changing it to where Oscar is Jimin. Sorry if that confuses you; I already went back and changed his name in the previous chapters if you need to reread it. But don't worry, that won't affect the storyline, besides just making it more relatable??? Idk but hope that doesn't change your opinion of the book! Happy reading!

(If you began reading and didn't see a character named Oscar, this doesn't apply to you lol)

"Can I get some help here? A woman fainted!"

As I grasped for consciousness, searching for any kind of security, my heart steadied at the warmth of someone's strong arms around me.
"Jimin.." I mumbled in my haze, tightly wrapping my arms around his waist as I nuzzled my head into his chest.

But as I lifted my heavy eyelids, it wasn't Jimin's gaze I met.
It was that beautiful stranger.
In my lethargic state, I hardly cared who held me, save the fact that I was in such a warm embrace.
Being so close to his face, I couldn't help but admire his smooth skin; he looked so glossy, like a wax figure.
"What happened?" The words fell drowsily from my lips as I blinked slowly, still waking up.
"You fainted," his deep whisper calmed my still-racing heart. "Are you alright?"
I closed my eyes and released a soft giggle. My voice was incredibly weak as I whispered back, "I just need some-"
"What do you think you're doing?"
Jimin's frantic yelling startled me closer to the man I had yet to learn the name of.
Go figure, he'd freak out.
"You're g-gonna have to let me stand," I mumbled. "H-he's protective."
Did he scoff? I couldn't tell.
"Let me help you. You're trembling."
I wasn't entirely too eager to accept the beautiful stranger's help, but he was right. My arms and legs were tingling, my vision still spotty.
He pulled me slowly up off the ground, never removing his hand from my waist.
"Dude, get the hell away from her." Jimin's aggressive threats were growing closer and closer.
Just before the beautiful stranger let go of my hands, he whispered sweetly,
"I'm Yoongi, by the way."
And then my fingertips slipped from his.
Regrettably, the next time our hands touched wouldn't feel nearly as warm.

But as I got handed over to Jimin, as if I were a doll, I noticed that his arms had a different feeling. Possessive.
As Jimin ushered me back to the kitchen, his scolding never ceased.
"This is because you skipped lunch, isn't it? God Dani, you can't do this to yourself. I don't want to have to babysit you, but I will if I need to. You really worry me sometimes, you know? Promise me you'll stop skipping meals; it's the last thing you need."
I could only nod absentmindedly as Jimin swiped a fresh basket of fries from the kitchen and leaned my weak figure against the counter.
"Let me get you some ranch."
I accepted the basket with a weak smile and ruffled Jimin's hair.
"You know me so well.."
He bit his lip, eyebrows furrowing together.
"Not well enough, apparently. You don't tell me anything."
"What?" My eyes widened; I had never expected something like this from Jimin.
"If you're not anorexic, why are you so skinny? Why did you leave work yesterday? Why were you hugging that guy like he's your boyfriend? Sometimes it feels like I don't even know you."
My smile fell in reaction to the hurt in his words, but I had to keep a level head.
"Jimin, you know I have a lot of very personal issues." I attempted to keep a level head, but if I looked into his eyes I'd be sent on a week long guilt trip.
"But I want to be there for you, Dani. How can I do that if you don't talk to me?"
I sighed, my eyes brimming with tears.
How could I possibly say something about Sam? That would make it real...
"It's not that easy."
"Why not?" He whined persistently, but my vision was becoming clouded by images of my life before now..
Walking Sam to school, taking him through the McDonald's drive thru, him falling down the stairs, the hospital, mom leaving, the lights, the chemo, the pills, the shots, the fainting-
"I can't," I threw the basket down and stumble-ran out of the kitchen as quickly as I could.
I didn't know where I was going, but I couldn't stand for Jimin's persistent attempts at opening up the torn tapestry that blanketed my heart.
As soon as I was outside the diner, I leaned my back against the window and heaved for air.
How am I ever gonna get through this?

"Leave me alone!" I yelled in frustration, covering my eyes as I pulled at my hair.
But the hands that gently pried my arms away were Yoongi's.
And frankly, I just couldn't take it.
"What is your deal?" I bellowed right in his stupidly beautiful face. "Are you following me or something? Because I can assure you, I'm not fucking special, so just leave me alone!"
His pink lips parted in surprise, but he didn't display much emotion. Contrarily, he placed his hands firmly on my shoulders, his piercing black eyes never leaving mine.
"Listen, I get it, okay? Shit gets really fucking rough, and you just don't know how to handle it sometimes. That doesn't mean you get to just give up and run away like a child. You need help, and you can't be afraid to ask for it."
After a swift silence, "What are you talking about?" I spat. "You don't know anything about me!"
Yoongi hesitated before coming in with a fatal attack.
"I know about your brother."
My mouth gaped open, but no sound came out, until,
"Fuck you."
I wrestled out of Yoongi's grip and raced down the pavement, trying in vain to reach my bike. I had hardly the energy to outrun the man, despite slamming my feet as quickly as I could on the concrete, it wasn't long before I was on my knees again, my heart and lungs on fire.
Yoongi had already caught up to me, his breathing still completely steady.
"Daniella, I have to show you something."
He reached for my hand, but I flinched at his touch, no longer finding comfort in it.
I know I promised to smile, but how is that even possible at this point?
"Listen, I live just up the street. Let me take you to my place, and get you a warm meal. We both know you need that. Besides, I owe you."
"You don't owe me anything." I turned my head.
"Maybe I don't personally," Yoongi whispered, reaching for my hand once more, "but my brother does."


{a/n} Thanks for reading! If you liked this chapter, I always appreciate a like, comment, or even a share if you really liked it!


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